Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Doing The Right Thing For All The Wrong Reasons.

Doing The Right Thing For The Wrong Reasons.  I detest this president so much that it pains me to point out the rare times when I agree with his policies, but his recent decisions on the Mideast represent such a time.  Regarding the subject of the Islamic State of (fill in the blank ISIS, ISIL, IS??), I must agree with Obama’s ultimate decision but am severely aggravated by his rhetoric and justification for putting forth that policy.

As the president says, I agree that it has become abundantly clear, through many presidents and many years of painful and costly investments of blood and treasure, that things will not change for the better in the Middle East until the countries of the Middle East rise up and deal with their radical elements.  In his own socialist and weasel fashion, Obama has said this repeatedly.  For the first time in his terms, I would love for him to simply stand up on principle and hold his ground.  Instead, he starts out strong, indulging in his nonchalant golfing and vacationing to emphasize that the problem is really “middle eastern” in nature and not inherently American.  But true to form, once the polls turn against him and he begins to encounter political headwinds, he tries to don the demeanor of the warrior and talk tough.  Three words of advice for you Barrack…it ain’t working.  The time is long past when you are going to persuade any person of serious thought that you are a principled and strong leader; that ship has sailed. 

For once in your life; for the first time in your presidency, stand up and defend your core beliefs.  This time, miraculously, you have stumbled upon the correct policy.  NOW is the time to defend your beliefs and show some backbone.  The ages-old conflicts and disputes that are in the Middle East DNA will not be settled by America…or Britain…or Australia…or any other democratic nation on this planet.  The strain of radical Islam that has infected this world and threatens civilized nations everywhere can only be effectively destroyed by the majority of Islam believers that hue to a kinder nature; a nature that respects life, freedom, and choice of religion.  Until that time comes, America will not solve the Middle East problem; no matter how much treasure or blood is spent.

Based on his socialist leanings and his rejection of American exceptionialism, Obama has concluded that America cannot solve the Middle East conundrum.  It is also easy for him to believe this because he has no appetite for a fight and no respect for our history.  He is right…for all the wrong reasons.  But in his typical weasel fashion, even when he makes the right decision, he tries to ease into it in the most painless fashion possible, refusing to acknowledge what he believes and why he believes it.   This particular, and common, behavior of our president is what makes him so weak and lacking of respect.  He is always looking for the easy way out, the path of least resistance.  He is always looking for someone else to blame, never to be held accountable himself.  He is fearful of being out front because things will not always go well for the one who leads.  Thus we are saddled with the “leading from behind” philosophy and a president who has no respect at home and ridiculed from afar. 

For the first time in his political career, it would be so refreshing…no, it would be so inspiring…for our president to stand up, say what he means in unequivocal words, defend his position, and throw caution to the wind.  Of course, it would also be nice if Christmas came on December 25 and June 25.


Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...