Thursday, July 21, 2022

Is It Education or Activism?

I have to believe that the clear majority of teachers across our nation are dedicated to the mission of teaching our children the fundamentals of education.  Those fundamentals… such as math, algebra, literature, composition, history, civics, science, biology, English, basic tech skills (previously known as typing) …have been shelved or diminished at the expense of promoting a liberal agenda that is heavy on woke and light on necessary skills and abilities. 


The unions that represent our teachers are controlled by the Democrat Party and the liberal activists that now run it.  Once a teacher is in the organization and their pound of flesh is held out of their paycheck to finance the union, they have very little influence over what the organization that represents them says and does.  What is being “said and done” is destroying education in America and shortchanging an entire generation of children that will be unprepared to compete in a global society and economy.


There are signs here and there that parents are rising up and exerting their opinions and influence on the school boards that run our schools and hire our teachers.  But this “hair on fire” opposition to the radical idiots in academia will not be sufficient to return us to some form of educational sanity.  A month or two of excitement because some yuppie teachers were instructing kids in critical race theory will not do the job.  Getting your ire up about a liberal principal playing gender games with sports, pronouns, and any other manner of school regulations will not deter this practice. 


Dedicated, consistent, widespread, and public resistance to this liberal commandeering of our school systems must be ongoing and perpetual for education to get back on a solid foundation.  Intelligent and ethical school board candidates must be supported both in putting forth their names as candidates and serving as Board Members when they are elected.  School Board meetings must be attended and addressed.  Parents must make it their jobs to look at the books used by their children, the assignment materials they are given, and the content of lectures they receive in their classes. 


The liberal activists that now control our education system are clever, devious, dedicated to their beliefs, well-funded, politically-savvy, and will not go gently into the night.  They must be confronted, debated, called out for their ridiculous notions, and held accountable for the damage they have done… and are doing …to our nation’s most precious resource: our children.


If you read the previous link to the story about the California school district and Planned Parenthood, you must be wondering about two things.  First…Has the entire state of California simply given up on common sense and given over completely to fantasyland?  Second…Given the state of decline all across the spectrum of California, why in the world would anyone even dream of selecting its governor as a presidential candidate?


As the first Tuesday in November rapidly approaches and the Democrat Party prospects for those elections continue to dim, we can expect some wild and crazy desperation moves by the Democrats to distract, deny, dilute, and mislead in an attempt to somehow figure out some way to stack this mid-term so that it is more amenable to their concerns.  No doubt, the pandemic panic that enveloped this nation in the last election cycle provided cover for a lot of Democrat Party shenanigans.  Likely the most egregious of these election malpractice actions was the common practice of lessening the integrity provisions for absentee and mail-in ballots. 


And even though many states have passed new election reform legislation that should address many of these abuses; there are many states who have simply sat idly by or talked reform to death with no action whatsoever.  Based on past experiences, do not be surprised if much of the same screwy stuff that happened in November of 2020 doesn’t magically reoccur in November of 2022.  Republicans gonna be Republicans and keep bringing those pocketknives to gunfights.


Perhaps there is a sound basis for it, but one has to wonder why the national public discussion about a resurgence of covid and the emergence of monkeypox just happens to be ratcheting up a few months before the elections?  Hey…it worked once; why not try it again?


If they can convince Yuval Levin that this is “promising” election reform legislation, then I can get on board with it:


Our President is an idiot and he has seeded idiots up and down our government’s ranks.  These patronage appointees command federal departments, agencies, and hordes of civil service employees who have no choice but to follow their superiors’ marching orders.  THIS is the most severe damage that Joe Biden has wrought on our nation and no change in control of Congress will wipe it out.  This curse will be with us at least through this presidency and will take a long, long time to erase.


These people are so clueless, they do not know what they do not know.  And in cahoots with the Democrat Congress and the mainstream media, what are these radical…liberal…ideologues doing to our country?


No one needs to tell you that these people are nuts; all you have to do is listen to what they say and watch what they do.


Of course, when the Ringmaster sets the standard for the entire Circus, what should we expect?


It is bad enough when our President acts a fool at home, but does he really need to take his goofy show on the road?


Yeah…I do believe that this guy gets it….


Elections have consequences; but we can only vote for the choices put before us.  Republicans and Democrats alike rapidly forget their campaign promises once they enter into office.  Power corrupts…and nowhere is it more corrupting than in Washington, D.C.  Food for thought…




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