Sunday, February 22, 2015

Disingenuousness, Fraud, Deceit, and Outright Lying.

Disingenuousness, Fraud, Deceit, and Outright Lying.  Governor Steve Beshear of Kentucky has governed his state in a fairly conservative fashion.  Although he can be quite the partisan, he has nonetheless accepted the fact that Kentucky voters, including his Democratic constituency, tend towards the conservative side of the ledger.  Now being the good party man that he is, Beshear has maintained a fairly strong allegiance to Obama; at least up to the point where rather than openly criticize some his madness, he simply shuts up and does not comment on the president’s policies…with one exception.  Beshear has been a good governor for Kentucky.  He has been more of a fiscal conservative than any Republican Senate or House in memory, has run the state in an efficient fashion, and I believe holds a deep love and respect for the people who inhabit Kentucky.  However, Beshear has bought into Obama’s largest scheme “hook, line, and sinker” and continues to show a complete and total disregard for the intelligence of any person listening to his comments about Obamacare and its effect on Kentucky.  I will give him the benefit of a doubt and rationalize that in his zest to provide needed health care for many of his state’s poorer residents, he has sold his soul to Obama and his idiotic plan and that is why he prattles endlessly about the benefits of the program while never mentioning the cost.   Just within the last few days (either conveniently before or strategically ahead of the most recent reports of the latest IRS/Obamacare snafu), Beshear crowed to the press about how marvelous Obamacare had been for Kentucky; how so many more people now had health insurance; and that anyone who could not see that Obamacare was “manna from heaven” (wouldn’t Obama just love this reference!) was either ignorant or biased.  In the words of George Orwell, it is what he left out that makes him a tool of Obama’s propaganda machinery.

The fact is that Obamacare is nothing less than a monstrous albatross around the neck of the U.S. Government.  It was sold on the fact that it would save the average taxpayer $2,500 per year on health insurance.  False.  It was sold on the fact that it would expand choice of plans and physicians.  False.  It was sold on the fact that it would not add to the debt of this nation.  False.  It was sold on the fact that the “failure to obtain coverage” penalties were not a tax; yet the only logic that allowed the Supreme Court to uphold the program was the labeling of that same penalty as a tax.    It was shoved down the throats of the American people in a strictly partisan faction through the use of extraordinary legislative maneuvering.  It was passed in spite of the fact that a clear majority of the American public did not know about it and not a single Democrat who voted for its passage understood what it was.  It was a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in more layers of complexity that one can find on an onion.  It took an American health care system that, although being plagued with some serious malfunctions, certainly did not need to be totally discarded and replaced and for all of its warts, still remained the envy of the world.  And worst of all, it placed an inordinate amount of discretion into the Executive branch of government to administer a program under whatever terms and conditions they chose; permitting them to arbitrarily change rules, deadlines, fees, services, and basically anything else to make it more politically palatable and to “kick the can of accountability” a bit further down the road.  It usurped the authority of the Congress and was shoveled out to the public in strategically calculated lies and deceit.

As a resident of Kentucky, I submit that Governor Beshear should be acutely and publicly ashamed of himself.  To brag incessantly and dishonestly about how great a program Obamacare is when it is nothing more or less than giving away services for free is the height of hypocrisy and stupidity.  Obamacare has been the biggest lie ever perpetrated on the American people and as time goes by, it will be further and more openly exposed as nothing less than a bald plan for income distribution.  The great, no…the greatest tragedy, in this whole mess is that 75-85 percent of Obamacare could have been legislated into law in a legitimate, bipartisan fashion; but that would have required actual work and effort on the part of our president and he is not too fond of that stuff.  Instead, each of us was legally required to purchase a private sector commercial product that, no matter how important or logical it might happen to be, should simply remain a matter of personal choice.  We were all forced to become a party to this bogus morass of untruth and complexity that will continue to unfold, expand, and multiply as long as the program lives.  It is a curse that has been placed upon our culture; it is an abomination of our governmental system; it is a bane for the Democratic Party that responsible members should be embarrassed by; and the Governor of Kentucky should be laughed out of Frankfort for his blind allegiance to such a carnival of absurdity.



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