Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Shame On You, Mr. President.  What in heaven’s name is our President up to?  After a “validation re-election”, he is continuing to operate as though he will be eligible to serve a third term in office.  For God’s sake, Mr. President….quit campaigning and start governing!

Taking at face value your arguments for gun law revisions, it is nothing short of pathetic and sad to see your shameless use of children to promote your positions.  Have you really reached the point in your career of great political accomplishments where you are no longer competent to engage in a debate based on merit and substance?  Your continued manipulation of your adoring press and “three blind mice” staff is demeaning to a man of your standing.  Surely you are not concerned about what you will be doing for living after this second term?  A man of your obvious communication and social skills, accompanied by your resume, should provide you with a myriad of money-making possibilities upon retirement from the White House.  You are acting as if you must squeeze every drop of juice from your imperial position as President of this great nation.  Stop…playing…games.

May I humbly suggest that you thoughtfully discount the words of your adoring hoards and narcissistic inner workings and realize that you have not really accomplished that much so far and your time in the catbird seat is growing short.  History, as it is wont to do, will judge your performance from a healthy distance and will likely rely on facts and not rhetoric.  Even after squandering a historic opportunity to make positive and significant changes in this government during your first term, you still have a marvelous opportunity to be a bridge of reason between the two parties and do some real business in WDC.  Please…for the sake of our country and your legacy, begin to mature into a President of substance, understand that compromise is the art of good faith negotiations, and start to address the great issues of the people…national debt, chronic unemployment, the challenge of international diplomacy, entitlement reforms, and most importantly, a semblance of a return to statesmanship, effectiveness, efficiency, and bipartisanship in our government.

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