Friday, April 19, 2024

The Liberal/Progressive “Weasel World” Philosophy

On rare occasions, an event or an individual will clearly and definitively illustrate what had before been a vague and somewhat blurry truth.  Some may refer to this as an epiphany; others may call it a revelation.  Whatever you might call it; it is a moment that reveals the honest truth about something that was unclear or debatable prior to the moment. 


I believe that such a moment has occurred in the instance of the ongoing developments between National Public Radio (NPR), its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Katherine Maher, and one of its (ex) editorial journalists, Uri Berliner.  One of the things that I have always found objectionable about the liberal/progressive body of thought and policy (in this case, very well represented by NPR) is their refusal to accept hard and fast principles.  To me, their approach has always been, and continues to be, an effort to “talk it to death”.  By that I mean…instead of focusing on the facts of the case and how settled legal law and accepted ethical/moral standards may apply to those facts, they instead want to debate the veracity and meaning of those laws and standards in an effort to somehow obfuscate the fundamental issue and thereby rationalize/justify their desired outcome.  And in the course of this process, their contrived outcome will always be of such a nature as to support some tenet or policy of the liberal/progressive agenda. 


They do this with abortion when they exclusively focus on the fact that abortion laws restrict the options (choice) an individual would have to acquire an abortion and then they limit the debate to the subject of the right to have an abortion.  They never want to discuss the plain and simple proposition that ending the life of a living human being in the person of the fetus is an integral part of the issue.


They have also done this most recently with the wave of anti-Semitic behavior that is sweeping across the world and, most particularly, on
American college campuses.  As illustrated by recent House hearings where various Ivy League college presidents gave testimony about the anti-Semitic events occurring under their purview as administrators, they simply refuse to acknowledge plain and simple facts when students and protesters engage in hateful or violent events at their colleges.  These events are without any doubt directly aimed at Jewish people and are motivated by pure hatred and spite.  They literally tie themselves in knots trying to somehow leave room for this type of behavior by skirting around obvious truths and refusing to embrace universal and accepted standards of reasonable behavior.


At the end of the day, this type of approach to living aptly reflects a statement made by Alexander Hamilton… “Those who stand for nothing fall for everything”.  Our Constitution sets forth a clear and specific blueprint for how our government and the freedoms of our citizenry are to be determined.  We can debate and form the actual law; that is why we have a Legislative Branch of government.  We can study and decide on how we administer that actual law; that is why we have a Judicial Branch of government.  We can then approach the delicate proposition of how the moral and ethical standards that we practice in our daily lives fit within the framework of this actual law; that is why we have accepted morals and standards.  But that last determination is the one that is decided through a consensus of majority thinking.  It is also reflected through sitting jurors and juries.  It is not actual law, but rather accepted behavior.  Some might refer to as decent living or common sense. 


The point here is that if one simply refuses to accept this consensus of majority thinking and proposes to live untethered from accepted standards of decent living and common sense, then one has the freedom to do or believe anything they choose and justify it by their blurring of the lines between the actual law and these accepted standards.  It is a world where every single occurrence is subject to a spontaneous debate about first, “is this a violation of actual law” and secondly, “if not…then we must carefully examine the right of an individual to engage in this type of action”.  The problem here is that given the wisdom of the previously-mentioned statement from Mr. Hamilton and simple rules of human nature, if we have a society with no accepted standards of morals and behavior, we have a recipe for chaos, violence, and incivility.  Does that sound familiar these days? 


A common phrase (mantra) that flows from the liberal/progressive body politic of our culture and society is that we all must find our “own truth”.  Under the guise of allowing people the freedoms they deserve under the auspices of our Constitution, this type of societal approach to living also gives individuals the right to basically do “anything they damn well please”.  And then, in a maddening abuse of logic and common sense, presents them with a platform and opportunity to justify and/or rationalize the bizarre, damaging, and irresponsible acts that occur within this type of thinking.  Adding more incongruity to the incredible stupidity of this approach to living is the fact that those who practice it will oftentimes acknowledge upfront that the actions involved are bizarre, damaging, and irresponsible; but will then advocate that we should nonetheless go through the debilitating process of officially classifying them as bizarre, damaging, and irresponsible because the individual involved had the right to do it in the first place.  In their universe of logic, even though the actions were wrong…they were the acceptable results of someone following their own personal truth. 


