from the angst that the current political divide has created in the personal
and public lives of Americans, there is the very real cost of that which is not being accomplished. Congress fiddles while critical American
issues fester. The basic, fundamental
reasons for which we send elected officials to our nation’s capitol are being
ignored and growing more serious by the day.
Each election cycle, we select Senators and Representatives and
Presidents that promise a new day in WDC; a day that will usher in a different
era of bipartisanship and accomplishment.
Freshmen members of the House bring their unbounded energy and
excitement to Congress, only to be subdued by the corrupt power structure that
has existed in that branch for decades.
The fierce determination of the incoming legislators is crushed beneath
the gears and cogs of existing legislative hierarchies that foster group-think
and rigidity rather than expansive thought and innovation. New players like Donald Trump and Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez break the mold and experience a burst of new-found excitement and
energy; only to have their unconventional attitudes and remarks analyzed to the
point of defragmentation.
they cleanse our nation’s capital and government of all the political heretics
who foster different and dangerous ideals; before they reinvent the
constitution and the basic framework of our governmental model; before they
revolutionize the planet and mold it into a nirvana of unicorns, rainbows and
lollipops…perhaps our elected
representatives in Congress should simply focus on doing the things that we
sent them up there to do.
The USMCA. At a time when the U.S. economy is doing
quite well and needs to continue its momentum, we are seeing the global economy
showing concerning signs of slowing down and the United States and Mexico and
Canada free trade Agreement continue to languish in the House of
Representatives. The fact is that people’s
jobs, the American economy (as well as
Mexico and Canada), and an added incentive for future free trade negotiations
hinge upon this Agreement receiving Congressional approval. The heavy lifting has been done by the
Administration. Congress, do your job.
The FY2020 Federal Budget. The Senate tabled Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget work pending the outcome
of President Trump’s and Speaker Pelosi’s budget talks. Those talks have been completed for some time
now. FY2019 ends on September 30,
2019. Our government has no budget for
the next fiscal year. Once again, we
will be seeing the use of continuing resolutions and omnibus bills to allow our
country to fiscally operate. There are twelve primary appropriation bills for
Congress to annually pass; one…per…month. Congress, do your job.
Immigration Reform. DACA, the illegitimate product of the Obama
Administration, continues to be administered in legal limbo. Republican and Democrat Chief Executives
alike never seem to understand that the Achilles Heel of the Executive Action
is that one President can easily undo what a previous President has
accomplished through Executive Action.
As this nation continues to waste time, money, and the very lives of
immigrants (both legal and illegal)
debating what to do about immigration, nothing is being accomplished. This Triage
through Band Aids approach is a disgrace; especially when it is commonly
accepted that the major concerns of our immigration challenges have ready
solutions that enjoy bipartisan support.
Congress, do your job.
miss the next post!
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Election Reform. Historically, nations have attempted to
interfere in other nation’s elections.
America has done it and others have done it to America. Hillary Clinton sought to enable it in her
contest with Trump via the Steele dossier.
Putin’s Russia tried to do it to our 2016 presidential election through its
sophomoric social media escapades. The
Democrats have wasted over two years trying to prove (unsuccessfully) that Trump was complicit in this Russian mischief; while
Obama openly did it to Israel. The Left
rails continually about the injustice of the Electoral College, the
disenfranchisement of various voting groups, and the dangers of foreign efforts
to impact our elections. The Republicans
rail that any limitation whatsoever of money in politics is an infringement on
fundamental free speech rights. And yet
nothing is being done legislatively to address any of these legitimate concerns.
News Flash: Wouldn’t it be better
to close the barn door than complain about horses escaping. Congress, do your job.
The FY2021 Federal Budget. It is bad enough that we will go into FY20
with no federal budget in place. It is
even worse that the time that should be spent holding hearings, doing research,
and making serious spending decisions regarding priorities for FY2021 (the fiscal year that will begin on September
30, 2020) is instead being consumed by figuring out how to pay the bills in
what will be the current fiscal year,
FY2020. Common sense SCREAMS for a federal spending plan to
be properly authored and approved prior to entering its effective fiscal year. How can any rational person expect federal
departments and agencies to function with any fiscal effectiveness or
efficiency when they have no spending plan to operate with? And people wonder why bureaucracy continues
to paralyze our government? Not only
should a federal budget be in place prior
to the beginning of each fiscal year, there also should be a two-year
federal budget cycle to better improve fiscal operations. Congress, do your job.
The Federal Budget Deficit. https://www.concordcoalition.org/budget-decisions?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqIqolqns5AIVmuDICh3WNw0FEAAYBCAAEgLRwfD_BwE
single issue that continues to garner universal and bipartisan support in WDC
is deficit spending by the U.S. government.
It is an unvarnished fact that the failures to honestly acknowledge, discuss, and address this ongoing problem for
our country is a stain on the integrity of both national parties. There is so much fiscal fruit that is well
within reach; but will not be touched due to political considerations. The day will come when there will be a
reckoning for the irresponsible accounting practices approved by our Congresses. The burden that is being passed forward to
future generations of Americans is the height of malfeasance and should be a source
of embarrassment to our Senators and Representatives. Congress, do your job.
National Infrastructure. Before the Resist Trump movement; before the Russian Collusion hoax; before
the polarization of our national media and citizenry at large…there was the
very real possibility of a bipartisan
piece of legislation that would partner federal resources with state and county
resources in an effort to address the failing conditions of our national
infrastructure. We are blessed to reside
in a nation that is full of beauty, diversity, and literally stunning
wonder. The transportation systems that
connect this environment are crumbling before our very eyes and straining the
economic capabilities of government at all levels. For the sake of our very safety, our jobs,
and our recreational possibilities, our nation’s infrastructure must be brought
up to acceptable standards and maintained in that fashion for future
generations. Congress, do your job.
National Health Care. As I have written before, there is no need to
throw the Obamacare baby out with the bath water. Politicos on both sides of the aisle need to
put their egos aside and address the shortcomings and inequities in our present
health care system. Once again, this is
one of those issues where many acres of common ground exist between the
national parties and the focus should be on those areas. It is undeniable that health care in our
nation is too expensive. It is
undeniable that too many people go without the basic health care they should be
receiving. It is undeniable that our
logic-challenged government has no business trying to micro-manage an industry
as expansive as national health care when it is best left to the boundless
possibilities of the American free-market system. Forget the acronyms and the revolutionary
ideals; let’s just get the national parties together and begin to inject some
common sense and reason into this part of our lives that is draining so much of
our economic and political energy. Congress,
do your job.
Entitlement Reform. The universal Congressional approach to
entitlement reform mirrors its approach to the federal budget deficit. Kick the can down the road; let the next
Congress or President deal with it; the money will never run out and we have needs that must be addressed. The attitude seems to be that…hey, we print the money; why worry? We should ALL
worry because it is the right thing to do.
We should all worry because in a nation that is so very blessed in a
material sense, there are far too many hurting from inadequate resources. We should all worry because just as our
parents sacrificed for our futures, so we should sacrifice for the futures of
our children. We should all worry
because true compassion is as much about creating opportunity as it is about
giving aid. We should all worry because
the due date on our entitlement debts will inevitably arrive. Congress…please…just do your job.