Friday, March 1, 2019

800 Pages Long and Tissue Paper Thin…and Other Things

Mueller is like the person who slams every cabinet door in the kitchen, clangs every pot and pan in the cabinets, empties out half the pantry, and leaves a colossal mess that will take two days to clean up….all for making a can of soup.  Mueller and his partisan team might just be feeling a bit inadequate these days; looking ahead to that inevitable day when a final report is due and it will be read.  If you are a player, pay attention to the odds and maybe get in on how long it will take for some of Andrew Weissmann’s work to get thrown out of court…again.  Read for yourself and be honest…does this sound like Trump/Russia Collusion?

The Big Upside to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and China Talks is the elephant that is not in the room; Russia.  Russia is the Obama of foreign nations.  It is so narcissistic that it cannot abide any international conversation taking place without its name being central to the discussion.  The only way that Russia remains relevant is that democracies in America and Western Europe continue to appease them, while simultaneously making them the global boogeyman.  Russia has been, and remains, a monstrous indictment of socialism and raw power dictatorship.  Its economy is a dismal failure and the people suffer from a combination of corrupt leaders, pathetic infrastructure and a third world standard of living.  Putin spends every moment of every waking hour obsessing with the ever illusive reclamation of the USSR glory days; that ship has sailed.  Trump has discovered that the best way to deal with Russia is to marginalize them; exposing them for the weak-kneed bully they are.  Their one shining moment is oil production and the good old USA has reclaimed that championship in the last few years.

However, one of the things that drives me nuts about Trump is the seemingly cavalier and forgiving attitude that he takes with world leaders who fall into the category of despicable and brutal; such as Putin and Jong Un.  The Donald seems to think he is such a talented dealmaker that he can schmooze his way into the good graces of despots and change their attitudes of America, freedom, and human dignity with a twinkle of his eye.  Donald…you ain’t that good and you wouldn’t be the first to try and fail at this futile exercise.  Call them what they are, recognize them for what they do, and never legitimize their crimes against humanity.

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The Cohen Hearings in the House….what can you say?  While our President is in Hanoi trying to talk World Peace with one of the planet’s greatest threats to World Peace, House Democrats think it is wise to hold, on the same day, these hearings.  To make matters worse, said hearings are based solely on the delusional wonderings of an inept bagman, admitted liar, and publicity seeking rascal.  The only  thing sadder than the Democrats putting Cohen up on a pedestal for the whole world to watch is realizing that Donald Trump kept this guy around for ten years as his personal attorney.  By the way, I am taking bets on the exact time and place that Adam Schiff’s eyeballs actually pop out of his head.

Democratic Party behavior is becoming more abysmal by the day.  Three good and recent examples are linked below.  Flat out lies about the recent tax reform; blatant obstructionism in Congress; and playing fast and loose with the Constitution are the featured items in today’s post.  Democrats…please find an adult who will supervise your party.

And now, let’s move on to the rising Democratic Presidential Wannabes. Here are features on the two who are considered front runners for the Democratic Presidential Nominee.  Caveat Emptor.

Oh, and by the way, for the record…..I am a social Moderate; I am a foreign policy Libertarian; I am fiscally frugal; and I am a flyover country Conservative that does NOT want to be Bill Maher.

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