I will present to you a series of articles that chronologically set forth the facts surrounding the NPR episode I mentioned in the opening paragraphs of this piece.   One of the central characters in this chain of events is CEO Maher.  One of the links below will take you to a video of Ms. Maher speaking and addressing, somewhat opaquely, the controversial issue of NPR receiving tax dollar funding while pursuing the liberal/progressive Weasel World philosophy I have been writing about.  Read and listen carefully to her words.  See if you can detect that allegiance to a person’s “own truth” while diminishing the journalistic obligation to actual truth, facts, fairness, and integrity.  I don’t think I have ever witnessed anything that more clearly demonstrates the left’s desire to weasel out of being tied to any form or standard of acceptable behavior and thus having the freedom to do anything you like…as long as it sounds or feels good.  This woman is the poster child for the liberal/progressive community.


I was raised under and heartily endorse the standard set forth by the famous Democrat legislator and diplomat Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who said…“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts”.  The liberal/progressive wing of today’s Democrat Party obviously does not agree with one of their most respected members.  They demand their right to their own opinion, but then also require everyone else to adopt their version of the facts.  We sorely miss patriots and statesmen like Moynihan in today’s American government and society. 


The truly frightening aspect of this approach is not that they embrace this type of thinking; they undisputedly have the right to do so and I have no problem with that.  The problem is that this thinking is part and parcel of everything they do…from opinion to policy to governing…and they are dedicated to the proposition of foisting this type of philosophy on everyone else.  They demand the right to think like this, but refuse to accept the right of others to disagree with them.  This facet of their creed is what makes them truly dangerous for our nation and people.  It is an authoritarian ideal of government that is anathema to our Constitution and the principles upon which this country was founded.  You can judge for yourself.

Listen carefully to what this woman says...



Moving onto other news of the day…


The Biden /Obama Administration’s foreign policy continues to roil the global security environment with their nonsensical, chaotic, and illogical approach to world affairs…the Middle East in particular.  I repeat…these are very dangerous times that we are living in and we have idiots running our government.


Donald Trump is not a good man, but his foreign policy made good sense.  Compare what is happening today in the Middle East with the environment that existed under his Administration as president…


Here are some more insane episodes from the annals of our ongoing adventures in the national education system.  People…local communities must regain control of our schools.  The future of our children and our nation is at stake here.


The Democrat Party and their cabal of liberal/progressive thinkers and institutions continue their legal and political warfare against Donald Trump.  Their obsession with this man and all things related to him reflects a descent into political and legal insanity that I don’t believe we have ever before witnessed.  The entity upon which our entire nation depends for equal justice and freedoms has been politicized by the Biden Administration in an effort to eliminate their chief political opponent and remain in power.  Where does it all end and what will it all lead to?


In closing…here are five quick observations of our country and what its people and government are concerned with these days…things that should make you go “hmmm”.


Sunday, April 14, 2024

Inconvenient Truths and Joe Biden's Lies

Joe Biden is a habitual liar.  The truth is not in him.  He lies with no reservation or embarrassment.  He sees no problem in outright mistruths or gross embellishments of past events or facts.  When you find an individual like this, the simple fact is that you cannot believe anything the man says.  You cannot trust him.  We cannot trust our sitting president.  By extension, we cannot trust the Administration that he runs.


Biden says inflation is coming down.  It is not.  The rate of its increase is slowing.  Since June of 2023, it has not declined on a month-to-month basis.  Prior to that, it had spiked up to nine-plus percent and the rate of increase gradually declined from that peak through June of 2023.  The point is this: Inflation was not a concern under Trump; it is a curse under Biden.  Inflation is cumulative; the rate of inflation is simply the degree of difficulty.  The rate may slow down or fall off, but the prior increases remain in place and are permanent increases in the cost of living.  The only time prices actually fall is when inflation reflects a negative rate…that ain’t gonna happen anytime soon. The damage the Biden Administration has done to our economy in this area will be with us for a long, long time.  You cannot unwind that clock.


Facts: 37 months (January/2021 thru February/2024) into Joe Biden’s presidency…Gas prices are up 38 percent; from the $2.42/gal he inherited from Trump to the $3.33/gal we now have. 


Real wages (median weekly real earnings) have gone down under Biden’s Administration; from $373/wk to the figure of $371/wk. 


Mortgage rates fell under President Donald Trump’s term from 4.1 percent when he took office down to 2.8 percent when he left office; a decline of 32 percent.  When Joe Biden took office as president, mortgage rates began to rise from the 2.8 percent up to the current rate of 6.9 percent, an increase of 148 percent. 


Under President Trump, savings rates increased from 5.6 percent when he took office to 12.8 percent when he left; an increase of 129 percent.  Under Biden, we have seen those savings rates fall down to 3.8 percent; a decrease of 170 percent. 


In the 48 months of the Donald Trump presidency, prices increased by 7.6 percent.  Under Joe Biden, prices have increased by 18.5 percent…and that is for 37 months compared to 48 months.  The average monthly inflation rate under Trump was 1.9 percent; the average inflation rate under Biden is 5.6 percent.  And remember, it is CUMULATIVE. 


