Friday, December 6, 2013

The Incredible Lightness Of The One.

The Incredible Lightness Of The One.  How wonderful it must be to have spent a lifetime in a world where you live, work, and play in an ideal world where just thinking makes it so.  Apparently, this is the world that our president resides in.  With his bearing of airy narcissism, he blithely goes from day to day without the burden of responsibility and accountability; that is what his minions are for.  Think about it; have we one single time heard him utter a sincere and succinct apology or admission of error?  Now think about how many times we have heard him blame others for what has occurred under his watch….five years under his watch.   In Obama’s world, he operates under the true liberal creed that “the end justifies the means”.

Obama has no desire to empathize with the regular citizen.  In fact, he is likely incapable of doing so.  When examining his writings, his speeches, his political ladder-climbing, and his record as President, it becomes clear that he is anything but your everyman.   There are two distinct traits about our president that become obvious when looking at his body of work.  First is his ruthlessness in pursuing what he deems the noble cause.  He has never won an election or conducted a campaign based on his merit or his accomplishments.  Every political race he has ever run has been based on the destruction of his opponent.  Secondly, he has never allowed himself to become troubled by the details; he is a big idea guy.  Yeah…he is full of big ideas.  When you go up to the white board and sketch out the broad outline, leaving the task of filling in the details to others, you always have an out by blaming someone else for any failures or shortcomings. 

All of this is exemplified in Obamacare.  Obama has recently been chanting that we should not get caught up in the troublesome details of implementing Obamacare because…wait for it…the product is good.
Never mind the carnage that might occur between the beginning and the end, the end justifies the means.  This is a colossal failure of any reasonable analysis that would logically consider the cost versus the benefit. 

Obama and the Democrats, ignoring long established wariness of passing major legislation on a party-line vote, forced Obamacare into law through extraordinary means.  The folly of this push is only now becoming crystal clear to them; especially a few Senators who are looking ahead to next fall.  Once again, they knew best what was good for us; better than we knew for ourselves.  In their minds, they would be vindicated by the infinite wisdom of the final result.  As Nancy famously (infamously?) said…”we have to pass it to find out what is in it”.  How incredible is it that a President would be so aloof and disengaged as to allow his signature accomplishment, his legacy, to be introduced to the masses in the clusterfluk fashion of Obamacare?  Few would do this.  Only a man who dwells in the nether world of ideals and not reality would act this way.  Only a man whose style is to construct a firewall of denial between himself and real accountability would do this.  Only a man who is so full of himself and shallow to the point that you could read a newspaper through him goes there.  Welcome to the incredible lightness of our president.

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