Thursday, October 24, 2024

This Election, Consider the Four “C”s

What are the four “C”s?  They are Constitution, Competence, Courage, and Consistency.  Which candidate can best deliver this?  Let’s take them one at a time.


Constitution:  Beginning with Obama, the Executive Branch of our government began to blow through the constitutional boundaries on Executive Action.  When Obama used up his extraordinary portion of public and Congressional good will by ramming Obamacare down America’s throat in his first two years, he poisoned the partisan well in Congress to the point where he was simply unable, or unwilling, to work with them on a bipartisan basis.  He then resorted to new adventures in Executive Action that essentially shifted a lot of governing power from the Legislative and Judicial Branches over to the Executive Branch.  


When Trump followed Obama into the White House, he too became disenchanted with the difficult task of working with Congress in the pursuit of governance.  Like his predecessor, but to a lesser degree, he overly indulged in the practice of Executive Action. 


The Biden/Harris Administration started from a position where the constitutional barriers on Executive Action had been compromised and literally exploded it to extremes heretofore unseen.  Given her political career up to this point, there is no reason to expect a president Harris to slow down on this effort to distort the Constitution in ways that empower the Executive Branch beyond what our framers intended. 


As I mentioned, Trump is certainly not blameless in this area.  He largely refused to work with Congress in a productive fashion, even when his party controlled both houses.  But all things considered, Trump has a far better record of respecting our constitutional blueprint than does Biden/Harris.  Harris certainly appears to be nothing less than Biden 2.0…or perhaps Obama 3.0.  The advantage on Constitution goes to Trump.


Competence: Any reasonable and rational examination of VP Harris’s political career leaves a large and nagging doubt about her level of competence to perform any position of authority and influence at a high level.  She is vacuous, shallow, and an unprincipled bubblehead.  She is an avatar for those who support and control her behind the scenes.  There is no reason to expect that a president Harris would not continue, and perhaps even accelerate, the Biden/Harris inclination to seed our government from top to bottom with stupid, insipid, non-serious, irrational, and clueless liberal/progressive ideologues who are, if nothing else, seriously and legitimately incompetent.


I do not think of the words Trump and competence in simultaneous fashion.  It is not a word I would use to describe Donald Trump; but having said that, his history in the business world and his record as president demonstrates clearly that he by and large surrounds himself with intelligent and competent people.  And while a lot of those appointees were not sufficiently tolerant of Trump’s monstrous ego to stay around for long, he always managed to replace them with reasonably competent successors.  History dictates that on the subject of Competence, the advantage goes to Trump.


Courage:  While not a shining example of intestinal fortitude, it seems fair to say that Harris could not have achieved the position she now occupies as a candidate for president without possessing a significant amount of personal courage.  There can be little question that her identity of being a minority female has made it more difficult to have reached this level in her political career and whether or not she wins the race, she should be admired for getting to this point in the political process. 


For many reasons, Donald Trump obviously does not lack personal courage.  While a part of that trait is no doubt a product of an entitled life, that privileged upbringing cannot fully explain his business success and the valor he has shown while being under constant political attack and life-threatening physical attack.  Regardless of wherein lies its source, Trump clearly is a brave man.


The relevant question here is which candidate has political courage?  Which one will best be able to make the hard and difficult choices as president when no good options are available and no one is willing to stand with you when you take the bad or unpopular ones?


I cannot find a single instance where Harris has taken a political stand based on courage or principle.  Much like her mentor Joe Biden, she is intimately in tune with the direction of the political winds and effortlessly flows in that direction.  While Trump is also prone to say anything to anybody at anytime if it will serve his interests, he did demonstrate his willingness to take unpopular actions during his term as president and on occasions, even confronted his own party leaders.  Once again, the reality of past actions dictates that the advantage on Courage will go to Trump.


Consistency:  In many respects, consistency is a product of combining the previous three elements in this post…Constitution, Competence, and Courage.  While I would never expect to find a president that performs exactly how I as an individual citizen would expect, I would like to have one that is sufficiently competent to comprehend our constitution and has the courage, both personal and political, to consistently adhere to its blueprint as the leader of our nation. 