Joe Biden boasts about low unemployment figures, but that number includes part-time jobs.  Facts: full-time employment has fallen under President Joe Biden.  There are fewer full-time jobs today than when he took office.  The number of part-time jobs under Biden has increased.  Why?  Because inflation has caused business to reduce full-time jobs (with benefits) and replace them with part-time jobs.  Inflation has required people to work multiple jobs to get by and pay their bills; oftentimes a full-time job plus one or two part-time jobs…or simply two or three part-time jobs. 


In the past year, the number of full-time jobs is down by 1.35 percent and the number of part-time jobs is up by 7.5 percent.   National labor statistics for March of 2024 show that 300,000 new jobs were created.  But how many of those jobs are full-time and how many are part-time?  In how many instances is there double-counting where the same person has a full-time job and a part-time job?  Consider this: Of those 300,000 new jobs…ZERO/NONE of them were manufacturing jobs.  But…no surprise here…71,000 of them were government jobs.  This is not a formula for the “American Dream”.


Since he first came to Washington, DC as a federal legislator, Joe Biden has been known as someone who polishes the apple, twists the truth, and quite simply is unbound from facts and reality.  His performance in this area has been so prevalent and blatant that many people, led by the mainstream media, have stopped noting his untruths and simply excuse it by saying… “That’s just Joe Biden being Joe Biden”.   There were members of the mainstream media who, under the Donald Trump Administration, used to “fact check” his rhetoric and keep track of his “lies”.  Needless to say, they don’t do that for the Biden Administration. 


There is an old saying that goes… “If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth”.  I suppose there is a corollary to that saying that goes… “If you lie often enough, your lies become acceptable behavior”.    NO!  A president who lies constantly and cannot be trusted to tell the truth is NOT acceptable.  We deserve better than that and should demand it. 


There is also an old saying about cattle traders.  It basically observes that cattle traders won’t outright lie to you…you just have to ask them the right questions.  That is a pretty low bar; but one that can be acceptable when buying and selling cattle.  Politics ain’t beanbag and it is fought at an extremely competitive level.  Successful politicians, even the ones who are basically truthful and trustworthy, have been known to implement Machiavellian twists and turns into their rhetoric to either make their points, support their agendas, or avoid uncomfortable facts.  But Machiavellian maneuvers do not include outright lies.  As voters and citizens, we should be held to account for the obligation of asking the right questions.  Sadly, there was once a time when we could rely on the media to do that for us; but that is no longer the case.  As public servants…especially presidents…our elected officials should not be applying cattle trader rules to their public discourse and damn sure ought to be held accountable for outright lies.


We elect a president to be the Chief Executive of our government.  He/she is the undisputed, top-ranking official for our nation.  He/she LEADS our country.  The first litmus test that should be applied to his/her performance is the quality of life being experienced by the citizens.  Essentially: Are they an effective CEO?  Beyond that standard, there are other considerations such as inspirational influence, perception by foreign leaders, ability to communicate with the people, and the need to reflect empathy for the challenges faced by Americans.  All of that is important; but those concerns are secondary to actually performing the executive duties of the presidency. 


Under any standard you may wish to employ, Joe Biden’s presidential performance has been a dismal and resounding failure.  The fiscal condition of America has degraded under his watch.  The economy is in crisis.  The efficiency of government operations is pathetic.  Our system of justice is perverted, corrupted, and has become politicized.  The people in our country are divided as never before…in all aspects.  Our global standing has been degraded to the point where we are viewed as incompetent, unserious, and powerless…basically irrelevant.  Our sitting president is commonly viewed as a senile old man who is incapable of performing his job, but he is accepted as a prop to be supported by a cadre of “behind the scene and unelected ” forces that control his thoughts and deeds. 


The only people who might view Joe Biden’s presidential performance as inspiring would include those marketing adult diapers, dementia-related services, and people who have sold their souls to the Democrat Party and Progressive Movement.  In my lifetime, there has never been an occasion such as Joe Biden’s quest for a second term that better illustrates the pure political lust for power and the preservation of it once acquired.


Much of what I have just written about Joe Biden can be applied to Donald Trump.  From a character standpoint, I see little if any difference between these two men.  But the plain and simple facts are that if our nation must choose between two flawed candidates for the position of Chief Executive…then at least let us select the one who has demonstrated competence to perform the “official” duties prescribed to the office.  By that standard, Donald Trump is clearly a superior choice to Joe Biden.  The facts are undeniable.  It is a tragedy that we must settle for this level of expectation from our president…but this is where we are. 

Once again…let us review the actual numbers:


Perhaps we should consider some of the people Joe Biden has placed in control of our government agencies that influence our economy:


Over the last three-plus years, the Biden Administration has been in basic control of a government that has received record amounts of tax revenue.  How is that money being spent and managed?


