Friday, December 6, 2024

Will It Be Different This Time Around?

I recall when Barack Obama was elected president in November of 2008; it was a remarkable time.  Even though I chose to vote for his opponent in that election, like most Americans I applauded his achievement.  He ran a highly effective campaign, advocated for hope and change, and the nation openly celebrated the historical significance of electing our first black president.  There was an undeniable spirit across our country that there might be real potential for substantial and positive changes in our government that had not seemed feasible before.  The extraordinary support for Obama and the fact that he entered into the presidency with Democrat control of Congress combined to create an atmosphere where impossibilities were suddenly considered possible.  Unfortunately, history shows us that this wonderful opportunity was squandered.


Obama chose personal glory, bald-faced ideology, and hardball politics over bipartisan consensus and statesmanship.  He and his party shoved Obamacare down the throats of America without thought, consideration, concern for the adverse consequences, or Republican input.  Once the extraordinary legislative passage of the Affordable Care Act was accomplished, the partisan negative effects remaining from it poisoned the political well in Washington, DC and we have been swimming in it ever since.  At some point midway through his first term, Obama realized that doing the heavy legislative lifting required to change our government in fundamental ways takes a lot of effort, sacrifice, and trust.  He chose not to pursue that path and instead veered towards the idealistic and arrogant option of executive action.  Once again, that set in motion a pattern that we have been living with through today. 


Obama served as president from January 20, 2009 until January 20, 2017.  By defeating Hillary Clinton in the subsequent election, Donald Trump served as president for four years.  Obama, the Democrat Party, and their allies of all stripes combined to sabotage the presidency of Trump and taking full advantage of the fact that he came into office fully unprepared, they jumped on him early and often to effectively hamstring his administration.  This unholy alliance of deep state forces managed to somehow cling to governmental power and authority throughout the first Trump Administration and was in a prime position to pick right back up where they left off when Joe Biden was elected president.   They burrowed into and were protected by the civil service personnel system.


When Joe Biden entered the presidency on January 20, 2021, the band was officially back together: .  Joe Biden was a literal marionette for the Obama faction that had somehow remained viable throughout the preceding Trump Administration.  Given the fact that at that time, it was commonly thought that Biden would be a one-term president, this group hit the ground running.  Given their understanding and strategic control of the governmental apparatus, they immediately began to implement the type of liberal and progressive ideals that had only been dreamed about during Obama’s run in the presidency.  They knew what their window of opportunity was.  When Joe Biden leaves the presidency on January 20, 2025, he will close the book on what was essentially 12 years of Obamaesque ideology with an intervening 4 years of Obamaesque meddling and sabotage. 


History has passed its judgment on this time period.  You may spin it as you like, but there is little doubt that the results of the 2024 November general elections serve as an emphatic rejection of this radical form of liberalism and progressive thinking that traces its sources directly back to Barack Obama.  The final verdict on Obama’s first-term attitude of “my way or the highway” is in, and the conclusion is “the highway”…for him and his ideals.  It was slow and agonizingly painful, but the American people finally got so sick and tired of the way things were that they voted for a substantial change in the way our country will be run. 


Donald Trump now enters into his second term as president with the wind at his back…very reminiscent of Obama’s first term.  His election is also based on hope and change; the result of people hoping for a positive change from the status quo.  Like Obama, he will come into office with a tenuous partisan control of the House and Senate.  The big question is this: Will Trump fall back into the very things (different ideals but same methods) that fostered the Obamacentric sixteen-year period of executive office abuse, corruption, and malfeasance…or…will he seize the moment to implement fundamental and positive change in government that can reach across partisan and ideological divides to effectively change the course of our nation in positive ways? 


Trump has no excuses for failing this opportunity.  This time around he is experienced, he should be prepared, and most importantly…he possesses the same abundance of public goodwill that surrounded Obama upon his entry into the White House.  Can Trump resist the temptations of evening the score from past mistreatments? Will he yield to the colossal executive power of the Executive Branch?  Will he succumb to the all too common ego-feeding impulses that drive us all?  The ceiling is high and reachable; but getting there will require contributions from many differing factions and interests.  Can Donald Trump be the President who can bring these factions together? We can only hope and pray that somewhere in the political swamp of Washington, DC, there are enough elected and appointed representatives with sufficient integrity to construct a new course for our nation…a path that will put us back on the constitutional, moral, and ethical road from which we have strayed.


Where does it begin?  It must begin with cultural changegovernment spending, and bureaucratic reform.


The Acolyte Election - The American Mind


American foreign policy and military readiness must be reconsidered and find its way back to fundamental purposes and values.  This has to begin with strong, pragmatic, and principled leadership from our Secretaries of State and Defense and our President.


The entire concept of justice, fairness, and purpose must be re-established in our Department of Justice.  We can only hope that Pam Bondi, if confirmed, is up to the task.


The areas of global politics, militarization, and trade are inextricably linked.  Navigating the challenges presented by this complex dynamic is going to be an immediate concern for the incoming Trump Administration.


The proper role for our federal government in the areas of education is going to be discussed and acted upon.  How that is managed and where it leads us is of critical importance to our nation, our people, and most importantly…our children.


Three other areas of government that will be placed under the microscope…








Let’s close out this piece with a great “feel good” video…enjoy:


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