Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Missing in Action.

Apologies to my handful of faithful readers; I have been remiss in posting any  new material for some time.  There are, however, two legitimate reasons for this absence of fresh postings.

First off, I have been actively pursuing public office for the first time in my life.  My political quest for the Magisterial seat in my  home District of Grayson County has been underway for several weeks now and it will undoubtedly run up to the election day in November.  It has been an adventure; one that I will write about in more detail at a later date...win or lose.  The highs have been meeting so many great people and seeing parts of my home county for the first time.  The lows have been the inevitable grind of analyzing voter data listings and trying to decipher road addresses off of rural mailboxes that are typically found in conditions ranging from spanking new with large glossy numbers to a crumpled mass of metal best resembling a compressed beer can.

The second reason for my lengthy blogging absence is the fact that I am totally disgusted with the behavior of our two national parties and our President.  They are all enthusiastically engaged in a pathetic, sophomoric, inexcusable, irresponsible, inexplicable, unprofessional, unethical, and simply perplexing race to the very bottom of the civility barrel.  I am without capacity to comment in any meaningful fashion regarding the current political state in our nation.  Until I can manage to formulate some type of meaningful impression that might possibly be understood by a reader, I will continue to refrain from adding fuel to the partisan fire that is roasting this nation's government alive.

To those readers who find this news encouraging and a harbinger of a cleaner, neater, less trashy internet...I simply say...please be kind.  To all the others, I ask for your patience as I try to decipher some method to the political madness that has enveloped our country.

Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...