Friday, January 13, 2023

“This” Is What We Are Down To

In 2016, President Donald Trump was elected to the surprise of essentially the entire civilized world.  He, himself, did not expect to win.  Democrats most certainly did not expect him to win.  The “Democrat Party Conglomerate” of the mainstream media, the high-tech industry, and academia did not expect him to win.  And most significantly of all…the Republican Party did not expect him to win.  All of these…entities…had made solid arrangements on election night to celebrate the expected, emphatic defeat of either an adversary or an outcast.  Donald Trump was clearly not “one of them”.


His term was a four-year exercise in all of the aforementioned entities coming to terms with the reality of a “President Trump”.  His time in office brought with it some high points and good times; it also continued the downward spiral of statesmanship in government and exposed him as the arrogant egotist that he is.  From the moment of his election, it was chiseled in stone that he would not have close friends or allies in the Republican Party, that he would be constantly hounded and attacked by the “Democrat Party Conglomerate” previously mentioned, and that he would be entirely incapable of growing and maturing in his new position in a manner that would in any form or fashion unify this nation or our government.  Donald Trump is many things; statesman is not one of them.


But on that election night in November of 2016, no person on this planet was likely more surprised and simultaneously more disappointed than Joe Biden.  His link to continued feasting at the government’s expense was gone with Clinton’s defeat.  He, himself, was an undeniable political loser at that point in time and he had no apparent future prospects for re-entering the political arena.  At some point soon after the 2016 results became obvious, a thought must have occurred to Biden and the light bulb in his head (dimly) lit up, flashing this message…  It is time to make some money…time to call in the chips!


All the side-deals he had made while serving as Vice-President…the ones that had to be surreptitiously routed in byzantine fashion to keep them under wraps…now had an opportunity to come out from the darkness and blossom.  And blossom they did!  With no thoughts whatsoever to future political aspirations, the cover and hesitancy required for questionable ambitions based on power and position were tossed aside and the Biden-family money-making machine kicked into high gear.  Today’s global and connected economies offer some unique opportunities for entrepreneurs to make a lot of money through innovation and free markets, but mingling private sector ingredients with public sector ingredients makes for some unsavory and filthy brew indeed.


Between the time that Biden left the White House as Vice-President (VP) and began to publicly pursue the Democrat Party presidential nomination for the 2020 election, Biden and his “interests” set up two “think tank” operations…one (the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration) in his home state of Delaware through the auspices of the University of Delaware and one (the Penn Biden Center for Global Engagement and Diplomacy) in Washington, DC (WDC) through the auspices of the Ivy League school University of Pennsylvania (not to be confused with the football school Penn State University).  These would be the dual headquarters for the “payoff chapter” in his diminishing political career; his golden sunset.  The group of people chosen to set-up and operate these political organizations (i.e., think tanks) resembles a who’s-who listing of Obama Administration personalities.  The lower-level and blue-collar folks seemed to congregate on the home turf of Delaware while the more polished and professional crew took up residence in WDC…under the direction of current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.


In this brief time period between leaving WDC as VP and running for and winning the presidency, Biden and his family’s “interests” made an absolutely incredible amount of money.  It is abundantly clear from public records that the main benefactor to this wealth gain was China.  Over this time period, China donated between $55 and $60 million dollars to the University of Pennsylvania.  Concurrently, the University of Pennsylvania (U of Penn) hired ex-Vice-President Joe Biden to serve as a…wait for it…professor with an annual salary around $750,000.  It is notable that Biden not only did not teach any classes at U of P, but his annual salary was far above and beyond the average for even tenured and/or accomplished professors at the school.  It should also be noted that the President at U of P at that time is now serving as the American Ambassador to Germany under President Biden.  Needless to say, one would reasonably expect that most, if not all, of the people employed at the organization’s operations in both WDC and Delaware have found new, generous, and promising employment with the federal government under the current Biden Administration.  What we have in the White House today is, without any doubt whatsoever…quite simply…Obama Part Three.  How revealing do you suppose it would be to track the foreign policy decisions made during the Obama Administrations (especially those in which Biden was involved) that impacted China and how that nation (China) has fared based on those decisions?  Do you suppose there was any money made?


At some point in the next two years, the Republican Party may gain some semblance of common sense and learn to fight political battles on equal terms with the Democrats.  The mainstream media might actually become so embarrassed by their groveling position at the feet of the Democrats that they will, at least in part, rebel and begin to reflect a glimmer of professionalism, integrity, and character in the execution of their business.  The high-tech industry might be shaken out of its woke condition by some combination of public pushback, new and tighter federal regulation, and a rebirth of traditional “free speech” values.  The effective and useful distractions of wokeness, “Hunter laptop” affairs, “All Trump-All the Time” media coverage, foreign policy affairs, and current events (as they relate, of course, to covid) may provide a “public awareness” shield over any serious effort to unravel this mystery of Biden business affairs…but it is not an impenetrable shield. 


