Friday, May 18, 2018

The Very Real Threat of Liberal Arrogance.

Our nation is split on a partisan and politically philosophical basis.  The reality of that split can be readily discerned anytime a question is posed that has a binary choice between a clearly liberal or a clearly conservative response.  The poll (if conducted fairly) will invariably come out with relatively hardcore support on either side of around 40-45 percent.  These are people who will support their party’s candidate or position regardless. By that, I mean regardless of quality, regardless of reason, regardless of concern for country.  This partisan divide must be mitigated in order for our government to again function in the fashion as envisioned by our founding fathers.  Even though both the right and the left are subject to blind allegiance for their respective causes; it is the Liberal Left, supported wholly by the mainstream media and Democratic Party leadership, which is taking this crusade to dangerously high levels with potentially devastating consequences.  Let us consider some points…

It is now becoming more obvious on a daily basis that the whole world, the entire country, and both national political parties expected Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 Presidential election.  Had that come to pass, we certainly would not have spent the last year and a half discussing Russian Collusion.  When Donald Trump shocked the world by defeating Hillary Clinton, there were certain Democrats in the Obama Administration and National Party Leadership positions that refused to accept the will of the American electorate.  Quite simply, they decided to proactively implement a covert plan to subvert the duly-elected President in an attempt to (a) retain as much Obama Administration policy as possible and (b) run out the clock until the 2018 mid-term election and the 2020 Presidential election, at which time they would surely regain effective control of government.  Obama’s Justice Department, undoubtedly with the wink and nod approval of Obama, politically-weaponized federal agencies and existing FISA laws designed to protect our nation against terrorism.  It appears increasingly likely that spies were surreptitiously placed into the Trump Presidential Campaign.  Think about that for a moment; our government was using federal agencies and federal laws to conduct political espionage on the opposing political party during a Presidential campaign.  This is the kind of crap that Putin is continually guilty of and is rightly condemned for practicing.  This same core group of Democratic loyalists then proceeded to commandeer the FISA process (noting once again; it was designed to protect our nation from terrorists) with documents that were wholly unproven and funded by the Democratic Party.  They used these fake documents to apparently hoodwink selected federal judges into permitting secret surveillance on American citizens associated with Donald Trump.  The FISA process, which demands a likely crime commission at the front end of the process in order to proceed, was turned on its head.  It was an elaborate investigation and coup in search of an unspecified crime.  It was nothing less than the high jacking of federal institutions and laws for pure political purposes.  Once again …shades of the Kremlin.  A final thought revisited…if these people are this corrupt and unscrupulous when they are defeated and out of power; can you imagine the stuff they pull off when they control the government?  As flawed as he is, we may never fully appreciate the damage we avoided to our form of government by electing Donald Trump instead of Hillary Clinton.  Update: View this to get a good idea of equal justice under the Obama DOJ...

Another battleground of Democrat-enabled liberalism is the Congressional obstruction we are witnessing.  The partisan and political delay tactics being implemented by Senate Democrats is unprecedented and it is doing serious damage to the ability of our government to function.  It is no doubt essential to have a vibrant and healthy political opposition to our Executive Branch and Congressional majority.  No single Party can long rule both branches of government without being corrupted by that awesome power and authority.  But there are limits to reasonable opposition and there are systems in place to implement that opposition.  The open warfare being declared by the Senate Democrats in bringing legislative progress to a halt through cloture, by using dilatory tactics to slow down normal Senate operations, and being unreasonably obstinate in approving obviously well-qualified political appointees is nothing short of disgusting, childish, and it borders on blind stupidity. 

There is no place in our society and culture where Liberal thought run amok is more apparent than in the Federal Judiciary.  These robed, self-righteous fools that are appointed for life and consider themselves judge/jury/executioner are cancers in our judicial system and threaten the very foundations upon which our nation was established.  The sad and plain truth is that these men and women are peppered throughout our court systems.  Lawyers or groups with a crusade know exactly which Judge to look for when they want to promote their cause du jour.  And no matter how ridiculous and unfounded their rulings might be, by the time the decisions work their way up to the SCOTUS for an overturn, the damage from the implementation of these personal liberal philosophies has already been realized.  Our Congress exists to author the laws under which we live and work.  It is the Judiciary’s role to rule on the propriety of that law; not to rewrite it to match their own liberal ideals.

There is a delicate balance between the rights of the Nation and the rights of the States.  This is a vital ingredient of our nation’s creation and must be constantly discussed and debated by men and women of good conscience.  But once again, there are limits beyond which the State should not extend its authorities above the Nation; lest the Nation crumbles.  There are several states, most notably California, who are pushing these limits to the max.  It is a process that has played out before in our history; but this time around and in our smaller, better connected culture, it seems to be more significant than ever before.  The aforementioned subversion of the Federal Judiciary by rogue Judges has complicated the resolution of this dilemma; but it will nonetheless play out in a proper and deliberate fashion.  There are few easy answers, many gray areas of right and wrong, and the final decisions must somehow preserve State’s rights while maintaining the Nation.  The greatest thing that can be done to enable this ongoing process is the return of the Federal Judiciary to its role as a swift, reliable, non-partisan arbiter of the balance between Federal Law and State Law.

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There exists in Congress the need for a supermajority vote in order to pass certain legislative actions; a vote that requires 67 percent or more of the vote for passage.  The wisdom of this practice is that half plus one of the people should never impose their will over the other half minus one on issues that dramatically impact our nation’s fundamental principles and practices.    Liberal America has lost sight of this supermajority principle.  Like these Anti-Trump fevered Democrat holdovers from the Obama Administration that think they have a right…even an obligation…to subvert a new President’s initiatives, many Liberals are certain that they know better than each of us what is best for all of us.  They may be only two or three of ten, but the important point to them is that our world be fashioned and molded into their vision.  It does not occur to them that at some point, they do not have the right to change every single thing with which they disagree.  Some things are intrinsic to America and serve as the pillars of our country…or our culture…or our society…or our individual liberties.  In their minds, they are so damn smart that they must seize every opportunity to save the country and this world from itself.  They really do need to come to terms with the fact that if they cannot achieve something akin to a supermajority or an overwhelming confluence of public opinion, they need to accept one of two choices; either embrace their oft-espoused trait of tolerance and allow others to live according to their own values or simply find another place to live and work that better conforms with their personal inclinations.

Insidious is generally defined as working or spreading harm in a stealthy, subtle, cunning, or treacherous fashion.  The rabid form of Liberalism that has led to the phenomena that I have listed above is insidious to our nation.  It is dedicated to reshaping and redefining the very things that led people to American shores in search of personal, religious, and political freedom.  It is anathema to individual rights, accountability, and independence.  Liberal thought has a proper place in the United States as a ying to Conservatism’s yang.  It has no place or standing in any semblance of reasonable thought to dictate as a minority of thinking to the majority of American people how they should exist.  There are forms of government, and nations that practice them, that adhere to those liberal principles.  When the provisions and methods that are provided for in our democracy to espouse a point of view and implement orderly change fail to accomplish the national transformation that these uber-Liberals desire, they should exercise their freedom to export themselves to confines they might find more amenable.   

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