Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Perversion of Our Government.  It is now obvious to anyone who has been paying attention that we have a Charlatan in the White House and Drama Queens in Congress.  At a time in our nation’s being when leadership is dearly needed, there is none.  At a time when our nation should be turning to its founding principles, it is devolving towards social and cultural dependency.  At a time when our two political parties should be laying out fundamental agendas that are clear and concise, they engage in childish games of one-upsmanship and adolescent behavior.
Let’s start with President Glitz who, faced with a unique opportunity to meet a crisis armed with good will from the public and a semi-mandate from re-election, chooses instead to remain in perpetual campaign mode and continue governing through his selected media outlets.  Has any elected official ever done a better job of squandering an opportunity to make real changes?
Then we have John Boehner who gets partial credit for at least passing actual legislation and sending it over the Senate, but apparently only has sufficient principles in those areas strategically selected to retain his Speaker’s role.  He appears to be the classic example of the old saying …“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything”.
Then of course there is the one I consider the most culpable in the devolution of governmental function and that would be Harry Reid.  In spite of holding the most powerful legislative position in our country for an extended period of time, he seems determined to insure that no action of substance comes out of the Senate.  Failing to meet the bare minimum fiscal responsibilities assigned to his body, he continues to refine the parody of himself and fall deeper into senseless buffoonery.
When did we get to the point where the Senate does nothing, the House passes bills that appeal pretty much only to their regimented base, and the President plies his rhetorical style of administration by issuing ultimatums or populist pap and then, when crunch time arrives, heads out to the links?  Can we not get back to doing the people’s business in a statesman-like fashion and focusing on what the primary responsibilities of our government are?  My friends, hope is fading rapidly.

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