Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Christmas Card 2019

A tribute to the eternal gift that our government annually gives to future generations; the perpetuation of an irresponsible, short-sighted, and debilitating national debt nourished through deficit spending.  Happy Holidays!!!!!

The WDC Night Before Christmas

Twas days before Christmas and all through the din, politicians were screaming like a hurricane wind.
Their whining and moaning rang through the air, seeking to find some publicity there.
Their staffs were like ants, composing what’s said…while visions of voters danced in their heads.
Trump with his wild hair and Nancy with her chew, had dug in their heels for the latest hullabaloo.

Then out on the south lawn, there arose such a racket…the Agents all scurried in a rush to attack it.
Out to the balcony Trump flew like a flash, half dressed in pajamas that hardly covered his…legs.
The twinkle of stars and the light of the moon, lit up the yard like the sunshine in June.
And what in the world should this evening reveal, but Mitch and Chuck in a red snowmobile.

With both of them laughing and holding a cup, old Donald just knew that something was up.
Hardly able to stand and stumbling about, the men left their ride and began to shout.
“Now Donald, Melania, Mike and Stephanie…Nancy and Nadler, Adam and AOC.
To the floor of the House, to the floor of the Senate…we’ll pass legislation like we really mean it.”
And as they staggered about all arm in arm, it became clear to those watching that they meant no harm.

So Trump called them in and having some doubt, poured them black coffee and said “What’s this about?”
They winced at each other, none too proud, and then asked the Donald …“Why are you talking so loud?”
Their eyes were all bloodshot, their hair was a mess…they could barely stay seated and needed a rest.
They pushed back their coffee and took out a flask, refilled their cups and set to the task.
They reached in their pockets and each had a list, a trade had been bartered and here was the gist.

Chuck slurred his words and started to mumble, tried to stand up and then took a tumble…
“You’ll get your wall and new ships and planes; we’ll expand Medicare and Amtrak trains.
You’ll get your Judges without an ordeal; and we’ll heal the planet with the Green New Deal.”
Chuck turned to Mitch and gave him a stare, wanting him to speak…but he was asleep in the chair.
“We’ll all get what we want in a new budget bill; but no talk of the deficit…that is the deal.”
The Donald sat back and it appeared he was thinking… “I like what I hear and want what you’re drinking.
Forget what we owe, budgets can be funny.  Just fund all the programs…’cause we print the money.”

Chuck rousted Mitch to wake him up, put his arm over his shoulders and refilled their cups.
They walked to the balcony without making a sound, climbed over the railing and fell to the ground.
They crawled to their Yamaha and struggled to sit, fired up the engine and down the road they lit.
And you could hear them singing as they careened around the Mall… “Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall…..”

Never underestimate the Spirit of Christmas….Ho Ho Ho !

You and your family have a maaahhvelous Merry Christmas and Holiday Season…
                    May God Bless You All.

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