- · Once again, it is useful to consider how ridiculous we look as a society and culture when we note that Nixon’s proposed four articles of impeachment included an “attempt” to use the IRS for political purposes. Think about that for a moment…Nixon tries unsuccessfully to do it and they were going to impeach him for it. Obama actually does it and skates away without a trace.
- · And how about the way the intelligence agencies of our government, under the guidance of Obama/Holder/Brennan, kind of adopted the DNC/Clinton Trump dossier, likely used tax dollars to fund its continuance, used it to execute unethical and perhaps illegal unmasking actions, and essentially used our national security apparatus for pure, political purposes?
- · The Obama DOJ was obviously used for political purposes to unmask, probe, and go on fishing expeditions for Trump dirt. Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, and Samantha Power were apparently waist deep in blatantly exploiting highly sensitive and restricted intelligence data for pure political gain. And what are the consequences for those actions…at least so far? Nada.
- · Records show that Obama, who was term-limited and was a very lame duck, and through his official campaign organization, paid Fusion GPS, the Kremlin-mucking, dirt raking outfit funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton Campaign, almost a cool $1 million. Why in the world would that happen? He was not running for office. It was not spent to help elect Democratic candidates for Congress. It was plain and simple a power play and abuse in a lame attempt to continue his perverted agenda rather than turn the government over to the reality TV show personality put up for President by the Republicans.
- · How farcical is it that Robert Mueller and his band of F. Lee Bailey wannabes are now banging around in the cupboards of any individual who has ever been associated with anything Trump, spending YOUR tax dollars by the millions, and running without any oversight authority as hard as they can to pin something…anything…on the President or someone he once met or shook hands with. Robert Mueller, who was in charge of the FBI when the Uranium One “get rich scheme” was running wide open and who very likely played a part in involving the FBI, the Obama Administration, and who knows what other intelligence agencies with the ridiculous Fusion GPS Trump dossier? It is nothing short of “theatre of the absurd” to see Mueller and his band of merry lawyers chasing around the goblins of Trump Russian collusion when facts are breaking every few days about the actual collusion between the DNC, Hillary Clinton, the Obama Administration, and Fusion GPS with the Russians.
- · Obama’s absolute foolishness in foreign policy made America a laughing stock on a global basis, made us a tool of foreign leaders who chose to exploit Obama’s naiveté, and was unvarnished proof that he placed his own quest for personal acclamation well above any concerns about the security of this nation. The entire free world is now dealing with the consequences of his misadventures involving Iran, North Korea, and Russia.
- · Schumer’s recent comment about the House Republican Tax Plan (“the longer it lies in the sun, the more it stinks”) is much more appropriately applied to the Obama/Clinton Administration than it is to Congressional tax reform legislation.
- · In my humble opinion, considering all of the devolution we have seen over the last decade in government ethics and operations, the single greatest tragedy in all of this is the abdication of the mainstream media and news journalistic community of its credibility, respect, and responsibility to serve as the public’s watchdog on our government. We have seen the pendulum swing from a point of total and absolute enthrallment with Obama and his ilk (shivers down the leg and all that); resulting in his understandable attitude that he could get away with all things, spin the stories in any fashion he pleased, ignore the accepted standards of Executive operations and ethics, and essentially do anything and everything in his quest for his fantastical vision of Obama’s America. And now that same pendulum has swung to the opposite extreme where there is no honest examination or assessment of President Trump and his Administration; but rather a blindly executed, knee jerk, obstinate and irrational resistance to anything Trump. In its long history of Presidential misadventures and boundary explorations, there has likely never been a greater need for media and journalistic oversight that there was in the Obama Administration and that there will be in the Trump Administration. And now, as with then, when we need them the most and their moment of fulfillment arrives; they are reduced to a babbling, partisan, unethical, and self-serving bunch of political hacks that no one believes in. The Democrats know where to turn the dial to get their red meat. The Republicans equally know exactly which stations butter their bread. And very damn few of us take the time to sample a bit of both sides’ wares. We simply consume our daily diet of the news that depicts the world in the way we view it. History will undoubtedly show that when the United States needed its free press the most, that free press was out to lunch.
- · And what about Obama and Clinton rigging the 2016 Democratic Presidential Primary for Clinton, hoping to insure a continuance of the Obama idiocy. Do you suppose Sanders is feeling the “Bern” yet?
- · There is the ultimate, ironic twist to the tragedy of angst that is all things Clinton. Had the Democratic National Party not sold its soul to Hillary Clinton and guaranteed her the nomination, a full two months before Vice-President Joe Biden announced that he would not seek the nomination, there is the distinct possibility that Ole Slow Joe might not have withdrawn from the contest. We will never know how much he knew about the stacked deck the DNC and Hillary had created; but the knowledge of that unholy alliance might very well have been the deciding factor in his decision not to seek the presidency. Considering that the longer the primary and general election season progressed (right up to the election date), the more pathetic a candidate Hillary Clinton became; it is entirely possible that Joe Biden might very well have decided to enter into the fray and oppose her for the Democratic nomination. And had that happened; had Joe Biden been running against Donald Trump for President in November of 2016…America would have a different President today. For better or worse?
Friday, November 3, 2017
Our Cultural and Governmental Dissonance Continues Unabated.
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