While considering that I have rated Trump superior on the foregoing three elements, you would think that he is a clear winner on this fourth.  The problem with that assumption is the simple fact that Donald Trump is one of the most unpredictable and inconsistent politicians you will ever meet.  He was a Democrat before he was a Republican.  He was liberal before he was conservative.  He will often be for something today and against that same thing next week.  But here is the point: Even though he is an inconsistent individual, he is always consistently Trump.  What you see is what you get; even though you may not always know what that is going to be.  Like him or not…he is authentic; he is real.


If we have learned nothing else from the Harris campaign for president, we have certainly learned that she is a vaporous and malleable person who seems to have no solid core of substance or principle.  The one reliable thing that you can say is that she has always been quite reliably…liberal and progressive. 


Therefore, on this fourth and final evaluation of desirable presidential traits, I will give the advantage to Trump.  I do this not because he is any more predictable than Harris; they are both needy, egomaniacal politicians.  That is what they both are.  But as I said before, if a leader is a combination of their constitutional respect, their competence as administrators, and their political courage to do the right thing…then I will select the personally inconsistent Donald Trump that I have little respect for…because he has demonstrated a high level of administrative consistency over his lifetime.  After all, we do refer to our presidents as “Chief Executive”.


While Harris has been a fairly consistent model of political philosophy throughout her career, the simple fact is that her model is one of liberal and progressive idiocy.  It is a product of her failings in the three components that blend into the final element of consistency.   As a political leader, she has been consistently bad.


Our nation, relying as it must on its constitutional moorings, is incredibly strong and enduring.  It has survived many disasters, both natural and manmade.  It has survived bad presidents, corrupt legislatures, and rogue federal prosecutors and judges.  While I have grave concerns regarding what a Harris Administration might portend for the next four years, I cling to the notion that our nation could survive that possible outcome. 


Legitimate votes matter.  Politicians are elected to terms in order to reward them or punish them for their service to the people.  Given the choices before me, I must cast my lot with Donald Trump.  His record and potential is markedly more promising for America than that of his opponent, Kamala Harris.


This will be my last post before the upcoming national elections in November.  I urge everyone…educate yourself on your choices, think about what you want in your elected leaders, vote on election day,  reconcile yourself to those results as they may be…and then get on with living your lives.  America will survive a chaotic second Trump Administration full of bluster and caricature or it will weather an initial Harris Administration full of Obamaesque naiveté and Bidenesque ineptitude.  Yeah…just keep repeating those words to yourself over and over…you might even start to believe it.  We will get the government we deserve.


Moving on to other news of the day, here is all things National Media:


The Democrats and their allies tell you that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy.  Listen to this and then ask yourself: Who is the real threat:


All things Campaign 2024:


Sad but true:


All things Election Integrity:


All things Education:


School choice anyone???


Closing Notes to think about:


Being an elder myself, I liked this:


Combine profligate federal spending with climate lunacy and what do you get???


Optional: Post-Election Therapy…You can call it celebration, or grieving, or consolation, or despair, or whatever you might choose.  There is one remedy that will address them all…music.


Outstanding attitude:


What a great place to grow up in:


Ever feel the need to just get away?


More of that Tom Petty attitude, Springsteen style:


Live it like you love it…:


…‘Cause it will be over with before you know it:


Yeah…so many of the great ones left us way too soon:


Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Budget is Screaming, but No One is Listening

The Democrats and Republicans who constitute our government are totally irresponsible with the profligate federal spending levels that both national parties have created and which both national parties choose to ignore.  You might prefer the spending priorities of one party over the other, but any honest examination will reveal that both are equally guilty when it comes to federal fiscal insanity.  Oh they talk the talk; but will not walk the walk.  Since 2000, both parties have simultaneously held the White House and controlled both Houses of Congress for periods of time.  Yet when presented with that opportunity to dictate federal spending policies, they failed to deal honestly with our burgeoning federal debt. 


Also beyond doubt is the fact that the Biden/Harris Administration has taken federal spending to levels heretofore unseen.  With total disregard for the cost that will inevitably be thrust upon future generations, Joe Biden and his Democrat faithful have tirelessly sought old, new, and highly creative ways to spend your tax dollars.  Even now, as his VP campaigns to hold the Executive Branch of government for his party and he finishes out his term as a lame duck, Biden stubbornly comes up with yet another student loan forgiveness giveaway (links below)…after the Supreme Court of the United States and our court system has repeatedly told him he does not have the authority to do so.


