Saturday, December 15, 2018

Christmas 2018

In this world full of conflict, so varied and common;
We look for that space to be quiet and solemn.
The anger, the rage, the hate, and the scorn;
The inconsideration that is too often worn.

We’ve turned from the civil towards the face of the coarse;
We’ve traded persuasion for the harshness of force.
No compromise, no concessions, no giving, all take;
Simple victory’s not enough, we need a head on a stake!

There’s little real tolerance, positions locked down;
No room for learning, our answers are found.
We rush and we strive and we work and we play;
We intertwine with each other in an antiseptic way.

The force behind the face, the heart behind the person;
No time for these things, that much is certain.
Our lives have become a demand undenied;
Pushing and pulling and mostly contrived.

At times there is clarity, a moment to “feel”;
But those moments are swallowed in the swirl of the “real”.
And we look back with whimsy at the images left behind;
Opportunities passed by with no hope of rewind.

If only we could learn to seize the moment;
To grasp the cup rather than live with the torment.
To do what feels right as we know we should;
To follow our angels who whisper the good.

Yes…something lies with us, a notion of giving;
It’s a gift from God, a recipe for living.
Pay it Forward…Do Good First…call it what you will;
We each have that spirit within us so still.

And if we can find it and look at its face;
Just give it a moment to make its own case.
That spirit will change us and help heal this world;
That spirit will lift us and help find the Lord.

We’re not all perfect and not all smart;
We’ve all made mistakes and fallen short of the mark.
But we each can do something, special unto us;
Unique and private, a sacred kind of trust.

It is ours to give freely as we each see fit;
It flows without cost and is received without debt.
So as this Holiday Season barrels through our lives;
As we rush and we rumble and we fight to survive.
We each should remember that inside of us all;
Waiting and yearning for a summons or call.
Lies that special something that can transcend and ring…

The power to do good and the joy it can bring.

May you and yours have a                      
blessed and peaceful Holiday 


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