Saturday, December 28, 2024

You Say Goodbye…and I Say Hello

My goodness, how different this world would feel today if Kamala Harris had been elected president.  Instead of Gloom, Despair, and Agony on me , we have Goodbye/Hello


Goodbye to what?  So long to the Obamas; please, JUST LEAVE.  Twelve years (Obama/Biden) of your warped philosophy were more than enough, while your arrogant attempts at rewriting what America is all about ran their course.  So long to Joe Biden and his Administration full of idiots.  He did something I admittedly never thought would be possible; he replaced Barack Hussein Obama as the worst president in my lifetime.  Good riddance to the stupid, immoral, illogical, arbitrary, inequitable, racially-biased, genderly-stupid agenda of the Democrat Party, their allies scattered all across our society and culture, and their marionette poster boy Joe Biden.  These fools made four years seem like four centuries.  So long to Democrat rule in the U.S. Senate where any problem could apparently be solved by additional federal spending, any incompetent doofus could be confirmed for a federal appointment if they were a Democrat, and the obligation of Constitutional oversight was lost in the nether regions of the anal cavity. Adios to Blinken, Nod, and the rest of the intellectual clowns who have been running our foreign policy for the last four years.  No matter what the Trump Administration does, the world is now a safer place with these clowns gone.  Godspeed (hopefully) to our burgeoning and autocratic federal bureaucracy as it goes on a slimming diet that eliminates waste, redundancy, and obsessive controlling tendencies that trample the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens.


Hello to what?  First and foremost, hello to federal appointees who actually have meaningful life experience in the areas they are directed to supervise.  Bonjourno to an Executive Branch of government that will not always be correct, but will always be available to answer questions about what they are doing.  Buenas noches to secure American borders and the reestablishment of legal immigration into our country.   Howdy do to a Department of Justice that seeks to enforce written laws in a fair, equitable, transparent, and constitutional fashion.  Shalom to a new American foreign policy that speaks plainly and carries a big stick.  A policy that recognizes and values those nations who respect the dignity and rights of their people and strive to be good neighbors…and one who calls out and deals effectively with those nations that foster hate, turmoil, repression, and world terrorism of all types.  A huge open-arms welcome to an American economy that recognizes free market dynamics, fosters investment and small business, rewards hard work with good pay, and is based on the fundamental principles of meritocracy.


With an optimistic, yet realistic expectation for the next four years of the Donald J. Trump Administration, I must admit that for one such as myself who was never enamored with the Donald to any large extent…I look forward to the immediate future of our country with high hopes.  Perhaps it will prove to be ephemeral, but there is an undeniable breath of fresh air blowing across our nation with the expectation that some dark days are behind us and brighter days are ahead.  We can only hope and pray it is so.   Let us round up the news for the final post of 2024.


Consider the year that will soon be past us.


Looking back on what might very well prove to be the most corrupt presidential administration in American history.


Never forget the Wizard behind Biden’s curtain…


Are the good feelings about the upcoming Trump Administration illusory and transitory, or is there a real cause for optimism…


Will our energy sector meet the challenge of adequate and affordable energy sources for an increasing demand?


Will our national education system reorient itself and rededicate itself to its primary and essential function of preparing our youth to be responsible and productive citizens?


Will our national fiscal policy return to fundamental and practical principles that value the positive aspects of capitalism and minimize the corrosive influence of government control?


Will our state and national elections continue to evolve with reforms that guarantee free, fair, efficient, and transparent elections?


Will the Supreme Court of the United States continue to be the wise arbiter of the laws and mandates approved and administered by our Executive and Legislative branches of government?


Will our foreign intelligence and policy-making officials forget their rainbows and unicorns fantasies and once again apply principled, thoughtful, and wise decisions in how our nation coexists with other nations on this planet?


How will the myriad incidents of gross injustice from the Biden Administration Department of Justice be dealt with?


How will our government deal with an increasingly serious issue of elected officials continuing in office far past their shelf lives and an increasing usurpation of Congressional legislative authority by the executive branch? 


