Thursday, October 26, 2017

Hillary is a Crook; Obama is an Educated Fool; and Trump is a Loudmouth Boor. Whodoyawant fer Prez?

Now let’s see how this works…If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…it is probably a duck.  Obama is the President who desperately wants to get his Iran Nuclear Deal approved to (so he believes) cement his legacy.   A key player in getting Iran to sign said agreement is Putin, who is the power behind the Iranian throne.  Putin has his greedy fingers into all things that are Russian and profit-making, such as an effort by Russian company Uranium One to corner the world’s uranium market.  Hillary Clinton is Secretary of State and pretty much has a free-hand (consolation prize from her loss to Obama and price of admission into his Administration) in all things foreign policy.  Hillary is in the midst of her presidential quest that, from all appearances, seems bound for glorious success.  Oh…by the way…uranium is a base ingredient for nuclear weapons and is the fuel for nuclear generators, which just happen to account for 19.7 percent of America’s electrical generation.  The Russian effort to get their uranium deal approved through our government involved about 20 percent of all American uranium deposits.  And…just as a side note…as is the case in all things Russian, the effort by Russian interests in seeking this uranium deal approval involved bribery, money laundering, and other various nefarious practices and…the U.S. Government knew this was going on because that had a confidential informant undercover in the negotiations, placed there by the FBI.  And to add one more layer of bizarre to this episode, the FBI and the Obama Administration chose for some reason (what could that reason possibly be now?) not to disclose this criminal activity to the Congress, who was at that time evaluating the uranium deal as part of their oversight responsibilities.  Now, that just about sets the stage.

Obama gets his Iranian Deal signed by the rulers of Iran, with the prodding of Putin’s Russia and with the shipping of pallets loaded with cash (yes…stacks of bundled currency) directly to the Iranian rulers.  Picture in your mind what a payoff looks like; yep…that’s it.  So while they are aware of Russian government involvement and sponsorship of illegal activities in the uranium deal, the Obama Administration keeps that information secret, ships cold hard cash to the Iranian rulers to use as they please (terrorists, line up for your share),  turns a blind eye to Clinton’s personal enrichment in the deal (more on that to come), enlists the mainstream media in touting the utter brilliance of the agreement, and gets Iranian rulers to sign off on a list of promises that they obviously have no intention of honoring.  Law be damned; ethics be damned; national security be damned; all things are expendable in the quest of a legacy.

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Now as Obama and his ilk were providing cover, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton watches her husband stroll over to Russia and receive a cool $500,000 to make a speech for the bank that is backing the uranium deal.  Simultaneously, approximately $2.35 million flows into the Clinton Foundation from a foundation set up by Uranium One’s (the Russian front company in the uranium deal) chairman.  And as anyone who has been paying attention whatsoever knows, once money goes into the Clinton Foundation black hole, no one knows where it goes.  So while serving in the office that is responsible as the President’s chief foreign affairs adviser, Hillary Clinton is lining her pockets with cash while compromising not only her office as Secretary of State; but also compromising the very security of this nation by enabling the uranium deal.  Law be damned; ethics be damned; national security be damned; all things are expendable in the quest for cash.

And where is Donald Trump in all of this?  Where is the Russian collusion that we have been hearing about constantly from the Democrats and the mainstream media for over a year?  The so-called collusion that Robert Mueller (who by the way was running the FBI during the uranium deal) and his superstar (?) team of ace prosecutors are seeking?  While the mainstream media is all over Donald Trump Jr. entertaining overtures of possible opposition research material on Hillary Clinton, they are strangely quiet while the Clinton campaign and the DNC is surreptitiously paying out over $9 million ($5.6m Clinton/$3.6m DNC) to fund  the so-called Trump dossier.  Oh…and by the way…no one can recall those payments for the dossier’s production and somehow it was overlooked for federal reporting purposes on campaign expenses.  While certainly behaving in a fashion that embarrasses many people (other than himself) who dearly wanted him to defeat Clinton, Trump appears to have danced with, but never embraced, the Russian efforts to feed him disinformation about his political opponent.  The DNC and Hillary Campaign Machine, on the other hand, appears to have leapt into bed with the Russian effort to sell them a dossier filled with Trump disinformation.

Chickens coming home to roost; karma is a bitch; what comes around goes around; what’s fair for the goose is fair for the gander; those who live in glass houses should not throw stones; careful what you sow, lest come the harvest; all of these seem to be formulating a perfect Democratic storm.  It is too early to tell exactly to what extent ethics and laws were broken in this escapade; and it absolutely ludicrous for anything Republican in nature to promote any comparisons that might make them appear saintly (that ain’t happening).  But we should all consider the facts, the hard cold facts, in this Uranium One story and dwell on the point that had Donald Trump not defeated Hillary Clinton for President last November, none of this would have ever seen the light of day.  So while Jeff Flake and Bob Corker and John McCain find it nigh on impossible to deal with the sophomoric reality TV star currently in the White House; they would be wise to consider what the alternatives to President Trump were.  Sometimes, the least of all evils is the best choice available.

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