Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Intolerant, Invalid, and Irrelevant Snowflakes.

The Intolerant, Invalid, and Irrelevant Snowflakes.  The “win at all costs” philosophy that has become very popular in our culture is not a very attractive trait; especially when exhibited by youth.  However, the fruits of victory are so very sweet when those defeated fail to accept their demise with any semblance of grace or honor.  Such is the case with the pathetic, whining Hillary Clinton supporters who are proving incapable of accepting Donald Trump’s presidential election victory.  From the pampered brats on college campuses to the anarchical protestors in the city streets to the disconsolate media personnel who behave as if the apocalypse has arrived, Clinton’s supporters are really having a hard time accepting the reality that ClintonWorld is passé and TrumpWorld has arrived.   And though it is an exercise in an admittedly guilty pleasure, the behavior of these people is amusing when viewed through the prism of an inevitable Trump presidency.   I love the popular term “snowflakes” being applied to these folks; it is a stroke of genius.  Why should we discount these snowflakes as the fragile element they have so obviously become?

First off, for a group that screams the mantra of tolerance, they are pretty damn intolerant.   Merriam-Webster defines tolerant as: 

1: willing to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own.   
How can you claim the mantle of tolerance when you scream and demand that your feelings and beliefs be addressed while you summarily dismiss the feelings and beliefs of those who disagree with you?  These snowflakes are walking oxymorons (yeah…go ahead and play with that one!) who are demonstrating to anyone paying attention that they are nothing but a bunch of stark raving hypocrites.  They vocalize messages and creeds that they perceive to be transcending while exhibiting just the opposite message with their very real behavior.  They parade about and want to be perceived as idealists with a laissez faire attitude, when the reality is that they eschew the principles of live and let live tolerance while adopting a let them eat cake mantle of privileged existence.

Secondly, in order to be considered valid, there must be a certain degree of logic or common sense to your position.  There is absolutely no question that the election of Donald Trump as President is open to criticism and questionable on its face; but that is not what the snowflakes are saying.  What was their alternative to Trump? They do not parade in the streets or occupy the campus commons with the message that Trump’s election was wrong.  Instead, they are devastated by the fact that their candidate…Clinton…did not win.   It is not so much that the electorate did things the wrong way and made a poor choice; it is that the electorate did not do things their way and make their choice…Big difference.  In order to be taken seriously, there is a certain amount of legitimacy that must accrue to your preferred alternative as compared to the terrible reality you are protesting.  The fact that these people put Hillary Clinton the Crook up against Donald Trump the Pig kinda weakens their credibility.  Once again, we find that if events do not unfold in their preconceived sequence, then they have no choice but to be infuriated.  It is their way or the highway.  You know…Trump was a sorry candidate and certainly has many flaws as a President-elect, but criticism of his election is best framed as dissembling his policies in a democratic exercise rather than complaining that your candidate did not win.   The pompous and entitled attitude of the snowflakes when they exclaim… “You beat Hillary with HIM!!!... paints them much more as sore losers rather than principled voters with substantive policy differences.

And finally, the element that makes the snowflakes amusing and tolerable rather than serious and concerning is the fact that they are irrelevant.  Due to the very attitude exhibited by these malcontents, many traditional Democratic and liberal voters crossed over and voted Republican in this election cycle; note Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.  If you have a legitimate beef with Republican policy, you had best be off the street and in the backroom figuring out a strategy of combat because you are now at a distinct, political disadvantage.  As depressing as it is to lose and face the reality that all of your dreams and ideals will amount to naught, it is equally exhilarating to imagine the possibilities of accomplishment when simultaneously possessing Congressional majorities and the White House.   The Democrats and their snowflakes will be nursing at the rear portion of the mammary gland for the foreseeable future and that is obviously a very, traumatic experience for them.

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