One man chooses to voluntarily step down from what might arguably be one of the most powerful positions in the world:


…While another man insists on clinging to the trappings and benefits of elected office while clearly being incapable of performing elected duties and shirking critical responsibilities:


Our American ideal is the best system of government on the planet; but it is not unlike making sausage.  Democracy is difficult at best and infuriating at worst.  For all the promises and good intentions of incoming legislators and victorious presidential candidates, the bottom line for fundamental change in American government is…“do you have the votes?”  It is a far simpler task to be the minority Party in our government with the role of being chief complainer and criticizer than it is to be the majority Party in our government and be held responsible for keeping the lights on.  Trump and his Republican Party now have the opportunity to “walk the walk”. 


Until the Legislative Branch of our government can reestablish the principles of statesmanship, bipartisanship, principled debate, responsible fiscal policy, and dedication to the constitutional duties assigned to it…it will be a heavy lift for Trump or any other future president to significantly alter the off-line trajectory that our federal government is currently on.  We will get the government we deserve.  Power corrupts…and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  This will not change.


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

The DOGE Cometh…Or Not

Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy have certainly created a buzz around WDC and the nation regarding their partnership effort with incoming president Donald Trump and their Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).  It is not difficult to find folks who believe that our government has become too large, too inefficient, and too intrusive.  It is also not difficult to find plenty of ideas about how those bureaucratic problems might be addressed.  What IS difficult is persuading our Legislative Branch of government to take these issues seriously and address them with transparency, common sense, and courage.  We can all hope for some positive changes to flow from the DOGE offensive.  Unfortunately, hope has historically proven to be thin gruel when attempting to nourish the effort of improving governmental efficiency.


In February of 1982, President Ronald Reagan had a notion quite similar to that of Trump’s DOGE; it was known as the Grace Commission.  Here is a bit of history about it: .  Reagan came into his initial presidential term in the midst of a politically divided nation…not unlike what we have today.  Republicans loved them some Reagan; Democrats despised the man.  Sound familiar?


The Grace Commission accomplished very little.  Perhaps the time was not right for change.  Perhaps the nation was not ready for the pain that would inevitably accompany a serious restructuring of federal spending.  But…perhaps the fiscal and regulatory train wreck that has been occurring in painfully slow motion since the mid-90’s has reached sufficient crescendo as to spur some intestinal fortitude within our Executive and Legislative branches of government.  Trump is coming into office with a wind at his back and at least for the time being, there is growing support for a serious look at how our government conducts its business.  However…if our government is to become more fiscally responsible, someone’s ox will be gored.  In fact, a lot of peoples’ oxen will be gored. 


I worked for a smart man once who told me that when reforming governmental bureaucracy, sometimes the train has to wreck in order to solve the problem.  There can be little doubt that when examining the overall state of our government, the train has wrecked.  The train is, in fact, continuing to wreck on a daily basis.  Will it take a colossal collapse similar to the Great Depression for our federal books to be brought to order…or…have we arrived at a perfect storm of circumstances that offers real opportunities for real change that will result in real improvements?  Only time will tell. 


Why is there even a chance that DOGE might work?


THIS is the illness that must be cured:


In the target rich environment of federal bureaucracy, regulatory reform, and spending…where will Trump and DOGE go?


And just for the heck of it…here are some of my own ideas for governmental change…flashback to April/2018:


Not only has the Biden Administration left the domestic operation of our government in a hot mess, he and his band of clowns have thrown together a foreign affairs circus that has pushed global tensions to the breaking point.  Strong, moral, courageous, thoughtful, transparent, predictable, and humane leadership from America is essential if our planet’s inhabitants are going to coexist and maintain some semblance of human dignity and order.  That is NOT what we have today.


It all started downhill with this:


Perhaps there is hope:


Here are some quick hits on the way out the door…


Speaking of “out the door”…please…just LEAVE:


We have Meloni in Italy…We have Milei in Argentina…and now we have this lady in England.  Has MAGA become an international cause…with the first “A” becoming “fill in the blank”?


What in the hell is our president thinking?


What a novel thought for our “esteemed” bastions of higher learning to consider:


This is the unique…and toxic…type of corruption that Obama and Biden brought into our government:


Here is one of those questions that will never fully be answered:


Remember this…as Scully told Mulder… “The truth is out there, but so are lies”:


Our society and culture is in a very bad place when a man of honor and courage is disparaged as this man was:

How about some possible anthems for the DOGE...let's close it out with some great music...

