Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Buffet is Open

Let’s start off with a salad; a very light salad, in fact.  In my last post, I referenced a recent book about looting whose author had not only been prominently featured on NPR; but had been graced with the type of softball questions/cuddly approach known only to presidential candidates named Biden.  In light of the recent Trump anti-military hoax perpetrated by a handful of anonymous sources and The Atlantic magazine, is it any surprise to learn that the person interviewing this so-called author for NPR was formerly employed as an assistant editor at The Atlantic before assuming the same position at NPR.  These wannabe journalists live in bubbles, talk only to people like themselves, and have literally no clue as to what the real world entails.  Read this: .  It is revealing that Ms. Escobar finds this particular book “really clarifying”.  NPR needs to get clarified and hire some professional journalists.

Since the salad was light…very light..., let’s have an appetizer or two.  What about mail-in ballots?  Is it something necessary because of the pandemic or it is an invitation to confusion and fraud?  One thing is for certain; this is not the first time it has come up.  Read here about what a bi-partisan commission said about the idea several years ago:

Appetizer two is up…a small bite of the story that continues about the U.S. Postal Service and how they do operate, could operate, and should operate.  Here is a revealing article on that topic: .

Hey, how about two entrees also?  First up, is it just me or is the coronavirus obsession losing some of its steam?  I suspect that when this pandemic is behind us, we will conclude that one of our biggest errors in judgment was keeping our kids out of school.  It is not an easy call; but the kids are sure taking a hit: .  In my humble opinion, the most important learning years for kids are from age 5 to age 15.  If you take one to two of those years away, as we have done, you will not ever be able to replace them.  That is a permanent loss.  And for what… because a tiny percentage ran the small risk of being infected by a virus whose effects would most likely be asymptomatic? 

Did all of our efforts to prevent the spread of the virus and flatten the curve simply spread out the inevitable damage over a longer period of time: .  Just how effective will our national shutdown efforts prove to be in the final analysis: .  

Entrée No. 2 emphasizes that the world has not come to a halt because Americans can’t get along inside their own country.  While we quarrel amongst ourselves, Europe is going through some significant turmoil trying to figure out a European Union without Great Britain, whether or not a European currency is even feasible, and trying to get comfortable in between an American ally with a wildcard President and an adventurous Russia headed by a thuggish strongman. 

German chancellor Merkel has never been a friend or admirer of Donald Trump.  When you study her record and rhetoric over time, I doubt she has been much of a friend or admirer of America.  I believe she found Obama to be a useful idiot for her own ambitions.  She sees Germany as being the pre-eminent power and authority in Europe and does her best to play the U.S. and Russia off of each other for Germany’s benefit (see Nordstream 2 pipeline deal).  She does not seem to enjoy sharing the stage with a co-star.  Germany is a difficult problem for any American president and whoever our next one turns out to be, they better have their game on when they do business with the chief of Europe’s premier economic power…Germany: .

In that same vein, Russia’s ambitions do not seem to have cooled very much since its Crimean adventures.  Read about Putin’s ruthlessness here: .  Even though the Trump Administration has made some very good progress in Eastern European diplomacy; it has been overshadowed by all-encompassing domestic events.  Read here about some good news on the European front: .  Putin’s mischief is always just below the surface in his dealings with neighboring nations: .  While Putin (and the Democrats) distracts us with his feeble attempts to meddle in our elections; his very real intent to restore the Soviet empire to its former glory is alive and well. 

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

That second entrée was heavy; but there is always room for dessert.  Perhaps the sugary high we get from our after dinner delights will help to tolerate some political discourse.  I have always taken comfort in thinking that I am a fairly normal American citizen; unremarkable in most ways and sharing the same concerns that most other people have.  My safety is my insignificance; my comfort is my obsolescence; my security is my modest lifestyle; and my peace is my God and my Faith.  This is why I understand that the results of this coming election, notwithstanding its historical significance, will not really impact my personal life that much.  The sun will continue to rise in the east and set in the west…every day.  The possible tragedy resides in the potential harm the outcome might do to over 200 years of American liberty and independence. 

