Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Arrogance Of Global Warming.

The Arrogance Of Global Warming.  Perception is everything in today’s shallow, politic-centric world.  Many, many times, the line between reality and absurdity is blurred and we move freely between the two; in the process, losing the ability to distinguish between them.  I have just read Charles C. W. Cooke about how there is the “ideal” Hillary Clinton and how there is the “real” Hillary Clinton; this is a good example of what I am referring to.

Having spent my working career in agriculture, I have always been struck by the ignorance of those who label farmers as the most terrible of polluters.  In reality, farmers are the most wonderful of conservationists; their very life and existence rests on preserving the productivity of the land they manage.  Can any person have a greater incentive to preserve that upon which he relies for a living?  The reality is that is more fertilizer and chemical pollution from urban overflow than there is from agricultural production. 

A similar situation exists between outdoor sportsmen and environmentalists.  As a whole, outdoor sportsmen are acutely aware from whence their fruits come and they work diligently to preserve that ecosystem.  They appreciate the fact that there is an overarching plan to this planet and its life, one that operates based on a wisdom that far exceeds the grasp of mankind.  Rather than trying to regulate, mandate, and control nature, they practice an appreciation of it that is based on good stewardship and respect.

Thus it is with global warming, such as it may or may not be.  Color me a very bright global warming skeptic, but color me a very convinced climate change believer.  The climate has been changing since the dawn of time and it will continue to do so.  The arrogance of those who believe that we can somehow alter, control, or manipulate this climate change have been spending far too much time reading comic book superhero sagas or else are far too impressed with their own opinions.  Common sense tells us that we, as a people, are blessed to exist on a planet that provides all that we need.  It also tells us that it is in our best interest to respect that world, treat it responsibly, and basically clean up our messes when we make them.  The planet has an amazing ability to heal itself, but humans have demonstrated an uncanny ability to test that recuperative capacity to the max.  But the arrogance that some show in passing laws (i.e. carbon emissions) that they claim will be transformative rather than common sense maintenance is breathtaking.  We, as people, are no more than visitors on this planet, residing for only a moment in time while thinking of ourselves as eternal.  

Of course, we need to live a life that truly reflects an appreciation for that which sustains us and our progeny; but at the same time, we should never lose sight of the fact that this world is a complex and wonderful creation by a power far superior to anything we can even imagine.  An acceptance of that reality is the first step in finding a way to balance the joys and fruits of this world with a proper understanding of our place upon it.

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