Saturday, May 2, 2020

Michael Flynn’s Case: The Week the Dots Began to Connect

One of the great advantages the scoundrels involved in the Trump/Russia Collusion travesty have held since its inception is the fact that what they did is so outrageous, so far-flung and complex, so arrogant and audacious, and so well protected by the mainstream media; all of the players involved never thought for one second that they would have to answer for their actions.

First off, they never thought that Hillary would lose to Donald.  Therefore, and based on that assumption, nobody would ever hear about what they had been up to.  Had Clinton won (Plan A); no one would have.  Secondly, when Trump shocked the world and actually won the presidential race; they shifted gears to a mode that would simply get rid of this man (Plan B) who, in their eyes, was nothing more than a pretender to the throne.  And finally, when plans A and B both failed; they came up with the monstrous scheme of denial, misdirection, and cover-up (Plan C) in an attempt to keep the details of their murky enterprise from ever seeing the light of day.   

Plan A was possible because they were in power at the time it was hatched and had the tacit approval of a sitting President on their side.  The media enabled this effort by their refusal to even address it in their medium.  Plan B was possible because even though they had been defeated at the ballot box, they still retained enormous power and authority at high levels in the government and they were dealing with an absolute rookie administration that was struggling to find out where the doors and bathrooms were located.  While being forced to cover this news, the media nonetheless allowed their partisan mask to slip by how they covered these events; always in a reliable fashion for the Democrats.  And then when Plan C finally arrived, the media cast aside any pretense of ethics or journalistic integrity; instead, jumping fully clothed in the deep end of the Democratic pool of insidious, Machiavellian, and yes…even treasonous collusion.

Pending the outcome of the upcoming Presidential Election and the system shock resulting from the cornonavirus pandemic; it is questionable whether or not Attorney General Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham will have sufficient time to disclose the full story of connivery that has unfolded over the last three years.  If a Democrat wins the White House this November and if the story has not yet been laid out by then; that ship will have sailed and history will essentially erase the essentials of this corruption over the next four years.  On the other hand…if Trump is re-elected, another four years should be adequate time not only for the story line to be fully exposed; it should also provide sufficient space to mete out some accountability.

In either case, this past week has been a linch pin period for anyone following this political escapade.  Michael Flynn’s case was the connection and transitional point between Plan A and Plan B.  For a story which has been simply too large, too disparate, and too concealed for many people to fully appreciate; Flynn’s case is the lens that has dramatically brought much of it into a greater focus.  The attempt by Obama’s corrupt corps of over-zealous ideologues to utterly destroy a THREE STAR LT. GENERAL WITH 33 YEARS OF MILITARY SERVICE TO THIS NATION is beyond contempt.  Read about Michael Flynn’s career here: .  But as contemptible as this personal attack on Flynn was; the full context of it serves to connect the dots in this overall scheme to subvert the will of the American people, abuse and corrupt the powers of our government, and essentially execute a coup to overthrow a duly-elected President. 

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You will find below a series of links that will set forth the timeline of this tragic chapter in American politics; the darkest such chapter thus far in our history.  It is long, it is involved, and it is really unbelievable.  The fact that it in fact occurred is a blight not only on the people who perpetrated it; but also on the people of our great nation who put them in the position to do so.  Even as these gross abuses become matters of public record, we continue as a government and as a nation to extend the powers and authorities of our elected officials and place them in a position to repeat this sad chain of events at some point in the future.  Take the time to read the links.  Take the time to think for yourself.  Take the time to consider what kind of government you want for this country.  And then, come face to face with these harsh realities:  Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  We get the government we deserve. 

Now keeping in mind the three plans, A/B/C, referenced above; follow the logic of the Democratic Party as this plan unfolds.  Because the recent revelations in the Flynn Case have dramatically clarified events, the calendar dates of the news item links appear to be disjointed.  They are not; the news was simply reported as it became public (Plan C was pretty effective).  Even though the Flynn Case is the linch pin to understanding the entire story; it is the most recent to be examined.  In a chronological sense, it was actually the transition point between Plan A and Plan B.

Before beginning the deep dive into the individual Plans and their links, it would be really instructive to view the following video.  No one person on the planet has been more useful in tracking and reporting on this three-year subterfuge than journalist Andrew C. McCarthy.  His experience at the highest levels of U.S. law enforcement coupled with the common sense and clarity exhibited in his writing results in a clear, objective, and cogent accounting of this perversion.  If you really want to understand what went down, then read all of the linked stories.  But first…set the table with this: .

Plan A.  Even though they have an incumbent President supporting them, a stupendous advantage in campaign financing, a compliant media that guarantees positive news coverage, and a clear demographic voter preference; the Hillary Clinton Campaign for President and the Democratic Leadership Committee conspire with Russian elements through Christopher Steele and his dossier to defeat Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election.  This is the effort to win the presidency.

