Monday, July 25, 2022

Trying to Square the Circle

This old geometry problem is, and always has been, an impossibility.  No doubt, that has not kept many from pursuing a solution to its hopeless question.   Since the dawn of time, seeking an elusive answer to a hypothetical question has been a popular exercise in entertainment.  But when the solution being sought has accompanying relevance that makes it necessary, then the patience and equanimity required of such quixotic pursuits wear thin.


This is where we stand today with many of the social and political goals listed on the liberal agenda.  Unfortunately, the exclusionary and monotone bubbles that liberals tend to inhabit prevents them from coming to grips with the fundamental law of actions and reactions; of the difference between wants and needs; and the folly of using limited resources like they are house money.   It effectively insulates them from REALITY.  It is quite simply impossible to make sense of some of the things they do.


When we place people in government positions where they have significant amounts of power and authority, it is essential that either (A) these people have life experience that has taught them how things occur in the real world, or (B) even though they may have lived a life of privilege, they are sufficiently intelligent to understand that everyone is not as lucky as they have been.  It is tragic that the Biden Administration is populated by bureaucrats who possess neither A nor B.


The detachment from reality exhibited by Biden appointees is breath-taking.  The double-standards by which they normally operate are just plain wrong.  And the ignorance they display in their administration of our government is irresponsible to the point of malfeasance.  Let us examine some examples of this behavior.


In the words of my favorite TV character Harry Bosch… “everybody counts or nobody counts”.  If this maxim is going to apply in the administration of law and justice in America, then all people should be treated equally.  That simply ain’t what’s happening.  There are two levels of justice in our nation; one for the common person and one for the wealthy and powerful.  To wit…let’s consider how the Department of Justice (DOJ) treats the son of our President.


And how the law and Congress deal with those people who might not “think like they do”.


Adam Schiff barking about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas “crossing a line” has as much credibility as me instructing Michael Jordan about how to dunk a basketball.  Schiff is a worm; Clarence Thomas is an historically-great man in American history.


The liberal elements of the Democrat Party have been foisting their socialist principles on law enforcement ever since Obama spent eight years in the White House pumping out that drivel.


People all across our country are beginning to understand that crime cannot go unpunished and law enforcement must have the necessary resources to maintain civil order and security.  What does our President and liberal support structure do when they have opportunities to impact law enforcement across the land?  Why…they appoint people like this to decide exactly how the law will function.


In the world of liberals and Democrats, the truth of yesterday can prove to be nothing more than a nuisance today.  As long as they have the mainstream media to airbrush their hypocrisy and parrot their talking points…the rain can be dry, the sun can be cool, the darkness can be light, and idiots get rewarded for their lunacy.  See if you can “square this circle” ……….


Leave it to the Bee to find satiric gold in every situation:


The great guru of “all things pandemic” continues to haunt the airways of our nation, even after his crooked affairs, poor judgement, and just bone-headed recommendations are exposed for the comedies that they are.


Per the liberal modus operandi…if you start losing the game, simply change the rules.


This from a person (Yellen) who told us a few months back that inflation was of no concern; it was only temporary.


One of the favorite words in the liberal lexicon is “tolerance”.   But their definition comes with the qualifier “tolerance for me, but not for thee”.   For instance, consider how this liberal darling diva approaches an emotional subject that clearly has significant differences in how people view it.  There are certainly two sides to this argument, but They/She leaves no room for differing opinion or opposition.


Another “crisis du jour” of our liberal elite is climate change.  Somehow, in their universe, if you cannot grasp that the world as we know it is coming to an apocalyptic end sometime next month due to our irresponsible trashing of the planet, then you are simply stupid.  And if they can’t push their Green New Deal through under normal legislative proceedings, then they will simply have to jam it down our throats with Executive Actions.  Per these raving climate alarmists, we must “plug in” to save the world…regardless of the cost.


You know…a man can have feminine ways and a woman can be masculine in nature.  But at the end of the day, a man and a woman are defined by their biology.


Here is a great article on the liberal philosophy and how it seeks to “reinvent or normalize” certain things in order to promote them.  In their world, you must either accept their new definitions and embrace their new practices; if you refuse, you are an outcast.


Not content in their efforts to reshape our American culture and society to reflect their “woken” ways, the Liberal/Democrat nexus has wormed its way into areas and Departments where it SHOULD NOT BE.  Some parts of our government…like the Department of Justice…should be free from political influence.  Another critical area is our Department of Defense.  In fact, one would have to think that an Administration would be complete looney tunes to try to exert radical, cultural influence on our military.  One would be correct.