That is the reason why this Independent is strongly in support of Donald Trump for President in 2020.  It angers me greatly that the Democrats have lost themselves in their liberal mania and that the Republicans have given us the most arrogant and buffoonish President in my lifetime.  But the simple fact is that one of these two men must lead this nation for the next four years beginning in 2021 and each one of them represents a unique and quite distinctly different set of values and ideals for this country. 

Trump is an egotistical tyrant who is so consumed with himself that he is hard to tolerate in anything other than sound bites.  But there is one thing that Trump is clearly not; he is not a politician.  Some of his political ideas work out successfully and some gloriously flop; but none of them are initiated out of political cunning.  They are implemented due to some type of personal, byzantine, and arbitrarily-instinctual behavior pattern that is Donald Trump.  You can call it winning, conniving, devious, maniacal, or genius; but whatever it is, it is unique to this President.  He is a true outsider and not a product of our political system.  And for all of his faults and excesses; I find this to be his ultimate redeeming quality. 

I detest the man; but I love his fresh and honest (sometimes painfully so) approach to the domestic and international issues that face our Chief Executive.  He has brought a unique perspective to Washington, D.C. that has shaken things up, made people re-evaluate former attitudes and positions, and opened up opportunities for progress that would otherwise never have occurred.  In spite of his personal failings, this aspect of Donald Trump makes him the best choice as our next President.

Consider the alternative.  Joe Biden is a career politician of nearly 50 years that has a long and proven record of going whichever direction the wind might be blowing at that moment.  He possesses a ready willingness to say anything to anybody at anytime in order to advance his political ambitions.  He is a shell of a man with no principles or conviction.  He is predictably malleable.  He is, always has been, and will continue to be a product of his immediate environment.  If he is elected President, that environment will be exceedingly liberal.  Read about his public service record here: .

His recent conflicting statements about fracking and the fossil fuel industry are perfect examples of his shifting politics.  The very fact that he selected an individual like Kamala Harris as his veep when her policy positions are so radical is reflective of how he makes important decisions.  How does he square her selection with his much ballyhooed “home” state of Pennsylvania: .

I recently wrote about the bitching, moaning, and whining of the Democrats and Joe Biden.  Read this article and then consider the wisdom of what I wrote: .  My friends… “All pain and suffering…” covers a whole…lot…of…ground.

And as the mainstream media continues to circle the bowl and head down the sewer, there is the new hoax circulating that President Trump somehow disparaged the troops while he was visiting in Europe.  The mainstream media is not just in bed with the Democrats and Biden; they are serving them breakfast and emptying his bedpan.  Read this:

The amount of obvious co-ordination between the media and the Democrats is woeful; but the true tragedy is the lack of shame that either party exhibits about the arrangement.  They hardly even attempt to shroud or deny their Machiavellian schemes anymore.  They are treating the American voters like idiots and many American voters are thanking them for their attention.  Donald Trump is not only competing with the opposing national party; he is also dueling with the mainstream media and RINO members of his own party who feel somehow disrespected by him.  I cannot recall when a presidential candidate had a higher stacked deck lined up against him.

But if you think this election is over one way or the other, I believe you are badly mistaken.  American voters are deeply conflicted about the two National Parties, their Political Agendas, and their very different Presidential Candidates.  A large chuck of voters could have voted last week; they are that certain about what they want and who they support.  But the voters that will choose who will be our next President still have not decided.  They are sitting in their homes, watching their families, gleaning tidbits here and there from their news sources, speaking with their friends and neighbors, looking at their bills and their paychecks, going to church with their masks on, and trying to make some sense out of the madness that surrounds this country.  Come Election Day…these people will determine our next President. 

The last bite of dessert will be the words of a journalist that I admire greatly.  She did not sell out when she had the opportunity.  She goes her own way, trusts her own judgment, and speaks intelligently in an independent fashion.  She has been through the political battles and has the scars to prove it.  It behooves anyone who wants to stay informed to pay attention to her words: .   I sure hope that bringing politics up at the conclusion of the meal doesn’t leave you with indigestion.  



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