upcoming election this November is far and away the most monumental in my
lifetime. This nation is at a crossroads
and the path we take with our government beginning January of next year will
determine the future of generations to come.
I fear our President does not fully comprehend how important he is to this decision. Oh…I realize that he is convinced that every thought, issue, news story,
accomplishment…essentially any daily item of note…has right dead in the center
of it a capital “T” glowing in neon orange.
But the fact is…they don’t! Everything
is not about you, Mr. President.
if you continue with your careless self-centered rhetoric, sophomoric juvenile
behavior, and totally irresponsible tweeting…you run the very real risk of
presenting all of your critics (there are
many and they are powerful) with an opportunity to take your beloved
presidency away this November. You are
bleeding and if the number of cuts continues to rise (as it surely will), you may not survive. Please come to grips with the position you
occupy and its importance to our nation.
Whether we like it or not; he is
the man carrying the torch. May he use
it to enlighten; not to inflame.
Let your deeds speak; not your
mouth. I continue
to marvel at the political and policy instincts of Donald Trump. There have been numerous times when I was
certain that he had stepped in it up to his kneecap only to find him coming out
shining like a star. I am still not
convinced that most of this good fortune is intentional rather than pure luck;
but either way, it somehow seems to work for him. If he could only learn to trust those instincts, act on those instincts, and then allow the results of those actions to speak
for him. As long as he continues to broadcast
a biased play-by-play of his tragic melodrama through the White House looking
glass, the benefit of being right on policy is going to be severely mitigated
by the downside of his irresponsible behavior.
Give more thought to what you say,
how much you say, and when you say it. A leader must sometimes speak to the
moment. President Trump has had many
moments in which to speak and he will have several more before November’s
election. Trump does best when he says
the least. Trump does best when he
understates the obvious. Trump does best
when he allows the heat of the moment to pass and then aids the calm after the
storm with thoughtful and deliberate language.
Help the nation heal;
be empathetic. Our nation is absolutely asunder with
turmoil, angst, partisan venom, racial hyperbole, ailing institutions that are
struggling to regain credibility and respect, and the yearning for some sense
of national pride that can somehow bring all
of our citizens together. The
President has the unique opportunity to speak to these issues. He owns the premier bully pulpit. No one expects him to come up with silver
bullets to solve difficult issues. We do,
however, expect him to recognize the rips and tears in our culture and society
and demonstrate that he understands they exist.
Without promising miracle cures and solutions, simply speaking to the
issues is oftentimes adequate. People
are hurting and they earnestly want a President that understands that fact.
Reach out to law enforcement,
minority communities brown and black, the military, our government entities,
and yes….even the Democrats. During
this election campaign, it will cost Trump little if anything to strike a
conciliatory note with many of the factions that he has been at odds with. He has a solid record on race-related policy
and that should be his focus. He has selected many outstanding people of
color to serve in his Administration and they should be spotlighted and
empowered to speak to the current issues.
President and the military have too many common agendas to allow personalities
to disrupt their congeniality. Talk to
the generals behind closed doors and mend your fences. The President and our military need each other and they sorely need to
find a way to make it work better between them.
Barr can restore dignity, respect, and credibility to law enforcement in our
government. He can also lead the fight
to institute some badly needed reforms to our law enforcement entities at the
state and community levels. Let the Attorney General tackle this thorny
issue and give him some latitude and authority to do the job right. He will not disappoint.
paint is on the wall; the score is up there for everyone to see; and the
chickens are coming home to roost…in
flocks. The jarring impact of
Democratic Party leadership from top to bottom across America is plain to
see. It is a disaster. There is no need for Trump to embellish it,
dwell on it (other than by occasional
comparison), or attempt to hammer it into the consciousness of American
voters. Mr. President…take the high road
in your approach to the Democrats and let them have sufficient rope to tangle
themselves up nicely. Like the AG, they
will not disappoint.
Playing from a position of strength
and committing unforced errors is just…well, it is unforgivable. Donald Trump had the
good fortune of running for President against perhaps the most flawed opponent
in political history. He squeaked out a victory over Hillary
Clinton. And now competing for his
second term, he is opposed by the barely sentient Joe Biden; whose own party leadership is encouraging him to conduct his campaign from his home
basement in order to limit his exposure to the real world. How lucky
can Donald Trump get? With a modicum
of restraint, deliberation, reflection, humility, pragmatism, and simple common
sense…Donald Trump will be our next President.
