have written many times over the past years about the poisonous political
divisions within our society. They are
not disappearing. They are becoming more
pronounced. There is little, if any,
evidence that they will even begin to
diminish any time soon. While there can
be much debate about when the civility and statesmanship in our government’s
political nature began to recede, there is no question that a short backwards glance
in the range of 25 years will find that it has not been that long since
Democrats and Republicans once knew how to co-exist in a political environment
without the use of long knives and hand grenades.
is a reality among us that we must each simply address. Our society and culture is 40-45 percent
liberal, 40-45 percent conservative, and the ones in the center are not real
sure where they stand politically on a daily basis. They have no allegiance to a national party
and many have checked out on the subject of politics. They are busy living their lives, paying
their bills, raising their kids, earning their paychecks, and dealing with the occasional
personal crisis that rears its head in each of our worlds. This is where
we are; this is who we are; and this
is how we are. The entertainment world has embraced this
situation. Most of the late night
comedians have made the decision to tailor their acts to those of a liberal
persuasion. They understand that their
over-the-top rhetoric and subject matter will alienate and offend people with
different, more conservative opinions and frankly…they don’t give a damn. If you don’t drink their kool-aid, you are not
a concern to them. The majority of those
folks popularly known as journalists have also decided that they can coddle the
segment of the population that will warm up to their agenda and can write off
the others. Do you actually believe that
Sean Hannity really cares about how many liberals watch his show? Reality has demonstrated that a particular
40-45 percent of the population that can be effectively targeted is quite
sufficient to support many types of commercial and political efforts. Many enterprises from every segment of our
culture have decided that “half the pie”
is sufficient.
is something about this seismic shift that concerns me. Perhaps it is just me and I could be
mistaken, but I believe that I see this attitude crossing over into the very fiber
of our nation; going deep into the entertainment industry, mixing in with the marketing of
various products and services, and dominating the polishing of images both commercial and
political. It is seeping into our
judicial system, our education system, and yes…in some instances, even into our
religion. It is sobering to watch
Stephen Colbert and realize that he honestly could not care less whether you
watch his show or not. If his liberal
rhetoric and crude humor offends your conservative senses…tough luck. He could really care less about you, what you
think, and how you live. He is a child
of the left, just as Tucker Carlson is a child of the right. These folks know you control the clicker and
can switch channels; and they DO…NOT…CARE.
It is has gotten to the place where product and service commercials are
so heavily messaged with social context that you wonder exactly what it is that
they are hawking. Is it just me or is
anyone else sick and tired of being constantly bombarded by Corporate America
and their marketing efforts that show me in graphic detail how our society
should look…and think…and speak…and act.
What happened to the days when an actual product or service was featured
in marketing efforts? I hate myself for
this, but I have to admit that part of my purchasing decision process as a
consumer is now the consideration of how the manufacturer handles their social
messaging. Who really needs this
foolishness? I want tape that sticks,
pens that write, deodorant that keeps me from stinking, shampoo that keeps my
hair clean, investments that make a profit, cars and trucks that are
reliable…well, you get the point.
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really scary part of this whole deal is that the truth is becoming evident that
we CAN exist as a divided
society. The left can sell to the left,
the right can sell to the right, and there are sufficient numbers on each side
to make the respective boat float. The
gulf between the two philosophies can continue to widen and each side will
simply polish up their demographic targeting, pick off a few of those independents
in the middle, and write off a huge part of the American people from their
business. Our institutions of higher
learning and the fields of academia have long been liberal bastions; but it
seems like they used to be a bit more subtle and cautious about their leftist
agendas. We now see college
administrators, faculty, and organizations openly and proudly opposing even the
consideration of opposing points of
view. We now see instances where this political
and social tunnel vision is seeping into K-thru-12 education. Is this the future for our country? Will conservatives have their own preferred states to live and work
in? Will liberals exclusively attend a handful of colleges while conservatives choose
others? Will the media take that last,
short step towards obvious political bias and throw away any semblance of balance?
we consider the possible consequences of the path we are on, it is impossible
to predict with any degree of certainty where it will all end. What can
be said with complete certainty is that we as a divided nation are weaker,
less just and caring, less judicious in our compassion, less admired in our
global world, and certainly of less value as a culturally rich society. The concept
of America is now in full debate. There
are those who advocate allegiance to the fundamental tenets set forth in black
and white with our constitution and founding fathers. There are those that submit that we, as a
nation, are an evolving experiment that can be changed, improved, and reinvented
to a new and enlightened level. And even
though our nation’s founding principles provide process for changes in our
government, that process to many is inadequate to address the changes they so
fervently desire. It is not an
exaggeration to say that the heart and soul of our nation is at stake in the
great debate and divide that is ongoing.
Has the blood and treasure spent throughout history to preserve the
tenets of our founding fathers been invested to preserve the original concepts
of these United States or were they the price we paid for the freedom to reinvent
our nation and change it into a new and different country driven by progressive
concerns and considerations? You decide.