Another bulwark in the liberal wall is the “nanny state”; a situation where the government is the big “I” in all things and you, the citizen, are the small “you”.  Where the government decides what is best for you, how you should live, how they should spend your money, and most importantly…how you need to think about things in general.  Lincoln spoke of a government that was “of the people, by the people, and for the people”.  That makes sense to me.  That is how I read our Constitution.  Just how has the big liberal government philosophy worked out for our country?


President Joe Biden has sold his soul to the radical, liberal elements of the Democrat Party.  They control what he says; they control the policies he promotes; and they control the actions he takes.  The hard truth is that these ideals do not reflect the majority opinion of American citizens.  In fact, they do not reflect the majority opinions of American Democrats.  Biden has veered off the main road onto a side path of extremism and he is reaping the wages of that journey.


In closing…some remarks about a past story with current implications.  The events of January 6, 2021 at our nation’s Capitol were tragic.  A legitimate exercise in free speech and assembly devolved into a desecration of our government, both symbolically and physically.  It could have turned out much worse than it did.  In fact, the House Select Committee, in conducting their hyperbolic hearings, have demonstrated how extreme they might be construed.


But while the Select Committee should be publicly denigrated for their shallow, transparent, and partisan commandeering of this uncivil act; it is also quite legitimate to blame President Trump for the manner in which he handled the situation.  I do not condone substituting the term “insurrection” for “bad judgement”; but I will readily acknowledgement that sometimes, bad judgement serves as a glimpse into true character.  And while we are assessing blame, the Biden Department of Justice has shown themselves to be nothing less than a partisan arm of the White House through the manner in which they have prosecuted the participants of the January 6 events.  It is shameful.


It was abundantly clear that at some point between the November 3, 2020 and January 6, 2021, the election results were not going to be overturned by some instances of irregularities, wrongdoing, and possible criminal behavior.  The opportunities for election misbehavior that should have been addressed before the election could not be feasibly addressed after the election…. and before January 6, 2021.  Trump knew this; but refused to accept it.  He bears the guilt for that action and the consequences thereof. 


To the credit of Congress, and through the normal fits and starts of our political process, a new piece of legislation has been agreed upon that will seek to address the issues surrounding January 6, 2021.  This is the right way to right the wrongs.  Invading the Capitol was the wrong way.  Here is some good commentary on both ways.


Thursday, July 21, 2022

Is It Education or Activism?

I have to believe that the clear majority of teachers across our nation are dedicated to the mission of teaching our children the fundamentals of education.  Those fundamentals… such as math, algebra, literature, composition, history, civics, science, biology, English, basic tech skills (previously known as typing) …have been shelved or diminished at the expense of promoting a liberal agenda that is heavy on woke and light on necessary skills and abilities. 


The unions that represent our teachers are controlled by the Democrat Party and the liberal activists that now run it.  Once a teacher is in the organization and their pound of flesh is held out of their paycheck to finance the union, they have very little influence over what the organization that represents them says and does.  What is being “said and done” is destroying education in America and shortchanging an entire generation of children that will be unprepared to compete in a global society and economy.


There are signs here and there that parents are rising up and exerting their opinions and influence on the school boards that run our schools and hire our teachers.  But this “hair on fire” opposition to the radical idiots in academia will not be sufficient to return us to some form of educational sanity.  A month or two of excitement because some yuppie teachers were instructing kids in critical race theory will not do the job.  Getting your ire up about a liberal principal playing gender games with sports, pronouns, and any other manner of school regulations will not deter this practice. 


Dedicated, consistent, widespread, and public resistance to this liberal commandeering of our school systems must be ongoing and perpetual for education to get back on a solid foundation.  Intelligent and ethical school board candidates must be supported both in putting forth their names as candidates and serving as Board Members when they are elected.  School Board meetings must be attended and addressed.  Parents must make it their jobs to look at the books used by their children, the assignment materials they are given, and the content of lectures they receive in their classes. 


The liberal activists that now control our education system are clever, devious, dedicated to their beliefs, well-funded, politically-savvy, and will not go gently into the night.  They must be confronted, debated, called out for their ridiculous notions, and held accountable for the damage they have done… and are doing …to our nation’s most precious resource: our children.


