Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What A Sorry Bunch.

What A Sorry Bunch.  Does it really matter if control of Congress is in Republican or Democrat hands?  Apparently not.  Once again, we are on the cusp of entering a federal fiscal year with no budget; while simultaneously exploding through our debt limit.  The pathetic performance of this Congress in its failure to pass appropriations bills is beyond parody; it is sad beyond tragedy.  I have been at the front of the line in criticizing this president for abusing executive privilege, but at least he was doing something (something stupid, but something none the less).  Any partisan Republican who wants to publicly criticize Obama and his spending habits needs to simply sit down and shut up.  Republicans must understand that if they fail to do their job, they lose the right to criticize those who fill the vacuum.  How laughable is it that in this recent Obama/Boehner/Pelosi/McConnell/Reid budget, the savings to pay for the spending explosion will come from…wait for it…2025.  Are you serious?  Only two years into a modest sequester, they can’t even live with those cuts; and we are to believe they will make promised cuts 10 years…TEN YEARS…down the road?

Once again, Republicans have absolutely no standing to complain about irresponsible government spending.  As fiscally sophomoric as he has been in his spending habits, Obama has been no more inept than the Republicans in WDC.  This bunch now comes forward with a 2-year budget that breaks the sequester promise and makes the “deal with the devil” of spending one domestic dollar for every military dollar.  If the Republicans ever expect, ever again in the foreseeable future, to have any credibility whatsoever regarding federal spending restraint, they will dispense with this sordid budget agreement and do the typical scotch tape job of maintaining the status quo into the next FY and kicking the debt limit can a few months down the road.  And then, perhaps they will begin to do the job for which they are paid, roll up their sleeves, forego their partisan grandstanding, and begin to pass the 13 appropriation bills necessary for the next federal fiscal year.  If Obama wants to play shutdown games, let him choose his poison with a rifle; not a scatter gun.

Obama has been the worst president in my lifetime.  His incompetence has been so blatant as to be laughable.  And yet, the Republicans can’t even get on the golf course to oppose him.  Even worse, they repeatedly carry his bag and tee up his balls.  Therein lies the only remarkable Republican achievement in recent years; teeing up something that apparently doesn’t even exist. 

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