Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The State of Play: Democrat

Note to Reader: I had intended to post this piece on the weekend following the conclusion of the Democrat National Convention in Chicago.  It was deigned to be a summary of where the Democrat Party stands following their convention; just as my prior post following the Republican Convention.  I try to tend towards the middle of the political spectrum and readily confess that I pretty much fail that test in a big way.  I truly am a registered Independent; but I am also a conservative, and that mindset simply does not comport to the Democrat Party of today.  I can occasionally be very critical of Republicans and their agenda; I can sometimes identify in a positive fashion with old-school liberal policy positions; but it is just beyond my tolerance capacity to agree with this bunch of progressives running today’s Democrat Party.  They are idiots.  They are vile.  They are truly dangerous.  After two nights of their convention, I found that I could no longer contain my contempt for the show they were staging and yielded to the necessary expression of my disdain by posting this piece prior to their convention’s conclusion.  I have few doubts that anything will occur during the last two days of their celebration that will change my mind about what I have written.


The Democrat National Convention has now concluded.  Having exorcised itself of its legitimately-chosen nominee Joe Biden in the first night of the convention, the Democrat Party spent the next three nights celebrating.  I’m not real certain exactly what the celebration was about; perhaps it was simply the absence of Biden.  I think they called it a celebration of vibes and joy.


Kamala Harris is not any kind of prize worth celebrating.  I am confident that the more people find out about her, the less they will like her.  That process will be somewhat mitigated by the Democrat Party and their progressive cabal sheltering Harris and providing her maximum cover right up to election day.  I have my doubts that ploy can be successful.  The American voter has proven to be quite shallow and unserious; but keeping Harris bubble-wrapped until November and then expecting voters to select her as president is perhaps a lift too heavy.  We can only hope so.


In a strange way, I think that Harris’s selection of Tim Walz as her running mate reflected the same thought process as that of Trump selecting Vance; they each selected someone who they viewed as being in lockstep with themselves while eschewing clearly better choices that would have significantly improved their chances of victory.  Trump could have gone with either DeSantis or Haley; Harris could have gone with Shapiro.  Much like Harris, Walz is a rather weasely type of person and I doubt increased voter familiarity with him will increase his approval ratings.


To me, the Democrat National Convention is an affirmation of what the Democrat Party has become.  The pure, unadulterated conceit and arrogance of Obama has marinated in the Democrat Party over the last seven-plus years, and has been strengthened by the fait accompli of sneaking Joe Biden into the White House in Machiavellian fashion.  Having accomplished this feat, the Democrats have clearly decided that the voters of our nation are quite simply dolts who can be herded into whatever direction the Democrats and their allies choose.  They truly believe they can parade around in the nakedness of their lunacy while expecting the people to look upon them as elegantly dressed.


Barack Hussein Obama is a snake.  Through deceit, outright lies, and slick oratory, he put together a fictionalized account of his life and sold it to the people on his way to the presidency.  His conniving and illegitimate genesis occurred in the very town where this convention is being held.  Not content with serving two terms as the most corrupt and autocratic president in memory, he continues to meddle in the world of domestic politics.  He strategically emerges from the shadows occasionally to preen in front of his followers and to simply remind everyone that…yeah, I am still around and…yeah, I am still so very good.  He never liked America; he never respected the Constitution upon which our nation is based; and he always held himself above the standards applied to all others around him.  Obama should take the immense wealth he has politically accumulated and buy an island somewhere.  He could then be the King that he has always aspired to be.  But…I suppose he is rather content simply being the Monarch of Martha's Vineyard and continuing to serve as the puppet master of the Democrat Party.  This is “who” Obama is.  He is the perfect caricature of today’s Democrat Party.


He stands before the Democrat Party convention and says: “Well, we have a broader idea of freedom.  We believe in the freedom to provide for your family if you’re willing to work hard.  The freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water and send your kids to school without worrying if they’ll come home.  We believe that true freedom gives each of us the right to make decisions about our own life, how we worship, what our family looks like, how many kids we have, who we marry.  And we believe that freedom requires us to recognize that other people have the freedom to make choices that are different than ours.  That’s okay.”


But look closely…THIS is what he and his Party actually do: .  Those rights and freedoms that Obama and the Democrats love to bloviate about…well, that’s just fine; as long as THEY get to determine exactly what those rights and freedoms are.


Note that Obama never mentions our Constitution.  He artfully implies it is the Democrats who have come up these lofty ideals.  He and his shameless Party blatantly co-opt (adept plagiarists that they are) the ideals of our Constitution and then ladle them out before us as if it were their original thoughts.  They conveniently ignore the fact that this nation has a document…a blueprint…upon which it was established well over 200 years ago.  Our founders fought and died for that accomplishment.  That document does not need to be replaced (or in Democrat terms…aborted), evolved, mocked, or perverted to somehow reflect the personal agenda of Obama and the progressive liberals of the Democrat Party.