...and here is my nominee, TURN IT UP:

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

CFP Madness and Trump Coming to Town

Now that the NCAA College Football Playoff lineup has been announced , so-called experts are coming out of the woodwork to criticize the way it is being administered.  SMU is ringing bells while the Crimson Tide is shedding tears.  I really believe that the explanation for most of the issues is very simple…the plan was drawn up without the benefit of knowing how college football was going to evolve so quickly in the past year or two.  They simply were not able to think this thing through.


NIL has quite simply changed the universe in college sports; none more dramatically than football.  I have addressed NIL in prior posts and I have also advocated for a Dan Wetzel-type playoff scenario The CFP plan we have today is not really that far removed from what Wetzel was talking about four years ago.  It is a vast improvement over what we have had…but it still has some glaring issues.  No doubt, lessons will be learned from this first year’s experience and it will be a different…and hopefully improved…creature in future years.  Joining the chorus of amateur experts borne of the internet, I am going to add my two cents worth in three suggestions that I believe would improve the CFP. 


First off: All the games in the first and second round of the playoffs should be played on the higher-seeded college campus.  Under the current scheme, only the first round is on campus and from there, it moves to the sites of the traditional bowl games.  There is one explanation for this and it is spelled MONEY.  Put the games on the college campus.  It will geometrically spur the excitement quotient; it will create income opportunities for colleges and their surrounding communities; and…it gives proper credit to the meritocracy of seeding teams based on season performance.


Second: Do not give first round byes to the conference champions.  All conferences are not equal and they never will be; it will vary from year to year.  The top four seeds should go to the top four teams in the final CFP rankings…regardless of their conference.  Once again … meritocracy should rule.


Third: The whole SMU/Alabama debate about who should get the twelfth spot this year came back to one glaring mistake by the CFP folks.  Nobody realized how important the pre-conference championship poll would be.  That poll locked in the assessment of the entire season for each team in a comparative sense; the ranking was based on the performances during a common twelve game season.  Subsequently, some teams played a thirteenth game for a conference championship; each one featuring a winner and a loser.  The unanticipated dynamic was this: It is patently unfair to drop a team down in the post-conference championship poll based on their loss in a thirteenth game while most other teams were at home watching on television.  Point in case, SMU was ranked above Alabama in that pre-championship poll and it was simply unfair to move Alabama above SMU based on their ACC Championship loss.  Had Alabama been rated above SMU in that pre-championship poll (as it arguably should have been), there would have been no issue.  I don’t think anybody saw this coming.  The only way the conference championship results should have impacted the pre-championship poll would have been to move the championship winners UP.  Following those conference championships, the final CFP seeding could then be announced based on the top twelve teams in the nation, regardless of championship status.  Quite simply…the most important ranking of the season should be the pre-championship poll at the end of every team’s full season.  After that, factor in the changes for the winners of the championship game and then…let it roll.


Now let’s move onto another type of game…specifically the political game of changing over from the Biden Administration to the Trump Administration.  All of this is occurring in a helter-skelter environment of global conflict and the domestic intrigue that is surrounding the power shift taking place in WDC.  The game is on.


Everyone is speculating on exactly what Donald Trump’s frame of mind is as he re-enters the presidency.  Will he scorch the earth in a revenge-oriented crusade aimed at his past tormentors?  Will he fill his Administration with quality competent appointees or will he recruit loyalists who will restrict their actions to his bidding, regardless of its wisdom?  How intent is Trump in regards to DOGE and how successful could it possibly be in re-shaping our bloated behemoth of federal bureaucracy? 


What led us to this place in time?


What type of “resistance” will Trump have to deal with?


How long will Trump enjoy Republican control of Congress?


What will be the first “targets” for the Trump Administration?


I expect there is a lot of “shredding” going on:


Is there any reform “target” more critical than that of American foreign policy?


A couple of quick notes to close out this piece…


Here is a good commentary on the recent Daniel Penny verdict.  This episode says a lot about where our nation is in many respects.  It is truly something to think seriously about:


Biden out/Trump in; CEOs being gunned down on the streets of NY; the entire planet seemingly in conflict and flame; the holiday season in full blitz….do you think that maybe the angst meter is in the red zone?  Hey…I got the solution, courtesy of Wet Willie;


Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...