Mayhem rules supreme not only in America, but all across our planet. Evil is out in the open in the Middle East as the beasts of Hamas clothe themselves in the gowns of victims; China schemes openly about world domination while publicly playing our President for a fool; Russia continues to invade its neighbors while ignoring civilized nations and norms; America’s southern border remains wide open to the dregs of humanity from all parts of the world; the incredibly stupid Wokening of America continues apace with no letup in sight; and we are hurtling off a high cliff into an election abyss with no clue of what awaits us at the bottom. What manner of “spring and beyond” could possibly be awaiting us in the next few months?
national political parties are in a tragically-comical contest to see who can
be the shallowest, most dysfunctional, hypocritical, and pointless group of
wannabe flavors du jour in the
history of government. These people are
mortgaging the lives of our future generations with their irresponsible fiscal
performance in the area of federal budget management.
you enjoying college basketball during March
Madness? Here is some great parody
of the true madness that is loose in
our nation’s capital…
Madness is also loose in our
schools. If you are not watching your
local education organizations and entities, you are facing a harsh future morning
when the progressive chickens flying all over academia finally come home to
roost…at your house.
is some good news here and there if we
can just look a bit harder…
courts are being used and abused; but
in the midst of the turmoil, monumental decisions are being made that will help
to define our future in this country.
epic fail of the Green New Deal lunacy
continues to play out as the cluelessness of the progressive elitists is
showcased on a daily basis.
This is how our energy sector can evolve naturally through the channels of supply and demand:
President shames our nation on the international stage by renting himself out
to the highest financial and political bidders.
His foreign policy initiatives are based on dangerous and naïve idealism,
favoritism and bias that has been bought and paid for, and a desperate hunt for
domestic votes among the political divisions that he himself has helped to
Biden’s presidential malfeasance regarding his management (or lack thereof) at our southern border has damaged our nation in
ways that will continue to plague us for decades to come. The tragic cost in human lives that these
policies will accrue cannot be estimated.
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