Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Residents are Taking Control of the Asylum

As frustrated as I get with President Trump, I always pull back from outright mutiny for one very good reason: the man has to deal with a bunch of idiots on a daily basis.  This is not a good reason for he, himself, to act like an idiot; but it is certainly relevant as to why he sometimes acts as he does.  From Donald Trump’s perspective, his job must be like playing chess with a pigeon.  The pigeon jumps on the board, knocks all the pieces over, shits all over the board, and then struts around like it won the game.  This is what Trump contends with every…single…day.

When you consider the people he must contend with, one wonders how he seems as sane as he does.  Consider some of the these combinations: Governor Inslee and Mayor Durkan in Seattle, Governor Walz and Mayor Frey in Minneapolis, Governor Cuomo and Mayor De Blasio in New York, Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Schumer in Congress, the New York Times and the Washington Post in WDC, CNN and MSNBC on cable television, and finally the Democratic Party and Hideaway Joe in the upcoming election.  Also consider some of the rogue District Attorneys on his national radar: (Attorney General) Keith Ellison in Minnesota, Kimberly Gardner in St. Louis, and Paul Howard in Atlanta.  Please don’t get me wrong; I am not saying that all Democrats are idiots.  I know better than that from experience.  It just seems that lately, all of the biggest idiots in the news are DEMOCRATS!   Is there a pattern here?

And then, of course, there are the liberal federal Judges scattered all across the nation that view the world through their own private lens; such as Emmet Sullivan in the Michael Flynn case.  We haven’t even scraped the surface on the assorted nuts we can find in the celebrity troves of Hollywood and New York; not to mention the various world leaders who envision themselves the modern version of Alexander the Great.  As if that pot were not sufficiently full, we must add a sprinkle of spice on top in the form of RINO characters such as Romney and a strange collection of Bush acolytes. 

As bizarre and disconnected as today’s world may seem to me, a common man in a common community; I cannot imagine how truly byzantine our nation must seem to the President every day he wakes up and swings his feet out of bed.  I have seen things in the last decade that I never dreamed I would see in my lifetime.  I am blessed beyond reason; I can get up, hop on my ATV, ride out on the farm, check the cattle, admire the Good Lord’s handiwork in the glorious nature that abounds, and pretty much disregard the madness that has swept this nation.  Our President does not have that luxury. 

Don’t miss the next post….          Just Google centerlineright.

Unless and until our two national political parties can arrive at some form of détente; it is hard to envision a pathway that can lead to a properly functioning federal government.  The job of the President is massive, complex beyond belief, and literally debilitating in its demands on a person.  All we need to do is look at the before and after photographs of our past Presidents.  We have to get back to a place where even though we have robust debates about policy and challenging journalists who play devil’s advocate with Presidential decisions; we nonetheless maintain a civil level of discourse, an abiding respect for the office of the President, and we realize that the person in the White House was elected to office by the voters of America.  Unless we can allow our Presidents to focus on their duties and obligations without having to deal with the petty and partisan ankle-biting that has become so prevalent over the last two decades; it is difficult to envision any President, of either Party, being very successful at fulfilling their appointed duties.

Another disconcerting aspect of our poisonous political discord in America is its impact on our foreign policy and international relationships.  I realize that it is pointless to pine for the days when national security debates stopped at the water’s edge.  But if some type of bipartisan middle ground is not rediscovered in U.S. foreign policy, I fear that our country’s future existence on this uncertain planet is going to become increasingly perilous.  Here is a good glimpse at one of the hotspots that our mainstream media should be covering in a responsible and objective way: . 

Going back up the blog to some of the infamous pairings that are dealing with the law and order issues across America today…it goes without saying that the dreams and ambitions of some liberal leaders simply do not respond well when they come face to face with reality.  I have often referenced journalist Heather Mac Donald on her articles regarding law and order.  Here is another piece from her impressive body of work: .  It has been said many times before, but bears repeating; these truly naïve liberal leaders have every right to their own ideals and political philosophies.  What they do not have a right to is their own set of facts.

The devolution of American journalism has proven that if a lie is told often enough, it becomes the truth.  Equally apparent is the fact that our collective ignorance of history has created opportunities for agenda-driven entities from all walks of life to literally and manipulatively rewrite history with no fear of recrimination.  We used to say believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.  In today’s world of fake news, shameless journalistic deception, and photo shopping techniques that are beyond belief…I believe I can safely say that we should all be extremely careful about who and what we rely upon.  

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