If you read the previous link to the story about the California school district and Planned Parenthood, you must be wondering about two things.  First…Has the entire state of California simply given up on common sense and given over completely to fantasyland?  Second…Given the state of decline all across the spectrum of California, why in the world would anyone even dream of selecting its governor as a presidential candidate?


As the first Tuesday in November rapidly approaches and the Democrat Party prospects for those elections continue to dim, we can expect some wild and crazy desperation moves by the Democrats to distract, deny, dilute, and mislead in an attempt to somehow figure out some way to stack this mid-term so that it is more amenable to their concerns.  No doubt, the pandemic panic that enveloped this nation in the last election cycle provided cover for a lot of Democrat Party shenanigans.  Likely the most egregious of these election malpractice actions was the common practice of lessening the integrity provisions for absentee and mail-in ballots. 


And even though many states have passed new election reform legislation that should address many of these abuses; there are many states who have simply sat idly by or talked reform to death with no action whatsoever.  Based on past experiences, do not be surprised if much of the same screwy stuff that happened in November of 2020 doesn’t magically reoccur in November of 2022.  Republicans gonna be Republicans and keep bringing those pocketknives to gunfights.


Perhaps there is a sound basis for it, but one has to wonder why the national public discussion about a resurgence of covid and the emergence of monkeypox just happens to be ratcheting up a few months before the elections?  Hey…it worked once; why not try it again?


If they can convince Yuval Levin that this is “promising” election reform legislation, then I can get on board with it:


Our President is an idiot and he has seeded idiots up and down our government’s ranks.  These patronage appointees command federal departments, agencies, and hordes of civil service employees who have no choice but to follow their superiors’ marching orders.  THIS is the most severe damage that Joe Biden has wrought on our nation and no change in control of Congress will wipe it out.  This curse will be with us at least through this presidency and will take a long, long time to erase.


These people are so clueless, they do not know what they do not know.  And in cahoots with the Democrat Congress and the mainstream media, what are these radical…liberal…ideologues doing to our country?


No one needs to tell you that these people are nuts; all you have to do is listen to what they say and watch what they do.


Of course, when the Ringmaster sets the standard for the entire Circus, what should we expect?


It is bad enough when our President acts a fool at home, but does he really need to take his goofy show on the road?


Yeah…I do believe that this guy gets it….


Elections have consequences; but we can only vote for the choices put before us.  Republicans and Democrats alike rapidly forget their campaign promises once they enter into office.  Power corrupts…and nowhere is it more corrupting than in Washington, D.C.  Food for thought…




Tuesday, July 12, 2022

It’s All About Self-Reliance

The political mess that the world finds itself in these days is in no way a simple proposition.  There are swirling eddies and currents in this ocean full of agendas, philosophies, and charlatans posing as statesmen.  The old saying about “believing none of what you hear and half of what you see” no longer applies.  In today’s universe of high-tech wonders, photoshopping capabilities have pushed us through to the point where we can simply apply the measure “none” to both hearing and seeing.  But the internet is a powerful drug and as I partake of its license to pontificate about politics in general, I will ease on out to the skinny part of the limb and make some opening remarks about conservatism and liberalism. 


I live in a rural part of the nation and while I do not consider myself a practicing farmer, I have been around agriculture my whole life and have been managing a cattle herd on my small farm for about 30 years.  It is fair to say that while I do not know everything about farming…I do know what farming is all about.  And anyone who knows that has been inwardly chuckling and grinning at the prospect of the “green new deal” worming its way into the practice of agriculture.  The image of a grain combine stuck out the middle of a 300-acre corn field with a dead battery is amusing.  Trying to bush hog tall thick grass a mile or so away from the house with a battery growing weaker by the moment is a troubling thought.  Having to calculate a budget that provides for the installation of multiple charging stations on the farm and projecting the replacement cost of rare-elemental batteries is surely frightening.  Do you think anyone on the left side of the political spectrum has thought this thing through?


