The recent SOTU speech delivered by our president was one of the most
pathetic oral exercises I have ever witnessed.
Listening to The One read his speech (praise
the teleprompter!), one would
think he just showed up on the scene.
Instead, he is making the very same promises that he’s made for the last
5 years. The problems he complains about
are the problems he has either created or exacerbated. The solutions he offers are the very things
that worsened our problems. With O, it
is all about the show. Some in the media
have labeled him No Drama Obama; I
would call him All Drama Obama. Drama and shallow partisanship is all he
brings to the table. He misrepresents
reality with false or outright fake ACA stats, he goes on and on about a War on
Women, he praises the courage and sacrifice of our military while working with
his fellow Democrats to cut their pensions, he rails against a Do Nothing
Congress while promising to go it alone with executive actions, and he promises
to fix the economy with a new investment acronym and a raise in the minimum
After 5 years on the job, he has not one
accomplishment to stand on; think about that.
Universally acclaimed by all to be his signature accomplishment, the ACA
had to wait until 40 minutes into the speech to get a mention and then it was
clearly presented as a work in progress.
This is what we get when we elect an incompetent as President.
A real statesman, a real executive, a real leader,
and a true President would put his pen and phone in the desk drawer. He would stroll over to Capitol Hill where
his party controls the Senate. He would
roll up his sleeves and begin the arduous, frustrating, and extremely difficult
task of building bridges of compromise with our elected representatives so that
our government could once again gain some semblance of relevance, effectiveness,
and efficiency. Obama has pretty much
wasted the opportunities that existed with his significant and historical
victory, but he still yet has a chance to do some good before he wades into the
private sector. Against all expectations
and experience, here is hoping he is willing to work hard to accomplish something
of value in his remaining time as President and leave some type of substantial
legacy for his terms in office.