Monday, January 27, 2020

The HCSL and Other Things

The Democratic Party that we are seeing today, deployed against President Trump in its Resist mode and scheming to highjack the Impeachment process in Congress, does not reflect what the Democratic Party has historically been nor what it should aspire to.  Say what you will about AOC’s radical policies; she clearly understands that the way to achieve those policies is to promote the position, create support for that position, and win at the polls in order to implement that position.  That age-old edict of democracy is lost on Pelosi, Schiff, and Schumer.  Instead, they are exercising the principles of the HCSL; the Hillary Clinton School of Life.

Taken down to its elementary form, the HCSL simply demands that if your initial efforts fail, you just devolve down to the next lower standard of ethics and morality in the effort to win.  You shift your strategy to employ whatever technique is required to accomplish your goal.  The quest for power, influence, and…oh yes…wealth justifies whatever means may be necessary to obtain it.  And just as importantly, you never quit pursuing it.

No matter how many times or how clearly your campaigns might be repudiated; you never ever stop chasing those things that enrich your own standing.  Whether it be transparent and public or private and ruthless, any collateral damage to other people is perfectly acceptable as long as your purposes are served.  All assets are expendable in the quest for mission success.

I have been waiting more than three years for a Democrat to stand up and condemn this HCSL approach to politics.  With each passing day, that expectation is shrinking and withering away.  The handful that will compete in a few days for the Iowa votes do not offer any encouragement. 

Don’t miss the next post!
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Here are some interesting articles to help one frame the very real issues of Presidential impeachment:

More of our Nation’s Founders:

Some more information about the ongoing investigations into Obama Administration’s corrupt Department of Justice activities…and beyond:

My gosh, these people were/are shameless:

A few solid references on the Soleimani assassination and the ongoing Iraq/Iran Crisis:

Why do we try to help these people who hate us?

Want to know more about the Swamp…how it got the way it is and how it continues?

If you have paid, are paying, will be paying, or are continuing to pay criminally-exorbitant college tuition costs…you might wonder why they are so high:

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