When I extend that battery-charging image to a wider scope and consider how it might impact the everyday lives of people, my mind keeps coming back to that charging station.  How much do you reckon it will cost to put one of those things in?  Who or what in the private sector will have sufficient capital and sufficient courage to take a chance on financing mass charging station installations?  Just how many of these charging stations are going to be needed and how will they (whoever it is that ends up putting them in…hint: the government) decide exactly who gets how many and where they all go?  Who do you suppose will fill up the vending machines that will be lined up beside these charging stations in order to appease the impatient folks charging up their vehicles?  Now that might be a money-making proposition!  In today’s crime and punishment environment of maximum forgiveness, how safe do you think it will be to wait…. what, maybe thirty minutes to an hour...for your car or truck to charge up on a lonely stretch of road in the middle of the night?   Retail stores and convenience gas stations are closing up everyday due to uncontrolled crime, and they are located in the heart of the cities and towns close to the police presence.  And the police might not be able to help you anyway; their patrol cars are hooked up to their charging stations.  Once again…do you think anyone has thought this thing through?


As I consider these thoughts and the images they inspire, I do believe that there might be a bit of symbolism in play.   I keep a supply of gasoline and diesel fuel on my farm for personal use.  When I need it, I have it.  I don’t have to run to town or the station down the road to keep on working because I stay ahead of my anticipated needs.  Sure…I have to occasionally fill up my bulk supply, but there is always someone, somewhere who has gasoline and/or diesel fuel for sale.  One place might be out, but they are all never out at the same time.  Now contrast that situation with a recharging station.  Even if the recharging station is on my farm, I do not control that station’s capacity to throw fresh current into my battery.  Somebody…somewhere else…controls the flow of electricity to the charging station.  The ability of one’s self to control one’s life has been shifted from that of relative self-reliance and independence to that of greater dependence and reliance on something else.  And in the eyes and minds of liberal America, that something else is YOUR GOVERNMENT.  It is no mystery that when the needle moves from the right to the left of the political spectrum, the freedoms you have to make personal choices in your life and the lives of your family become smaller in number and far less consequential in relevance.


So down the road…if the green revolution continues unabated…and all things fossil-fueled end up with electrical cords attached to the them…don’t forget that when you are standing in that long line at the charging station and having to literally push your vehicle up a place when you move forward…we did this to ourselves.  Elections have consequences.  And now…having dispensed with that bit of folly, we can move on to the discussion of some other consequences from our most recent elections.


Just as many American voters sat idly by or allowed themselves to fall into delusion about Joe Biden the Democrat Party, so are many good, noble teachers allowing their profession to be highjacked by liberal radicals who have no interest in serving the best interests of our children.  Their concerns orbit around one…single…planet.  That planet is themselves.


Like thieves in the night, the teachers’ unions and the liberal Democrats used the pandemic as a cover to steal away (at a minimum) a year and a half from our children’s precious, essential, and fundamental education process.  They did so openly, unapologetically, and are now doing all within their power to codify their radical agenda into the fabric our nation’s school curriculum.


Should liberal Democrats in Washington, DC, California, and New York state decide how YOUR children should be learning?  Your self-reliance was your local school board, principals, and teachers.  How is that working out for you these days?


Joe Biden and his Democrat Party are loosened from any reservations they once held about using lies and deceit to accomplish their political goals.  The acquiescence of the mainstream media to serve as their useful idiots have emboldened them to say anything, anytime to help achieve their aims.  That critical part of ourselves…that little voice in the back of our mind…that whispers that we perhaps should step back, listen to reason, rethink a path that might not be playing out as we thought it would…That part of Biden and the Democrats is gone.  Mid-terms be damned!  They have perhaps two and half years to reinvent this country and common sense has no role I that process.


This Democrat sweetheart was very nearly our Vice-President.  Given the chance, she would run our whole nation the way she has run Michigan.  Is that what YOU want?


About that media cover…. Are you comfortable with your tax dollars supporting a liberal agenda?  Aren’t you getting just a little bit tired of liberal hypocrites claiming to be politically neutral when they are laughing at you behind your backs (and oftentimes right in your face) about your backward, antiquated, gun-toting, Bible-thumping ways?


The mainstream media’s creed is simple… Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.


There is really no mystery; just listen to these idiot liberals and they will tell you exactly what they are thinking.


Here is that “liberal world order” that Brian was talking about.


You know… I decided a long time ago that the first thing you want to know about a poll is who is paying for it.  The second thing you want to know about a poll is… Exactly what questions are they asking?


Democrats are coming for those votes once again this November.  Do you suppose that the Republicans have the common sense to close the barn doors BEFORE the horses all escape?


If” the Republicans take control of the House in the mid-terms, are we in for two years of continuous investigations into the Biden Administration?  I fear the likely answer is “yes”.


And who do you suppose will be the No. 1 cheerleader pushing those investigations?  Is this really the BEST candidate the Republicans can come up with to run for President?  I don’t think so.


