Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Reinvention of America Continues

As the farcical impeachment of a President who is no longer a President continues, let us consider the sincerity of the accusers.  Donald Trump, Representative Marjorie Greene, and other selected Republicans fly off the handle with crass and irresponsible rhetoric and are impeached, severely punished, perhaps criminally prosecuted, excoriated by the mainstream media, or otherwise persecuted.  The Democratic Party’s Senate Leader Schumer, House Speaker Pelosi, Representatives Al Green and Maxine Waters and The Squad spew hate speech that leaves little to the imagination and it soon passes down the memory hole.  It was the One himself who uttered these words of wisdom about how to combat Republican political attacks… “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun”.  Or maybe we should reflect on the words of the One’s Attorney General Eric Holder, who self-identified himself as that President’s political wing man… “If they go low, we kick them”.  Welcome to the new world of do as I say, not as I do.

And while we are considering the thoughts of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, let us look at his observations on another subject of nonsense from the Democrats.  Senator Paul goes off the rails on occasion and certainly loves the camera; but he is also a true conservative who has an intense appreciation for the fundamental principles of our democracy and constitution.  He shines the brightest when he speaks truth to power, as he does here…

Just as the colossally-obese Democrat Covid bail-out package is being jammed down the throat of America, rewarding those states who have spent themselves into oblivion, there is forming in the wings another prize to be handed out to those who wish to escape the consequences of their actions.  As I have written before, this is nothing short of a middle finger salute to every person who has responsibly paid their student debts through hard work, sacrifice, and simple integrity.  The link featuring Mike Rowe is a repeat from an earlier post; but good, common sense always bears repeating.

And what are many of those people with these debts doing these days?  One thing they are NOT doing is performing the trade they were educated to perform.  While they sit at home and dole out PC foolishness in the name of online instruction, an entire generation is absorbing an irrecoverable loss.

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

On a lighter note, here is a fascinating perspective on how truly strange the world around has become.

Unfortunately, the amusement quotient is limited when the reality of election consequences begin to set in.  All the substantial foreign policy achievements from the Trump Administration are being unwound as quickly as his domestic policy was with the forty some odd executive orders that have been thrown out.  I fear the Middle Eastern time bomb that was beginning to be disarmed is on the verge of being reconnected.

As the Democrats check off the boxes on their liberal to do list, it is inevitable that they will eventually get around to gun control.  This topic, as with many before it, clearly demonstrates the liberal community’s detachment from reality.  Government might make it difficult to purchase and own a firearm.  Government will very likely make it extremely onerous and expensive to obtain ammunition for our firearms.  Government will continue its efforts to restrict our rights to carry our firearms.  But believe this…Government will never confiscate our firearms.

Let me close with a word about one of the greatest performers of my generation, Eric Clapton.  He lived it all…the sacrifice to achieve fame, the misery of dealing with that achievement, and the absolute beauty of surviving and allowing his mature and seasoned professionalism to reflect all of it in his performances.  I leave you with a good article about his life and some of his music.  I was going to pick one of the three songs, but after listening to them once again, I thought…why leave anything out?



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