Sunday, August 9, 2015

Chuck Steps Up!

Chuck Steps Up!  For many months now, I have moaned and groaned about the Democratic Party’s failure to challenge Obama on his pathetic leadership and abysmal policy choices.  I have been sorely disappointed, watching Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi fall in line behind their egomaniacal president.  This week, to the surprise of many, Chuck (You Da Man!) Schumer stepped up and publicly opposed the Iran Deal.  Are we finally going to see some Democratic Party leaders begin to reclaim their center-left legacy?

After six and a half years of enabling the charlatan in the White House, the Dems in the Senate and House have a limited amount of time to atone for their acquiescence in this failed Administration.  They are inextricably implicit in the damage wrought on this nation by Obama and his minions; remaining silent when their common sense and conscience urged them to speak up.  One can only hope that Schumer’s courageous (more on that in a moment) step will encourage other Democrats to exhibit some backbone and stand up for good policy.

Many were surprised when Schumer leapt over Dick Durbin to be viewed as the heir-apparent to Harry Reid.  Never the shrinking violet, Schumer’s flamboyant personality and partisan skill combined to thrust him to the pinnacle of his Senate ambitions.  His stint as DSCC Chairman readily displayed to anyone paying attention that Schumer is a talented and proficient politician and was destined for greater things in the Democratic leadership.  Many observers were shocked at his past comment questioning the wisdom of the timing regarding Obamacare.  Even though this Administration is renowned for its thin skin, the remark passed without comment; although you just had to know that it was filed away somewhere.  And now, before that mutinous utterance has fully passed from memory, here is Schumer publicly and explicitly opposing what this under-achieving bunch of amateur negotiators call “a legacy deal” (Got to love Allen West’s comment: “Obama says no one has ever done this before.  Of course no one has done this before…because it damned stupid!”).  Not only is this the second time that Schumer has prominently questioned the wisdom of Obamaworld; both times have involved issues that Obama has been all in on.  Some will say that Schumer has openly opposed the Iran Deal because he knows there are sufficient votes, without his, to sustain a Presidential veto.  I am not sure this is the case.  Even if those votes exist today, it is entirely possible that Schumer’s open opposition to the Deal will embolden other Democrats to vote against the ill-advised package of capitulation and appeasement.  Whether he saw his vote as non-essential or not, Schumer deserves a huge amount of credit and respect for standing on principle.  It took a big pair to do what he did, and he will pay for the decision.  The Obama demonizers have already trained their well-oiled artillery on him.

As a liberal Representative and then Senator from one of the most liberal areas of the country, Chuck Schumer has been hard for me to stomach.  His ambitions have driven him to go beyond the sincere liberal principles for which he stands and extend into the asinine circus of the absurd…partisan politics.  To his credit, he was very good at it; that only magnified the aggravation.  But on this day, at this time and place, I will stand up and sing his praises.  His actions on the Iran Deal was an act of statesmanship and will hopefully not be the last time he stands in open disagreement with the bunch of clowns that we have in the White House.

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