This man has a knack for cutting right to the bone of issue.  He speaks truth to power, reason to madness, and has a boatload of common sense about him.  His writing is refreshing.


Perhaps… just perhaps… the American people are not quite ready to throw the ideals of self-reliance overboard just yet.  We can only hope… and pray.



Saturday, July 2, 2022

There is No Excuse for Incompetence

I am a retired federal employee, but I work part-time for a private sector employer.  My employer’s business interests intersect significantly with several U.S. Government Departments and Agencies.  It also deals directly with state agencies that are heavily influenced by these Federal departments and agencies.  My employer is increasingly frustrated by the seemingly capricious and arbitrary manner in which many federal and state programs are being run these days.  In a brief conversation with him just the other day, I suggested that a much larger reason for this governmental inefficiency was simply incompetence.  Bad decisions made in WDC have a tendency to slide downhill…all the way to the states, the counties, and the communities.


Elections have consequences; and they should.  When an individual triumphs in a political campaign, they have earned the right to the office they have pursued and with it, the commensurate authorities to accomplish its stated mission and purpose.  This means that when they consider filling the positions supervised by their office, they are able to fill them with people who have “like minds” in policy and purpose.  In other words, it is entirely reasonable for conservatives to hire conservative and liberals to hire liberals.  This is what free elections are all about.  It places a heavy burden on the voters…and we have not performed well with that burden in recent decades.  Terms of political office should serve as effective “term limits”; but recent history has shown us that they instead serve as entry portals to political careers.


Nonetheless, acceding to the fact that political winners have the right to choose their support staff; there is one obligation upon them that is inescapable.  They should be expected to hire COMPETENT people.  There is no question that regardless of party affiliation, there are sufficient numbers of competent individuals with either Republican or Democrat credentials to adequately staff a government…regardless of department or agency.  It is not a reach to say that this obligation might be, if not the most, certainly one of the most important requirements of a political leader.  In no area has Joe Biden failed more miserably than in his selection of incompetent people to populate our government.  This is not an arithmetic error; it is a geometric error.  When an incompetent patronage appointment is made at the federal level, that appointee will in turn make numerous appointments down the line in their departments and agencies.  This reality results in a marginalization and inefficiency for that particular department or agency that stretches from the top to the bottom.  It is a creeping destructive force that breeds low morale, pathetic productivity, and the type of rationalization that results in ideological and partisan operations.  This is where we are today and our nation is suffering because of it.


Joe Biden has selected individuals for important government positions based on many things.  He has zeroed in on race, gender, geographic representation, past policy positions, and party affiliation.  All of these factors are perfectly understandable and acceptable…as long as the candidates selected are additionally COMPETENT to do their jobs.  In the case of Joe Biden’s appointments, the competence requirement is either severely limited in the vetting process or ignored altogether.  He has handed out essential government jobs the way a fireman tosses out candy to children at public parades.  Joe Biden did not want intelligent, experienced, and practical people to fill his administration because these types of people do not bend well to be being ordered about or manipulated.  They tend to be independent thinkers who must be convinced by reality that Joe Biden’s ideals and policies are sound. 


The reality is that the overwhelming majority of Joe Biden’s ideals and policies are unsound.  Therefore, it is not surprising that when we consider his catalogue of patronage appointees, we find them to be politically-centric careerists who are much more interested in today’s opinion polls than they are in serving the American citizenry through their department or agency.  This Joe Biden curse will not be lifted by the results of the mid-term elections, no matter how they might turn out.  The quality of the political appointees placed in service throughout our government by Joe Biden will haunt us for another two and a half years and it will take multiple terms of subsequent presidents to repair the harm and damage inflicted upon our nation’s civic infrastructure during Biden’s time in office.  Elections DO have consequences.


The Watergate Congressional Hearings began on May 17, 1973 and ended on June 27, 1974 with the issuance of a 1,250-page report.  These hearings were bipartisan in every sense of the word and even though there was clearly political tension between the two parties in their examination of a Republican President’s behavior in office; Chairman Sam Ervin (D) and Vice Chairman Howard Baker (R) made it abundantly clear through their rhetoric and actions that this Committee would operate in an objective, transparent, and equitable fashion in pursuit of its purpose.