THIS is what the Democrat Party has become. They are unapologetic hypocrites who will say one thing, do another, look you straight in the eye and lie about it, and fully expect you to nod in agreement.  Their insatiable appetite for a colossal authoritative government drives their all-encompassing obsession to obtain political power and then, once obtained, to keep it at any cost.  You, the American voter, are nothing more than an amoeba they choose to condescend to, and…ultimately control.


The liberal/progressive element has always been certain that it knows better what is good for us than we know for ourselves.  Obama’s two Administrations prepared the way for the Biden Administration to force-feed this agenda to the American people.  This self-assuredness is certainly what led them to the extra-ordinary selection of Harris as their nominee and this convention is simply an affirmation of their certitude towards making all the right moves.  Frankly, I can see why running against Donald Trump might lead to that type of thinking.  It has worked before.


The Democrats will now deploy their entire progressive team to sell Harris/Walz to the public as the saviors of democracy; a term with which they clearly have a tenuous relationship.  The one overriding message that should come across to anyone who tracked the Democrat convention should be this: When you have been in power for over three and a half years, two of which holding clear control of the Executive AND Legislative branches, and all you can talk about is your opponent…what does that say about what you have…or have not…accomplished?  Is it not fair to surmise that many if not most of the problems you so readily complain about are problems of your own creation?  After all, you have been running the show.


It sickens me to have millionaire/billionaire Democrat politicians and celebrities pontificate on the evils of wealth and influence…while they wile away their days in their multiple homes in gated communities.  This bunch of asses have attacked Republican VP nominee Vance as being a privileged elite.  J.D. Vance was not my choice for Republican VP, but give the man the credit he deserves.  From the hills of eastern Kentucky where poverty at its worse gives a whole new meaning to depression, he pulled himself up.  He graduated from Yale; he built a successful business; he became a U.S. Senator.  Obama never worked a day in his life.  He has shifted and grifted to gain every cent he ever got.  He, or his self-righteous wife, is in no shape or form qualified to criticize anyone who has acquired anything through hard work and effort.  The Obamas, Harris, Walz, and all the other bourgeoisie Democrats do not merit consideration to even carry J.D. Vance’s briefcase.


Is it even conceivable that the Democrats can somehow disenfranchise Harris from her supporting role in the Biden/Harris Administration?  Can they really put her forward as the new ideal of Democrat leadership?  Can a person who went to high school in Quebec and grew up in Berkeley pass herself off as a member of the American proletariat?  Have they become so full of themselves and so contemptuous of the American voter that they have lost all sense of honor regarding rank hypocrisy and outright lying?  Are the older and closeted liberal/progressives, the blossoming Millennials, and the rambunctious GenZ kids who are clearly controlling the Democrat Party today so full of themselves that they are confident they can say anything, anytime, in any fashion and somehow escape accountability for the veracity of their content?  I think they have; I think they do; and I think they believe they can pull it off.  And you know…given the fact that their opponent is perhaps the only egomaniac that might actually surpass their own self-concepts…they just might do it.


It occurs to me that I may have finally solved one of my greatest political mysteries.  I have always been amazed at the degree to which many people embrace Donald Trump while fully acknowledging his many prominent character flaws.  I think the answer is that he, like no other Republican politician before him, unabashedly calls the Democrats out for exactly who they are.  He is our progressive/liberal/Democrat-slaying avatar. 


The intense dislike and frustration that I hold for Obama and today’s Democrat Party has no effective outlet; I sometimes get tired of hearing (or reading) myself constantly bitching and moaning about them.  On the other hand, Trump takes it down to the basic level and puts it all out there…diplomacy, decorum, and civilized behavior be damned.  He actually says and does what many, many people would like to.  And as imperfect as he is, he is more than content to do it.  He enjoys doing it, does it so well, and then invites us all to join in.  The invitation is hard to decline; unless, of course, you are a Democrat.  Even though I may detest the man that he sometimes is, I take perverse pleasure in him saying and doing the very things that I wish I could.  This might just be the magic ingredient that explains the Donald Trump phenomenon.


The converse is likely true for why liberal/progressive/Democrats have such a visceral, intense, organic, obsessive hatred for the man.  They can attack him…what he says and does, what he stands for…with absolutely no reservation.  No one is even remotely liable for ripping and tearing at Donald Trump!  They can say things about Trump they actually feel about conservatives in general; but they are far too cautious to openly express THOSE thoughts.  There is always the chance they might need those people somewhere down the line.  Trump?  They will never need him.


Donald Trump is the universal lightening rod for the American political system.  He is the release valve for both the right and the left.  He is the spark that can start the fire.  He is the gasoline that can enrage the flame.  He is the wind that just might spread the heat all across this country.

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