Government Policy on Disclosure. In a recent press conference, State Department spokesman John
Kirby stated the following: There were no
rules governing this sort of action in the past, so I find no reason to press
forward with a more formal or deeper investigation. What matters to me – and I take it seriously
– is our commitment to transparency and disclosure. This remark by Kirby was in response to
the discovery that the State Department had deliberately edited out selected
portions of a prior State Department news conference archive record at which
State Department official Jen Psaki had essentially admitted to hiding the
beginning date of Administration negotiations with Iran; all while trying to
sell Congress and the public on the wisdom of the Iran Nuclear Agreement. This Kirby admission came only after the State Department had previously
blamed the archived video deletion on a glitch.
In other words, the State Department lied about lying and then tried to
cover up their lies. Oh…and Kirby said “I
take this very seriously”. Obama and his Kiddie Korps are on parade once again.
Psaki is one of the primary faces for U.S. foreign policy. Her prior experience includes various press
and communications roles in the Obama Administration. She is also married to a deputy finance
director at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. If you think about it, you can easily recall
not too long ago when she and her fellow official Marie Harf were putting in a
lot of face time before the press. It
just so happens that Harf actually served as the Acting State Department
Spokesperson prior to Mr. Kirby being
selected for that job. Her consolation
prize for losing that spot turned out to be the job of Senior Advisor for
Strategic Communications to Secretary of State John Kerry. She was the leading Administration official
on the Iran Nuclear Deal communication strategy team.
Add to this dynamic duo the esteemed Ben Rhodes, who recently revealed
in a highly publicized interview that the Administration misled journalists
regarding the correct timeline of U.S. negotiations regarding the recent Iran
Nuclear Agreement; thus using (in his words)
the young and inexperienced reporters to create an echo chamber to parrot the
Administration’s line on the talks in an attempt to sway public opinion. Rhodes is the same fellow whose previous claim
to fame was serving as driver and gopher for various political campaigns while
attempting to write the great American novel.
I believe Mr. Rhodes’ current title is Deputy National Security Advisor
for Strategic Communications and Speechwriting for U.S. President Barack Obama. He was also an Advisor on the Joint
Comprehensive Plan of Action on the Iran Nuclear Deal. He is married to one of Senator Boxer’s
chief staff members.
These are the people…Rhodes, Psaki, Harf… that Obama has chosen
to help administer one of the most critical strategic agreements in our
lifetimes? This is the group that will
help to form a nuclear agreement with what is likely the most radical nation in
the Middle East? This is what America
has gotten from the Obama Administration; a group of arrogant, idealistic, and
naïve yuppies that are more than willing to drink the One’s kool-aid and carry
his luggage. They obviously share his
philosophy on ethics and as Kirby said…a
commitment to transparency and disclosure (cough, cough). For all
intents and purposes, these are bright and witty college grads that moved
directly from the campus into the political process. They have never evolved intellectually or
emotionally beyond their collegial adolescence and fit in quite nicely with the
balance of Obama’s school of imaginary reasoning. Their entire universe revolves around
themselves, those that are just like them, and those that will do anything to
be one of them. They live in a shiny WDC
bubble where all value is placed on style and all spoken prophecies are
self-fulfilling. Is it any wonder that
they are some of the most arrogant and conceited individuals ever employed by
the U.S. government and harbor nearly zero regard for any allegiance to the
constitution and government’s inherent responsibility, and accountability, to
the citizenry?
In the last few days, Hillary Clinton’s right-hand gal Cheryl
Mills was deposed regarding the ongoing Clinton email scandal. Mills was Clinton’s Chief of Staff when
Clinton served as Secretary of State. Mills
has been associated with the Clintons ever since Bill’s impeachment hearings
back in 1999. In Mills deposition, she
was asked approximately 250 questions.
She brought seven lawyers with her.
She responded to 182 questions with “I
don’t know”. She responded to 40
questions with “I don’t recall”. Does any sane person actually believe that a
Clinton Administration would be any more committed to transparency and disclosure than the Obama Administration has been? Does any sane person actually believe that a Trump
Administration would be any more committed to transparency and disclosure than the Obama Administration has
been? Based on the way he has lived his
life and conducted his business, one can only imagine the carnival atmosphere
of a Trump presidency. He won’t even
disclose his tax filings or be forthcoming about his faux college enterprise.
There is absolutely no reason for any American citizen to credit
our government, ALL of our government,
with any degree of integrity or honesty.
Veronique De Rugy has an excellent article on this subject at @
Morality, ethics, and any grasp for the concept of accountability flew
out the doors of the White House and the Capitol a long, long time ago. Obama has fully embraced and taken to new
levels the seedy corruption and greed that Republican and Democrat Presidents
before him have created and nurtured. At
this point in time, we are left with the vaporous hope that either Trump or
Clinton will restore some degree of integrity to our Executive Branch; that one
or the other will replace Obama’s corps of college glee club appointees that
litter this Administration top to bottom with some people who have experience,
intelligence, and some semblance of honor.
Damn slim hope.
It is often said that a fish rots from the head. If we compare our government to a fish, the
decay has extended well past the gills and is moving rapidly towards the
tail. This nation celebrated Obama’s
initial presidential election as a chance for new beginnings. His supporters were absolutely giddy with the
hope and change mantra that he so
enthusiastically put forth. Even after
four years of reality that pretty well demolished his façade of genius, the
American public still yearned for
that change and gave him one more term.
They were mistaken; tragically so.
He has naively continued his attempt to systematically dismantle many of
the very principles that created this country and have made it great. He has forsaken responsibility and leadership
for idealism and rhetoric. And now…we
apparently look to Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump to cleanse the government of
Obama’s useful idiots, restore function and common sense where none has existed
for decades, and lead this nation back to a global position of admiration and
respect. Are we all really that stupid?