Monday, January 30, 2017

Is This the Way to Anarchy?

Is This the Way to Anarchy?  There are two national parties in America today.  There are the Republicans, who recently gained electoral control of the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Presidency.  Over the last 8 years of Obama’s presidency, the Republicans have gained about 1,000 federal and state political legislative offices.  Be it wise or unwise, the American voters have placed the Republicans in charge of this government.  They have a mandate to deliver on their campaign rhetoric. Then there are the Batshit Crazies (BCs), formerly known as the Democrats.  For clarification, please refer to:

Now there are many intelligent and reasonable people in the BCs.  Many of my friends are BCs.  The BCs actually hold 47 seats in the U.S. Senate and several in the U.S. House of Representatives.  The BCs represent a lot of people in this nation and their views need to be represented and heard.  It should also be noted that there many members of the Republican Party who are also Batshit Crazy, but they do not represent either the leadership of their party nor do they represent the majority of their party.  After witnessing the behavior, the rhetoric, and the public actions of Schumer and Pelosi, the recognized leaders of the BCs, over the last few days, it is pretty clear that the lunatics now control the asylum. 

Without any doubt, there is room for sincere and principled disagreement with President Trump’s executive orders on immigration.  But it is equally true that given that disagreement, the practical language and effects of the orders are both legal and temporary in nature; they do not establish any type of new precedent for actions that have not been instituted in some form previously.  To gin this story up to the manic levels we are now seeing is simply irresponsible and dangerous.   When combined with the similar BC histrionics that have occurred since the presidential election, it is pretty clear that national party opposition has been taken to a new and ominous level.

Donald Trump was a very poor choice for President.  In fact, he only won the office because the BCs put up one of the few people who could be considered a poorer choice.  That being said, Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election and is now the 45th President.  Along with McConnell and Ryan, he represents the official Executive and Legislative leadership of this nation.  In order to be legitimate, effective, and produce reasonable governing results, this leadership must be willing and able to negotiate with the opposition party…that being the BCs.  But after witnessing the top-to-bottom behavior of denial by the BCs following the November elections, the critical question is: Exactly WHO can they negotiate with?

There is apparently no space between the bubble-headed idiots in Hollywood that eternally reside in the fantasies they are paid to create and the BC leadership in WDC.  There is apparently no space between the mindless zombies that protested in the Women’s March and the BC leadership in WDC.  There is apparently no space between many of the music industry’s leading performers, who believe themselves to be seers and prophets, and the BC leadership in WDC.  There must be many BC party members who are standing quietly on the sidelines right now wondering how their party has so quickly morphed into the BCs.   But until they stand up and speak some reason to their party’s denial and bizarre behavior, there is no space between them and the BC party leadership in WDC. 

So the question remains:  Who the hell do the Republicans negotiate with?  You cannot hold a decent conversation, much less a reasonable negotiation, with a person who is batshit crazy.  Will the BCs moan and bitch and wail and protest their way into complete and utter irrelevance?  Will the citizenry ultimately become weary of the BCs (and their media sponsors’) infantile behavior and simply tune them out?  Will we be condemned to a presidential term of one party rule with no meaningful input from their opposition?  Will the Republicans at some point simply engage the nuclear option for politics in general and begin to rule in some type of autocratic fashion?  Donald Trump, left to his own devices, will be a disaster for this country.  Republican one-party rule of the Congress will be a disaster for this country.  If the BCs are this crazy at this early stage in Trump’s presidency, what lies ahead when many, many major decisions and policies will be forthcoming (SCOTUS nominee, Immigration Reform, Tax Reform)?  Who will stand for the BCs and make an attempt at honest policy debate without total hysteria?  What will happen if a national emergency, foreign or domestic, develops and the true unity of our government is put to the test? 

It is early in the game.  There is still time for the political games to play out to some type of awkward but functional ending.  But the rapid escalation of the political tensions between the Republicans and the BCs is unsettling at best and truly frightening at worst.  This way lays anarchy.

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