Saturday, June 10, 2023

Equal Justice is the Goal

Look….if Donald Trump broke the law…then he deserves to face the consequences.  But if you’re going to use the resources of government to go after him…then you damn well better go after Obama, Hillary Clinton, Biden and his whole damn family, and those provably-corrupt Department of Justice (DOJ) Officials that have been conducting open warfare against twice-candidate Trump and also President Trump.  I submit four observations re: the latest Trump indictment (remember…one is in the can already, this is the second, and there are more to come): 

1.   The politicization of the DOJ by presidents Obama and Biden, as illustrated by the latest Trump indictments, make our nation’s government comparable to what we see in Russia, China, and many other countries across the planet where those in power simply use that power to remain in power…and to expand their power. 

2.     No politician in my lifetime has been more unfairly persecuted than Donald Trump.  It is not difficult at all to see how he might be angry and frustrated at the treatment he has received.  Notwithstanding the fact that a portion of this harassment is based on fact, there is no doubt that a large portion…most likely the major portion…of it is pretty much baseless.  This propensity of the DOJ to pursue corrupt avenues of maltreatment towards Trump greatly diminishes their credibility when they introduce legitimate actions against him. They have cried “wolf” far too many times when there was clearly no wolf.

3.     The fact is that other politicians before Trump (Obama, Clinton, Biden, etc.) engaged in the same behavior that Trump is being accused of and were not prosecuted for it.  This is obviously wrong and unfair.  But this fact does not excuse what he did.  It simply indicts the DOJ for their corruption.  

4.     The fact that Trump is being selectively prosecuted does not excuse his commandeering of the Republican Party to fight his battles.  To a large extent, Donald Trump’s personal behavior has exacerbated this persecution…both the legitimate and illegitimate.  There is a significant portion of personal accountability that he should bear.  He should not expect the Republican Party to fight his battles for him to their detriment and he should be sufficiently self-aware of that fact.  Donald Trump is not the hill the Republican Party should choose to die upon.  He should continue his personal battle for redemption on his own.  He should cease his pursuit of the Republican Party nomination for president.  For him to bind his personal battle for atonement to that of the Republican Party’s quest for control of our government is surely selfish, ill-advised, and a product of his overblown ego. 


Now…on to the news of the day……..


Exactly what is involved with this latest indictment of Donald Trump?


Just how corrupt has our Department of Justice become?

The entire “January 6” episode has been a Democrat-catered conglomeration of contrived crisis that has resulted in unbelievably-inappropriate incarceration of people under the guise of charges that, in most cases, would be dismissed out of hand.  I predict that history will show that this dark chapter in American history constitutes one of the worst “abuse of power” scandals ever.


The struggle to bring our national education system back to some semblance of function, credibility, and respectability continues.  This battle is perhaps the most important social struggle in today’s universe and it impacts every single one of us.  The children are our future.


The battle for the future of our country is well engaged.  There is far too much at stake for people to stand on the sidelines and passively allow things to work out.  Each of us needs to pay attention to what is happening around us…in our schools, in our local governments, in our Congress, in our White House, and in our communities.  The direction of our nation is being determined and we can all influence that direction with our votes, with our personal decisions, and with our prayers; all of these things are required today more than ever.


The burgeoning increase in the size of our government has fostered a cancerous spread of corruption and inefficiency throughout its breadth.  Nonsensical policies instituted by politically-appointed bureaucrats and irresponsible executive actions are destroying the fundamental fabrics of our country’s basic operating systems.  They are also poisoning our very culture and society by attempting to normalize behavior that is clearly wrong, at times immoral, and certainly things that should be a matter of choice and not candidates for universal endorsement.  All across our controlling governmental entities, they are seeking to not only influence our personal lives; they want to dictate our personal lives.  The bedrock personal constitutional freedoms that our nation was founded upon and that have been defended by the blood of our predecessors are under full assault.


If you want to get a good sense of exactly what it is that the liberal left want to impose on our society, then you need to watch this film.  These people are deranged, smart, radical, ambitious, and they represent the kind of folks that have been placed in positions of power and influence by the Biden administration


The only way to change the course of our nation is through the election process.  The stakes could not be higher.  Think for yourself and use common sense when you cast your ballot.  Elections have consequences…and those consequences are hard, if not impossible, to reverse.  Read the previously-linked article about what is happening in Minnesota and just imagine that happening to America.  The only thing standing between that and what we have today is a Republican House.


Our elected officials in the White House and Congress have simply given up on fiscal responsibility and are shamelessly spineless when it comes to making hard decisions about federal budget accountability and common sense.  This is best illustrated by the recent debt ceiling debacle.  Read this legislation and see how your government spends your money.  How much longer can this irresponsible spending behavior continue?  At some point, will the fiscal reality of profligate federal spending break our nation financially?  And…more to the point…where is our current economy heading?

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