The Biden Administration, with its warmed-over Obama State Department, has placed our national security in jeopardy and pushed the global conflict climate into the red zone.  These people are idiots and should not be trusted to walk dogs, much less be in charge of our nation’s national security concerns.  This is how the Biden Administration has handled the Middle East conflict…


And here is the consequence of those actions:


For the record…this is the same terrorist-state that Obama literally sent pallet loads of cash to and that Biden has coddled with various forms of financial support.  How much of that aid has been funneled into weaponry that enables attacks like this?


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Serious Food for a Serious Diet

And my friends…it is time to become serious.  If you cannot see that the national elections this fall represent a serious crossroads for our nation, you are oblivious to the point of unconsciousness.  Think for yourself.  Do not give away your rights and liberties as an American citizen.  When given the opportunity, pick a candidate or two and donate to their cause…however modest.  And most important of all, VOTE this fall as an INFORMED and interested party; not as a flunky or useful idiot for either national party or a controlling bunch of talking heads.


Think about the economy.  Now you might decide that the economy is an elastic and ever-evolving system that is largely beyond the control of a single political party or president.  You might believe that it is an inherently cyclical phenomenon that rises and falls of its own natural volition.  I do not agree with that logic…but you could be right.  One thing you cannot believe is that the economy we have today is superior to the economy we had during Donald Trump’s term as president.  The facts simply do not support that notion.


The progressive philosophy of the Democrat Party is anathema for our nation.  It is a poisonous school of thought that promotes entitlement, elitism, class warfare, socialist principles, mediocrity at the expense of personal achievement, and most regrettably of all…an abandonment of our Constitution and the fundamentals upon which this country was founded.  Look at Democrat policies in your communities, in your cities, in your states, and in our federal government.  It is a spreading illness for our government, for our society, for our culture, and for our people.


For progressive Democrats, control of our government is a tool given for use in mandating their agenda upon Americans.  For them, the ends always justify the means.  And this fall, if they are given another four years of Executive and Legislative branch control, they will have more than sufficient time to permanently transform this country into their fevered image; one that is beyond all original conception.


The abuse of power demonstrated by the Biden Administration is beyond the pale; but its worst violation of public trust is evidenced by its absolute politicization at the Department of Justice.  They do not fear exposure on this matter because the mainstream media and academia cover for them.  They do not feel guilt or shame for this irresponsible behavior because they are so full of arrogance and conceit.   

They are the living, breathing best example of why we should limit the size and scope of our government.  Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Government cannot be trusted and must be held to account for its actions and operations.


Of course, it goes without saying that if we have doubts about trusting our government to function in a transparent and equitable fashion…then we would be total fools to trust our media to be honest, fair, and open in how they operate.


If you really want to get an idea of how deeply corrupted our media has become, take the time to read the following article by an ex-NPR editor and then listen to the podcast interview he gave to ex-New York Times columnist Bari Weiss.  Folks…these are not conservatives; they are sober, thoughtful adults who are old school liberal and have become truly disillusioned by the manner in which the Democrat Party has sold its soul to the progressive devils that own it.


The planet earth is in crisis and seems to daily teeter on the verge of cataclysmic conflict and disaster.  Once recognized as the imperfect, but stabilizing, inspirational force for freedom and human dignity in this world; America has devolved into a hapless, out of condition, global heavyweight in an arena full of ambitious and hungry contenders.  It is hard to imagine a worst time for our country to experience the incompetence we are seeing in our president’s foreign affairs and the collection of fools that are supervising it.


I will close with some uncharacteristically-kind words for Donald Trump.  I am no fan of this man, and a careful reading of my blog history will bear testimony to that fact.   And even though he may yet manage to rhetorically work his way out of the good position he is in, Trump has taken what I believe to be a principled and correct stance on the national abortion debate.  The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) was absolutely correct when it (1) ruled that abortion was not a right granted anyone in our Constitution and that (2) in lieu of proper legislative procedure, the question of abortion is to be settled on a state-by-state basis.  Trump has recognized this fact and has addressed it in a clear and unequivocal (at least for the time being) fashion.  Whether intentional or not, he has performed a huge service in support of the Republican Party’s fall election prospects.


I have written on multiple occasions about the issue of abortion and what I believe to be reasonable positions surrounding it.  To me, and as I understand it, Donald Trump is very close to what I believe to be the rational starting point for the abortion debate…that being the Mississippi abortion law.  It is a good faith compromise in principle between the two extreme positions of the pro-life camp and the pro-choice groups. 


I will be shocked if Trump continues to remain true to this uncommonly-common sense policy, but time will tell…..





Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...