Now this is a long, long, shot under very windy conditions…but if these aforementioned things were to occur and legitimate investigation went into the misadventures of Joe Biden and his “interests”…then, the Vice-Presidential records of Joe Biden held at the U of Penn and the National Archives would be unsealed, the laundry business records of the Biden “interests” and the U of P would become public, a sufficient amount of Hunter Biden’s shilling business for his Vice-President father would be uncovered, Biden “interests” financial records could be examined in a through and comprehensive fashion, and the American public could come face-to-face with the obvious question… “How did Joe Biden go from being a shallow, unprincipled, under-achieving life-long politician who had little to show in any sense from his 50-plus years of public service…to being an ultra-rich, globe-trotting, multi-mansion owning, uber-wealthy person/President (who co-incidentally carried his family interests along with him) in a little less than a four-year period?” 


The odds against a target hit of any kind are exceedingly high.  The odds against a lethal hit are astronomically high.   But there is no plausible argument for not attempting the shot.  The international marketing of our nation by its leaders to the highest bidder poses nothing less than a national security threat of the most serious nature.  Peeling back the layers of this corrupted and rotten vegetable will be nasty business.  The players and details will be difficult to discern due to the decomposition.  But the fact that the perpetrators of this unholy affair remain in power even today makes it more urgent than ever that it be exposed for the vile act that it was…and is. 


The various elements involved here…the perversion of our laws and government, the politicization of departments and agencies, the weaponization of government against the people it is sworn to represent, the profiteering of public office for personal enrichment…make it non-hyperbolic to say that the very character, integrity, and fundamental foundations of our country are at stake.  If the entities, both private and public, in our culture and society that are entrusted with providing some degree of civic transparency and public awareness allow this sordid episode in American history to pass without close examination, they will  be undeniably complicit in it through their passivity.  If only our nation could be liberated from these entities and individuals who follow with impunity patterns of self-indulgence that are fostered by illusions of self-importance.  History should judge them accordingly.  Whether or not history actually does depends on who writes that history.  If this type of behavior is allowed to flow by us without consequence, what remains that will not be tolerated?


The timeline, the public records, the vast array of individuals involved in the enterprise…all are out there waiting to be assembled by someone or something who is willing and able to connect the dots.  It will have to be done in spite of, not with the assistance of, the U.S. Department of Justice.  It will have to be done, at least initially, without any support or aid from the mainstream media.  It will have to be done in a manner that presents a complex and Machiavellian web of corruption and deceit in such a way that renders it comprehensible and clear to the average American citizen.  But the potential is there; the story is there; the plain and simple truth is there…to be told.  It lies scattered, dissembled, hidden away, and protected by powerful forces that profit from its secrecy. 


In those brief months after leaving the White House, someone on Biden’s team saw not only the opportunity of achieving an incredibly ambitious and profitable goal…but actually had the courage, intelligence, and foresight to plan and execute it successfully.  They saw in Joe Biden the perfect man to serve as a useful, shallow, and unprincipled marionette for the liberal elements of the Democrat Party; a vessel they could shoehorn into their scheme.  Twisted though it was, this was nothing short of a brilliant epiphany!  It is painfully obvious that this is the one person who was NOT carried over to the Biden Administration.  That level of competence is nowhere to found in today’s White House.


This is the story of how a washed-out and defeated professional politician, approaching his twilight years with modest means and modest (at best) achievements, managed over a less-than-four-year period to gain immense wealth and unparalleled influence, orchestrated a political coup by gaining his Party’s presidential nomination, won a national election by hiding away in his basement and openly pursuing a non-contact campaign for President, swept into WDC on the glorious wings of a resurrected political career with the full support of a unified and loyal Congress, and found himself to be the inexplicable darling of the “Democrat Party Conglomerate” that, to a large degree, controls and manipulates American public opinion.  Not only that, but to his and his Party’s credit, they leveraged this remarkably good fortune into a two-year record of liberal achievements that will undoubtedly accrue to the monumental detriment of many future American generations.  It is not an overstatement to say that he and his Party actually achieved things that the ultra-liberal President under which he served could only dream of and never even dared to propose.  How do you suppose all of that happens?  Is there even a chance in hell that we will ever know? 


For all of the faults that are inherent in Donald Trump, the simple fact is that most of them were organic.  He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and his arrogance, conceit, and ego were with him from birth; they were cultured and nourished within him by the environment purchased by his wealth and status.  He had acquired his riches before entering public office; not while he was in public office.  He made his coin by limiting the checks he wrote to the government (check his tax records); not by maximizing the checks he received from the government.   Trump was no doubt ethically-challenged; but he did not sell-out his public trust to gain his wealth. 


The problem with Joe Biden is not the air-headed mumbo jumbo he spouts every time he attempts to speak in public…the total nonsense that leaks out every time he opens his mouth; nor his capricious attitude towards truth and sincerity.  The problem with Joe Biden and his “interests” is the fact that he sold the power and influence of his elected office for profit; he sold himself for the almighty dollar.  He used his public office for private enrichment.  He can skate for being an idiot…he is skating for being an idiot…and a liar.  We have elected idiots and liars before and will undoubtedly continue to do so.  But he should not skate for being a CROOKED idiot and liar.  He did so at the supreme level of the American government, the zenith of American leadership.  You decide for yourself the appropriate name for what he did to his nation and the people he represented.  And rest assured, whatever that name might be…he is one of them at the highest order.


For what must surely be the first time in American history, our former and our current Presidents are BOTH under active federal investigations concerning criminal activity.  This” is what we are down to and only the Good Lord knows where it will end.


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