The Democrats cannot defeat him; only he can defeat himself.
miss the next post…. Just Google centerlineright.
greatly fear that the Democratic Party and all of their cohorts in the
mainstream media will do everything possible to make this Presidential election
a choice between Donald Trump, the man, and Joe Biden, the man. That is a contest that the Republicans could
easily lose. As shallow and unprincipled
as Biden is; Trump can easily be depicted as equally so. To allow a contest with such profound
ramifications to be decided on the least
of two evils premise would be a colossal mistake and a denial of what is
actually being determined; a false choice indeed.
am afraid that Trump is so taken by himself that he actually believes he can get Democrats to vote for him. Yeah, he might get a few; but damn few. Anyone paying attention must now admit that
if Democrats have not yet abandoned their lunatic leadership for a more
rational path, it simply is not going to happen. They will clearly follow their Party over the
proverbial cliff if it somehow validates their hatred for all things
Trump. If Trump is to win, he must win
in the critical Mid-Western states and he must win by modestly increasing his
percentage of black votes and Hispanic votes.
This he can do. It is within
reach. The Democrats’ votes are not and
I fear the female vote might also be chiseled in stone…and not to Trump’s
advantage. FWIW…check on the temperature of that Mid-West race here:
about how close the last Presidential election was here:
. There is no reason to think it will be
much different this time around. The
mainstream media will be even more
determined to defeat Trump at all costs.
The Democratic Party is even more
united in their unnatural hatred for Trump.
The coronavirus pandemic will provide cover for various manners of
election manipulation; especially the mail-in ballot initiative. And of course, recent events in our federal
judiciary give little reason for confidence in any ruling of theirs that might
come into play. The Democrats can
embrace the national polls that show Biden comfortably ahead of Trump. The Republicans can proclaim the enthusiasm
gap that is so obvious by comparing the Trump rallies with the lukewarm
Democratic confidence in Biden. Neither side has anything to hang their
political hats on. As of this
moment, the November Presidential Election is truly up in the air.
Trump has to somehow learn to become President “t”rump. He must contrast his policies and
accomplishments over the last three plus years with what we have seen in areas
ruled by the Democratic Party. Give
Americans credit for using their common sense to choose between the nation
envisioned by Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, and the other assorted nuts and clowns that
populate Democratic leadership these days and the Trump record over his first
term as President. This bunch of
Democratic, hypocritical, political harlots more resembles bad vaudeville than
they do responsible statesmanship.
spite of a stacked deck against him and a level of persecution heretofore
unrivaled by any sitting President, Trump seems to have finally realized how to
accomplish something by utilizing the awesome power of the Executive Branch. Given another four years with a Republican
Senate and, at a minimum, maintaining the status quo in the House; President
Trump could move this nation back towards its founding principles in a way that
will last for generations to come. And
if he can somehow manage to find a new respect and dignified approach in how he
treats his appointees, President Trump could restore some credibility and trust
to many government departments and agencies that frankly have lost their
President Trump subjugate his monstrous ego to the greater good of principled
government? Can he resist the constant
baiting and provocation that will be coming his way in the campaign months to
come without getting down in the mud with his critics and opponents? Can he somehow come to grips with the
irrevocable right and privilege of American voters to decide for themselves who will lead this nation
and not yield to his arrogant browbeating of those he considers intellectually
inferior to his almighty self? Can he
allow some of the best people money can buy to professionally conduct a
presidential campaign that will demonstrate maturity, vision, national pride,
and respect for all Americans? If he can
do these things, this nation’s voters will roundly reject the idiotic chaos
promoted by the Democratic Party and their liberal leadership.
will vote with their belief in an economy that can work best without undue
government regulation; for a justice system that practices fundamental
enforcement of the law as it is written; and for a nation that treats its
global allies and trading partners with respect, but also holds them
accountable for their actions. I believe
they will clearly see that the deep state
which has been ingrained and perpetuated for so long in our government is
overdue for a deep cleaning. They are ready for a continuation of the
business-like approach to governing that four years of Donald Trump has
demonstrated. They realize that it might
have tremendous promise for improving the lives of all citizens. If Donald
Trump, over the next few months, can begin to be the leader we all want him to
be and not the juvenile child he sometimes is, perhaps he can lead this nation
back towards the ideals of our founding fathers. He might begin to restore the vitality of our
economy that can, in turn, offer opportunities to all people who strive for a
better life.
This is within his grasp. But so is a devastating and unimaginably
crushing defeat to forces that will alter this nation in a way that will make
it unrecognizable to our founding
fathers and the generations that have kept their faith. With a few exceptions (examination of his walking habits), his Tulsa speech was a great
start. We can only hope that his better angels take control very soon.
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