You could scour the history of mankind and not come up with a greater contrast to the fashion in how this Congressional action was orchestrated than that of the ongoing January 6 Select Committee hearings.  There is literally nothing objective, transparent, nor equitable about this current Committee.  The Watergate Committee had 4 Democrats and 3 Republicans, each selected and approved by their own party.  The January 6 Committee has 7 Democrats and 2 Republicans; all members having been selected and approved by Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  The House Republicans had no say in the selection of the Republican members on this Committee and, in fact, both Republican members of the Committee have clear and public animus towards Donald Trump, the subject of the hearings.


The Watergate Hearings were conducted in the normal course of Congressional operations in established and orderly fashion.  The January 6 Hearings have been conducted in a haphazard manner with loose rules of order, unannounced witnesses, no cross examination, and all of this at the direction of an accomplished Democrat television program producer in prime time.  With quite humble results, the mainstream media have done everything within their power to maximize the viewership and partisan effects of these proceedings and the net result has been their equivalent status being that of a paid, political, Democrat campaign commercial.  They are nothing short of a farcical, transparent, political circus conducted at taxpayer expense while the nation and the world around these clueless elected officials experiences disastrous times and effects.   Donald Trump has not been President for over a year and a half; the Democrats control the White House and Congress; our national economy is in dismal shape; the world is in turmoil; and this is how our elected national leaders choose to spend their time?  This is a BAD joke.


President Trump’s remarks and actions on this day were wrong and inexcusable.  But the reaction of this Committee, and the Democratic Party/mainstream media/liberal community in general, has been clearly over the top and grossly over-reactive:


And the presentation of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson is the cherry on top of a bizarre and badly-melted display of our government (at least one side of it) in action.  Have we Americans become so shallow and gullible that we can be manipulated by these people staging an attractive young lady in fashionable dress to go on and on about what she might have heard in casual conversations around the White House?  THIS is the subject matter of these monumental and stupendous SPECIAL SELECT HOUSE COMMITTEE HEARINGS regarding January 6?


This whole show is a freaking circus.  I will leave it to the Babylon Bee to give us a proper perspective when considering its value.  You know…it is truly scary when satire approaches reality.


Energy and the Economy…the Economy and Energy…They are joined at the hip.  One is inextricably connected to the other and Joe Biden has somehow managed to screw them both up.  But as the real-life impact of unicorns like the Green New Deal becomes clearer…the false hopes of windmills, solar panels, and electric vehicles are coming back down to earth.


Hey…As long as capitalism is allowed to function, hope springs eternal:


Speaking of the economy…perhaps you remember this nugget from the Biden Administration about a year ago:


Once again…no one brings the truth in focus better than the Bee:


There exists today two very different views of our nation and its values.  There are many who believe that our Constitution is outdated and needs to be either heavily revised or disposed of entirely.   There are others who believe that over the last three decades, our people and our government have forgotten what makes this country special and have allowed it to shift in directions that have made it less than it once was.  Here are some good articles that address that ongoing evaluation.


Another aspect of this ongoing debate about the future of our nation is the desire by some to make our government larger and more authoritative while others want to see a marked return to the federalist principles of states’ rights and self-rule.  To anyone who cares to read it carefully, there is little doubt where our Constitution stands on this question.  The recent SCOTUS rulings on gun control and abortion have moved authorities back to the states.  Based on other events across our country, is this a trend or an anomaly?


The agenda of the Democrat Party and the liberal elements in America today calls for a bigger and more powerful federal government, an increased flow of federal tax dollars to any perceived problem in our land, and a naïve and clueless approach to problem solving that is based largely on “feel good solutions” and a sophomoric sense of accountability.  These next two articles are good examples of this approach to governing.


Now in all fairness, I think the latter article above is rather harsh on AOC.  I do not believe she equates her self glamour actions with Roe v. Wade.  However, I do think that her mention of doing her nails in the same breath with historic SCOTUS decisions aptly demonstrates her unserious and schoolgirl attitude towards how this country should operate.  In many ways, I respect AOC’s “in your face” approach to politics; but she certainly has a lot of growing up to do.


Speaking of immaturity…I can think of no subject that better illustrates the childish and adolescent tendencies of the mainstream media more than their handling of the Hunter Biden episodes involving his father.  Whatever the ultimate story may prove to be…can you imagine the way that the mainstream media would have covered these stories if the subjects were President Donald Trump and his son???


To close out, here are three interesting articles relating to the upcoming elections.  Needless to say, all three of these stories are addressing items of monumental importance when considering the future of our country.


Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...