Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Living in a Cocoon Changes People.

With so much very real and meaningful news in this wide world, the mainstream media is apparently obsessed with the parting shots of two U.S. Senators, their maverick cohort from Arizona, and a glitter cowgirl wannabe Representative from Florida.  It seems that anyone, anytime, and in any way can diss President Trump and become an instant rock star.  It is one thing to hear opposition and the “Resist” call from the Democratic Party; they are still in denial about losing the last national election.  But it is difficult to understand why given a rare opportunity to govern with control of the Executive and Legislative branches of government, the Republicans can’t get their act together and get something done.

On several occasions over the last year, I have written critical remarks about Donald Trump and how he conducts himself both personally and politically.  Lord knows he is not the most civil politician; but civility is not a very common trait these days in any politician.  And truth be told, how many of us wouldn’t lose our cool to some degree if everyone and their uncle was on our case about   …EVERY…SINGLE…THING…THAT…WE…SAID…OR…DID?  No doubt, our President brings much of the turmoil and drama that follows him down upon himself.  His childish and perpetually sophomoric tweeting is not only demeaning to himself and the office he occupies; but it is quite likely the largest impediment to gaining some degree of accomplishment and stature for his term in office.

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Even so, it is puzzling why so many Republicans in WDC hold President Trump in such obvious contempt.  Are they really so sanctimonious that they feel themselves to be superior to the President in character and judgment?   These Senators and Representatives who have reveled in their positions of authority and posh benefits,  held themselves up to be models of integrity and wisdom, and have been part and parcel of running this nation’s government into the ground over the last decade or more?  Flake and Corker and McCain, now being hailed as heroes by the Democrats and the liberal media, have suddenly found their critical voices after eight long years of silence while Obama fiddled away.  Flake and Corker, who have very long odds of re-election in their home states; and then McCain, who hates Trump based on their war of words and his resentment that Trump accomplished the very task that he himself wanted so badly to succeed at and failed.  It must be hard to know that you are a genius among fools and then have to accept the role of lowly Senator when the man you consider the biggest fool of all is your President.

As I have said before, President Trump can be a buffoon, he is an egomaniac, he is a poor loser, he is an even worse winner, he has lowered the civility level in the White House, and he apparently has no intention of changing his stripes to please anyone not serving his purposes.  But he is our President.  He is the leader of the Republican Party.  He is the leader of the majority national Republicans who defeated the minority national Democrats last November.  For all of his faults, he deserves the respect due the office he occupies.  However, that deference does not extend to respect for the man and his habits.   The President has not yet, and may not ever, grasp that concept of distinction.  But whether or not his self-awareness matures beyond the current high school level, he will continue to serve as this nation’s leader and Commander in Chief until his term(s) expires.  He will establish policies and make decisions that impact each of us as citizens.  Republicans should criticize within reason, speak opposition when the opportunity presents itself, and then get on the field to win the ballgame.  If they can’t do that, then go quietly into the good night.  Democrats should present the alternatives to Trump’s policies and initiatives when they honestly and sincerely disagree.  But this knee-jerk “Resist” is not helping anyone; least of all themselves.  It is hard to imagine how the mainstream media and journalistic community can sink to any lower level than the one they currently occupy; but they seem intent on plumbing those depths.

It is absolutely incredible to me that anyone or any entity could look at the fledgling Trump administration and call it corrupt on the heels of Obama’s eight years of total disregard for ethics, bipartisanship, transparency, and yes…even the law.  As the days and months pass away and we get further away from its time in space, the width and depth of the Obama Administration corruption becomes more apparent.  History will eventually show that not since Richard Nixon’s team of power-hungry faithful ran the White House, no administration has allowed itself to be so blinded by its zealotry and dedication to its own ideals and principles.

At some point, it should occur to President Trump’s manic critics that if in fact he is the idiot they think him to be, he will tangle himself up if given sufficient rope.  Perhaps rather than making themselves look foolish with baseless opposition and criticisms, they should simply play their traditional roles and let the President walk through the door on his own.  If he is as inept as they think, he will stumble through that door and fall on his face.  Perhaps their certitude of that pratfall is not so great and their fear of his successful entry through that door is a greater threat?   The American electorate shocked themselves and most of the world last November when they elected Donald Trump as President.  They did not elect him because of who he was; they elected him because of what he represented.  And because of whom he was running against.  The Republicans have not grasped that first concept.  The Democrats have not grasped the second.  And the media?  Well, they are simply clueless.

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