Saturday, October 7, 2023

Oblivious Beyond Belief

I and many others have written over the last several months about the foolish nature of the Biden Administration policy decisions.  Specifically, poor decisions that consistently fly in the face of reason and common sense are implemented with no apparent consideration of the potentially-devastating future consequences. 


They make totally irresponsible economic decisions because, one…they can always print more money and have essentially no regard for budget deficits or federal debt.  Secondly, even when they take unwise actions, there is always some part of our population that benefits and those are the folks they choose to talk about and highlight.  How much consideration is ever given to the overall cost/benefit dynamic of these actions?


They have created what is, in practical terms, an open border situation for our country.   The porous nature of our southern border in particular is fostering a flood of illegal immigrants, illegal drugs, and an alarming number of undesirable entrants such as known terrorists and criminals.  Immigration was the foundation of our nation and stabilized legal immigration is an important element to our ongoing vitality; but once again…careful thought must be given to the obvious results of impactful actions.


In many, many towns and cities across America today, there is simply chaos in the streets.  There is no accountability for criminal behavior, homelessness is encouraged and rewarded, and our justice system features unequal treatment being meted out depending on the power, position, and wealth of those involved.  Is this true justice? 


Competence and patriotism are shunned in favor of partisanship and radical ideology.  Our citizenry is constantly fed a diet of slanted journalism and disinformation that feeds the poisonous political environment that we currently find ourselves in.


All of these things…these careless and thoughtless actions taken by our leaders without forethought or consideration of collateral damage…are not a problem….UNTIL THEY ARE.  Having guided our ship of state into the rocky shoals, our captains now moan and groan about having no idea whatsoever about how they might repair its shattered hull.  They flail about and wail.... "How could this calamity have occurred?"


With the exception of significant and momentous events, domestic policy has always overshadowed foreign policy when we evaluate the performance of our presidential administrations.  I suppose this is due to the fact that by their very nature, domestic occurrences are closer to home and their direct impact on us as individuals is much easier to ascertain.


But the poor foreign policy decisions that have been made from the beginning of the Joe Biden presidency, certainly including the sorry caliber of his political appointees, have now come home to roost.  The reality is devastating.


What were the poor decisions that contributed to the current Israeli crisis?


And what are the devastating consequences of those poor decisions?


As America’s President and his Administration appeases Iran and their support for worldwide terrorism, despots in other places are watching.  China eyes Taiwan with envy.  North Korea looks longingly across their border with South Korea.  Russia’s aggressive leaders who long to restore their nation to USSR status have already found Obama and Biden to be useful idiots; who will be their next target?  Truly…these are very dangerous times that we live in.  Foolish decisions by our leaders are not a problem…UNTIL THEY ARE.



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