Because…yeah, you did. Any sentient being that was paying attention at all to the last presidential campaign knew that Joe Biden was a career airhead. For heaven’s sake…they kept the man in a basement! The Green New Deal was no secret; it was essentially the platform for the last Democrat National Convention. Is it a shock to anyone alive that the Biden Administration is filled to the brim with ex-Obama Administration personnel? And who do you think those folks are taking their marching orders from…Slow Joe or the One?
may have come up with the phrase “nature
abhors a vacuum”; but the Biden Administration has proven it in tragically undeniable terms. With a hollow shell of a man being shoved
onto the presidential stage and then performing as a simple-minded marionette,
the absence of leadership in our Executive Branch has led to a splintering of
government and served as an open invitation to ambitious ideologues. In each federal department and agency, the
people with the most power, influence, and yes…brass…have established themselves as the controlling authority and
are clearly making decisions independent of our President, Congress, and the
Judicial establishment. With no Chief Executive
to call them on their blunders and misadventures in governing, they have run
amok for over three years now and have turned our nation on its head.
a swarm of progressive Lilliputians turned loose in Central Park, these radical
extremists have been handed the keys to a vehicle that is far beyond their
capacity to control. Paying no heed to
their inexperience, unashamed of their incompetence, and oblivious to the harm
of their unintended consequences…these naïve wannabe Napoleons are sprinkled
throughout our government. They are
running it in a fashion that suits their
fantastical agendas and they have become so emboldened by their lack of
accountability that they have truly disconnected from reality.
Were these people elected?
No. Were
these people selected based on their abilities and experience? No. Were these people vetted for their
appointments? No. Were
these people interviewed by the confirming authorities of the U.S. Senate in a
responsible and orderly fashion?
With the rare exceptions being a handful of the craziest nominees … the
answer is No; they were
rubber-stamped by the Senate Democrats.
Or worse, they were simply appointed through the patronage system based
on their fealty to the Democrat Party.
And now here they are…running our
lives and destroying the very fabric of our country. It
is now becoming alarmingly clear that they are also placing the very security
of our nation in peril.
American voters were warned this was coming.
Not by the Republicans and not by Donald Trump; their bluster was more
or less indistinguishable from that of the Democrats. No, it was the Democrats themselves who told
anyone paying attention what they would do with a President in the White House
and a majority in the Senate. Perhaps they were somewhat subtle about it;
but the message was there for someone who cared to look for it. And now, having seen up close and personal
what their true agenda is, the voters of our nation are being asked once again
to trust this bunch of fools. If enough
people are sufficiently gullible as to be led down the garden path a second time by Joe Biden and the
Democrat Party (aided mightily by their
cohorts in the mainstream media and academia), thereby granting them four
more years to pursue their hopes and dreams for the reinvention of these United
States…then who is to blame for what we
is no doubt that Donald Trump is no savior.
But it is equally certain that if we condemn ourselves to four more
years of the incompetent and idiotic leadership we have seen from the Biden
Administration, this country will soon be unrecognizable and our Constitution
will not be worth the paper it is written on.
In a world that makes sense, we could vote for a presidential candidate
that we have faith in and could trust.
We could select a man or woman that would lead us to a position of
unchallenged national security, robust economic vitality, transparent civic
operations, and who has respect not only for the citizenry…but for the
foundations upon which our nation was founded.
We should have a President that we
could all be proud of.
Sadly, that is not the world we live in and that choice will not be on
the ballot this fall. If the Republican
Party was nominating any of its candidates other than Trump, this coming
election would be O.V.E.R. and Biden would
be toast. But at this point in time, the
results of the coming elections are highly unpredictable. Given a choice between the Highway to Hell (Joe Biden) and the Chaos Causeway (Donald Trump), I will
take my chances with chaos every time.
Look around you and note how our country has fallen back over the last
three years. Can we possibly stand four more years of the same? How daring and aggressive will our global
enemies be given our weak leadership?
How much more fiscal insanity can our national economy endure? How much further will our moral fiber
will a second Biden Administration mean for America? Just take a look at what single-party, unfettered
Democrat rule has done for California.
Rampant crime, systemic homelessness, wide open borders with unlimited
immigration, ever-escalating taxes, a state budget in eternal fiscal crisis, a
justice system where the criminals are coddled and the innocents are
persecuted, a rotting morality that borders on pure decadence, and a living
environment that encourages long-time residents to flee the state in
droves. Is this what you want for America?
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