You can find the actual Steele Dossier document here: .

And then there is this about Mr. Steele’s methods: .

Plan B.  Having lost the Presidential Election and unable to come to grips with the consequences of that defeat, Hillary Clinton partisans and Obama Administration holdovers in the Department of Justice, along with their co-conspirators in the mainstream media, initiate operation Crossfire Hurricane.  The scheme is designed to sabotage the incoming Trump Administration, preserve as much of the Obama legacy as possible, and potentially remove a sitting President from office.  Their biggest challenge is figuring out a way to extend the investigation from the Obama Administration over and into the Trump Administration.  This is the effort to destroy a presidency.

President Trump assumes office and selects Michael Flynn as his National Security Adviser.  Because he was despised by the Obama holdovers and was the key to future investigations of the Trump Administration, Flynn is ambushed by the perjury trap meeting with FBI personnel.  The Flynn meeting subsequently led to the Trump/Russia Conspiracy Hoax and the Mueller Investigation.  This event was the key to carrying the investigation forward.

Some recently discovered facts regarding the Flynn deal: .

Using the Flynn meeting as a pretext, the conspiracy heads into the surreal investigation of the Trump Campaign and Administration.  Obama green-lights the Steele Dossier as legitimate and the Mueller Games begin, along with all of the FISA madness: .

Events begin swirling down the rabbit hole.  Here is a non-partisan, “official” analysis of the FISA activities: .

DOJ IG Horowitz “officially” updates Congress on the FISA monkey business he has discovered: .

After orchestrating the Flynn ambush, James Comey is fired as FBI Director and a Special Investigator is appointed by Comey’s successor, Rod Rosenstein.  He selects Robert Mueller and his Merry Band of Democrat Lawyers.  No rules, no budget, no supervision…Just take Trump down.  Here are some details on that little adventure and what it cost America:

Here is the “official” Mueller Report: .

When it was finally released, here is what Attorney General Barr had to say about it: .

Plan C.  The Mueller probe is a colossal flop.  Still unable to come to grips with Plan A’s failure and gradually realizing that Plan B will ultimately meet a similar fate, the players in this nefarious absurdity utilize every trick in the book to cover-up and distract from their failed efforts.  This Plan is executed mainly by Congressional Democrats through their clownish investigations, their Impeachment Circus, the Ukraine telephone call foolishness, and their constant partisan joint-efforts with the mainstream media; who by this time realize that they were demonstrably complicit in Plan B and might as well throw themselves full-bore into Plan C. 


Regarding media bias…YOU be the judge.  Here is a great starting point: .

Here are two good articles to sum up the entire series of events: .

If you have gotten this far and are a Republican; you no doubt feel some vindication for your frustration and anger at the years of spite and malice exhibited by the Trump Derangement Syndrome so prevalent in the Democratic Party and the mainstream media.  But don’t be too smug.  If the laws are not changed and the consciousness of the American public is not raised; the next time a travesty like this unfolds, the partisan roles just might be reversed.

If, on the other hand, you are a Democrat; you have to ask yourself how in a political party so large and diverse, not a single individual with influence and authority stood up in public and condemned this despicable effort to undermine our nation’s government.  How could the membership of a political party with such a proud and productive history of service stand silent while a small band of corrupt individuals commandeered their party and pursued such terrible ends? 

And if, like me, you are an Independent; you continue to be dismayed by the situation we find ourselves in where the national political parties consistently nominate individuals who are so frightfully-flawed, have allegiance to nothing but the increased gain of power and influence, and cling to their elected offices or appointed positions as if they represented their last breaths on earth.  Neither national party has any discipline whatsoever when it comes to federal spending restraint; there is no daylight between them.  The only difference is what they choose to spend federal dollars on.  That argument is, and always will be, a legitimate function of government.

But when it comes to standing on the principles of our constitution, the very foundation upon which this nation was formed; the Republican Party is on the side of liberty and freedom.  They have many times lost their way under the influence of power and still grapple with the allure of governmental dictates; but at least they cling to a semblance of allegiance to the ideals of our forefathers. 

It is difficult to find promise and hope for government reform in the Republican Party.  The fiber of their leadership is not much different than that of the Democrats.  But by their actions during the Trump Administration as chronicled above, the Democratic Party has foregone any legitimate claim to the helm of civic leadership.  A price should be paid for this type of behavior and the bill should come due this November. 

As bad as this story was…and is…unless significant changes are made in the quality of the people we elect to administer our government and if the wisdom of the laws that are passed to dictate our lives is not dramatically increased; I fear that the lessons from this debacle will be short-lived and soon forgotten.  Consider the weasel-like and shallow Obama or the arrogant and crude Trump.  If we cannot find the political will to address the governmental deficiencies that led to these occurrences; we are condemned to a similar course of events at some point in our future.  And who then will we blame?

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