The plain and simple truth is that both parties have surrendered to the irresistible temptation of spending federal taxes in ways that panders to their loyal voters.  They have lost any semblance of moderation or accountability in spending; they have continued their push to create new and creative ways to get more of your earnings into the federal largess; and they have shamefully quit talking about the subject of federal debt, excessive federal spending, and any form of responsible budgetary legislation.  When it comes to national politics, spending is fun; responsible budgeting not so much.


The facts are plain.  The problem with excessive federal spending…which leads to federal budget deficits…which leads to astronomical federal debt…is NOT the amount of tax revenue that the government is receiving.  Under the Biden/Harris Administration, record levels of income have been received.  The problem IS that the increases in federal spending are far outpacing the increases in federal tax revenue.  It is NOT that the rich don’t pay their fair share; it is NOT that corporations are overrun with greed and pursuit of profit; it is NOT that that the tax code is somehow grossly out of whack.  The explanation is that our government cannot control its spending jones and will not zip up the federal coffers to control that lustful spending urge.  Here is the reality…


THIS is what’s coming in:


THIS is what’s going out:


Read some more about our federal spending habits:


Coming in:


Going out:


Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are both guilty as sin for promising increased federal spending in an effort to appeal to potential voters.  If our nation is to return to some semblance of responsible fiscal behavior...we must prioritize all federal spending, reduce some federal spending, and eliminate other federal spending.  We cannot continue to spend a large percentage of our Gross Domestic Product on federal debt interest; that is simply throwing money down a hole.  It CAN be done.  

Remember…  America actually had a BALANCED federal budget as recently as the mid-1990s.


Why worry?  Here’s why:


Enough about our government’s fiscal illiteracy; let’s move on to the other news of the day…


Immigration remains a very hot topic:


Did someone say “Campaign 2024”?


Election Interference is very real.  The fact is that most of it is discovered in a reactive fashion and that discovery occurs too late to rectify its damages and effects…the horses have left the barn.  Was the 2020 election stolen?  Not likely, but we will never know and it is pointless to continue that argument.  What is for certain is that some strange ish took place in that covid-infested political contest and there is no reason to expect that it won’t be tried again this time around.  If you KNOW something is coming and you fail to PREPARE for it…then WHO is to blame for the consequences?


Partisan politics has infected every single branch of the Biden/Harris Administration:


Speaking of crime…the George Floyd/BLM riots in Minnesota were a travesty of justice and occurred under this man’s tenure as Governor:


There are two possible presidential outcomes.  Think about them:


National Energy Policy and Climate Concerns are serious problems; but the Harris/Democrat/Progressive enclave has a non-serious approach to them:


Our planet is on fire with raging conflicts and war.  The Biden/Harris Administration is not only floundering…it is increasing the planetary danger level:


Here is a closing collection of three articles that should make you think about the world we are living in today:


Speaking of foreign policy…what might the future hold:


America is in sore need of innovation and new approaches in education:


Why can’t they just leave this man the hell alone:

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Fearless and Foolish Poll Prognostication

Tuesday, November 5 will be Election Day in America.  If you are like me, it cannot come soon enough.  So many aspects of our society and culture have demeaned themselves in the run-up to this election and it is truly a failing on the part of both national parties to offer us the choices we have for president.  But…it is what it is.  We will have two names on the ballot for president.  We must pick one or the other.  How will that play out?


If you want to poll shop, you can pretty much find one that will support your opinion…whatever that opinion might be.  Taking an overall view of the polls, the inescapable conclusion is that the race is very close.  To me, taking into account all the news from varied sources that I review, there is a modest but tangible shift taking place that favors the Trump campaign.  In order to be significant, this perceived shift will have to continue for weeks…not days.  But for what it is worth, I believe we have passed the days standard and have moved into the weeks category.  I think the shift is real; I think the shift is significant; and if the Harris campaign cannot come up with something dramatic to alter the direction of the shift…I believe the shift will ultimately result in Donald Trump winning the presidential race.  Why do I think this?


