Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Stench is Becoming Palpable.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Obama Administration, through its partisan supporters in the FBI and DOJ, and in cooperation with the DNC and Hillary Clinton Campaign, improperly used the FISA surveillance system to spy on and violate the privacy rights of the Trump Campaign, the President Trump Administration, and many individuals associated with them, both closely and tangentially.  The exposure of wrongdoing is so apparent, blatant, and supported by factual data that it is a disgrace to view the way it being reported by the mainstream media in this country.

Even people like myself, who have not been fans of Obama, are literally shocked by the arrogance, brazen ambition, and disregard for law that has been exhibited by a sitting President and his minions.  This is the kind of stuff that one expects to occur in Russia…or China…or some South American country that is bordering on dictatorship.  Read for yourself @ .  Read anywhere and anyone you like.  The facts are out there.  It is not a liberal thing or a conservative thing anymore.  It is pure and unadulterated lust for power and the sacrifice of honor to achieve it.

Now I have no doubt that there is sufficient insulation, absence of paper trail and communications trace, and incontrovertibly plausible deniability to separate Obama from the doings of his FBI and DOJ.  But if you believe that President Barack Obama had no knowledge of the Hillary Clinton Classified Data Investigation and FISAGate, then you possess more naiveté than a newborn babe in the cradle.  Whether it be Democrat or Republican, serious s&*# does not take place in the Executive Branch of Government without the President knowing about it.  As The One himself might say…I guarantee it.  Full stop.

I have been thinking for weeks now that at some point in this unfolding and depressing drama, a voice from the Democratic Party would emerge and condemn Obama and all of those he has enabled in this nefarious enterprise as the despicable characters that they are.  That voice has yet to be heard.   Simultaneously, I have been fervently hoping that the NYT or the WP might shock us all to enlightenment by bursting on the scene with a front page, above the fold, expose of all the ESTABLISHED FACTS in this unprecedented case of Executive abuse.  That print has not occurred.  In both cases, I must admit to a feeling of…not anger, not partisan pique, not journalistic objection; but of simply disillusionment.

As rabid a “rah rah for Trump” cheerleader as Fox News can be, they are a damn sight closer to the center than are CNN, MSNBC, and the other main venues of the mainstream media.  I honestly and sincerely held out hope…I really did…that the NYT or the WP might somehow find their way back to some semblance of journalistic integrity and self-respect and crawl out of this ever-widening and deepening anti-Trump abyss that they have been sucked into.  Now more than ever, our nation desperately needs a healthy and robust Fourth Estate to pull back the sheets on what has become a government and media culture that is simply out of control and free from any ethical inhibitions.

The intransigence exhibited by the Democrats and the mainstream media in continuing to ignore the obvious rot of the Obama/Clinton cabal may be giving them a “feel good moment”  for the time being; but those chickens will be coming home to roost in the not too distant future.  The Democrats and their media cohorts are now no different than these entertainment industry award shows and events where everyone is flitting around inside a glitzy bubble, speaking in circular fashion to each other, and oblivious to exactly how very out of touch with reality they are.  After having so obviously and irresponsibly abdicated their primary duties and functions in the defense of Hillary and Obama, do they honestly think that once their Party resumes power and majority status, they can simply erase the current morass from history and return to the fairy tale neverland of liberal thought?  

Yes, history has shown that the memory of the American people is short and selective.  We all choose to recall that which serves our agenda and our purposes, while ignoring the facts that we find…inconvenient.   But this time around…this rancid hubris that serves private ambition with a blind devotion; it is hard to fathom how this type of behavior can be airbrushed from the pages of the past.  It is really becoming increasingly difficult to see a way out of this political dysfunction that we find ourselves in.  I suppose that if Mr. Mueller were to soon close up his shop and disappear quietly, with a perfunctory indictment or two in hand…and if the rotten and corrupted individuals from the prior Administration are effectively removed from power, held to account, and exposed for what they are…and the President could somehow shut his mouth, lose his phone, and focus entirely on being the Chief Executive…and the media, all of the media,  could return to a coverage of facts as opposed to the promotion of an agenda…then perhaps our political equilibrium could begin to stabilize and move back towards a center position.  Who knows; it might not even take all of these things, but just one or two to return some semblance of sanity to our civil affairs.  But if a duly-elected President and his Administration can pull off the kind of disgrace that Obama has, and get away with it without consequence through the cover of deceit, denial, and media complicity; then there is little hope for a future government with any conscience whatsoever.   The stench is becoming palpable, but I suppose we can get used to anything…Can’t we?

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