When a person is asked to respond to a poll question, there is a myriad of considerations to think about when assigning credibility to that poll.  When was the poll conducted?  What are the internal workings of the poll?  Who is sponsoring the poll?  Who is releasing the poll results?  Precisely how are the questions presented in the poll?  All of these aspects impact the results of the poll and…the plain and simple fact is that if a pollster is so inclined and adequately equipped, they can pretty much deliver whatever poll results the sponsor desires.  So at the end of the day, we are left with deciding for ourselves whether or not the poll is credible or not; knowing all the while that it could be in either category.


We are pretty much faced with two options.  Option one is to research the pollsters, think for ourselves, and decide who is worthy of our attention.  Most of us are simply not equipped to make that judgment.  Option two is to rely on a credible source that supposes to select a composite group of reliable polls and generates an overall average based on the composite results.  The best example of option two is the Real Clear Politics poll found here: .  Of course, you must decide for yourself whether or not the folks at Real Clear Politics are straight up about the averaging process.


Back to the question: Why do I think this?  Any person who replies to a pollster and indicates that they will vote for Trump is, in my opinion, highly reliable.  There is simply not much upside to saying this if you do not truly feel this way.  Therefore, Trump’s numbers in the polls represent a reliable floor.  That is of course, assuming they go to the polls and actually vote.  A person who responds to a pollster with Harris vote likelihood may break one of three ways.  One group may truly be decided and are therefore a reliable Harris vote.   The second group may be saying Harris is their vote out of loyalty to the Democrat Party and they are still trying to decide if that loyalty is strong enough to convince them to vote for Harris.  They would never want to take the chance that someone might consider them Trump votes…even if that possibility exists.  Some of these will vote for Harris and some of these will vote for Trump.  The third group is people who hate Trump so viscerally that having already decided they could never vote for Trump, they are still struggling with the choice of either voting for the less than desirable Democrat candidate Harris or…simply staying at home and not voting at all.  If these assumptions about Harris poll responses are correct, then her poll figures do not represent a true floor; the actual floor would be significantly lower due to the existence of the group two and three Harris voters I have mentioned. 


My point is this:  If the polls were dead even, then Trump is locked in with his half and will peel off part of Harris’s half.  Harris’s half is not locked in and will fall below 50 percent when the peeling commences; effectively transferring a voter gain to Trump.  Not perfectly so, but rather like a zero sum game. The result of this equation is that Trump’s ceiling is much higher than that of Harris and if Trump can achieve and maintain a poll level of 48-49 percent, he is in an excellent position to win.  In my humble opinion, Trump's floor is locked in and growing on a daily basis.  Harris’s floor is falling on a daily basis.  If this shift continues unabated, Donald Trump will be the next president.


If you track both of the presidential candidates on a regular basis, you should have arrived at a couple of conclusions.  One is that the Donald Trump running for president today is the same Donald Trump that served as president before.  Good or bad…Trump is gonna be Trump.   Two is that regardless of what her campaign might be saying, Kamala Harris is no change agent and will be a simple and straightforward continuation of the Biden/Harris Administration.  They will simply change the sign at the entrance of the tent.  If you read the links below, you will not only find compelling evidence of this, but you will hear her actual words verifying this fact.  Therefore, the choice is simple.  Do you want an America and world as it existed under four years of a Donald Trump presidency (sans Covid)…or do you want a continuation of what we have experienced under the last three years and ten months of the Biden/Harris Administration? 


You really do not need a media talking head to answer this question for you.  You do not need to ask your neighbor, your friend, or your parents.  You do not have to read or scour the internet (ESP blogs like this one!) and delve into research to help you with this choice.  Just find yourself a quiet place, sit down, relax, and then reflect on how things were then and how things are now.  

OK...having climbed out on that narrow limb and exposed myself for the fool that I am…let us move on the news of the day…the way things are now. 


All things about the Economy...


All things about Education


All things Foreign Policy and Global Conflicts


All things Immigration Policy


All things Healthcare


All things Campaign 2024


All things Biden/Harris/Walz


All things Biden/Harris Administration Incompetence


“This” is how the Biden/Harris Administration rewards incompetence:


“This” is what qualifies you to be a SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES under the Biden/Harris Administration:


“Incompetence” extends to the mainstream media also:


Speaking of CBS…All things Mainstream Media


And finally…two sad commentaries on our nation today…


Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...