Thursday, February 7, 2013

An Era of Shame.  Webster defines an era as “a period of time having some special characteristic”.  In this instance, I am referring to the two presidential terms of Barrack Obama.    This indictment is not meant to be a comparison to a previous President; the George W. Bush administration, along with Congress, also spent money like drunken sailors and demonstrated little, if any, fiscal sanity.  Instead, I am simply observing what our nation and our government have devolved down to during the reign of Obama.

During his terms, we have seen a complete departure from fiscal responsibility; ranging from presenting ludicrous budgets to presenting no budget.  We have seen perversions of the truth, shadings of the truth, and complete falsehoods; all in the name of pursuing an agenda of bigger government.  We have witnessed, through the use of extraordinary Congressional means, and against the clear majority opinion of Americans, the passage and implementation of Obamacare.  My issue here is not the policy (although I do have some issues with that), but rather the arrogant and dictatorial fashion in which it was foisted upon the nation.  We have seen our government take sides in the emotional and explosive issue of abortion, to the point of forcing those who have sincere reservations about abortion to support it with their tax dollars and their business operations.  We have seen a President, blinded by his own ego and narcissism,  repeatedly refuse to work in a bipartisan fashion and instead play “win or lose” politics when the opportunity for “win/win” is clearly present.  We have seen our President diminish the office in which he serves by using children as political props, by savagely attacking those who have legitimate policy disagreements with him, and by consistently treating the American people in a patronizing, dishonest,  and condescending manner.

I predict that Obama, unless he becomes the bipartisan leader that he has the unique opportunity to be, will end up his two terms as one of the most unpopular presidents in our nation’s history.  That is on him.  Unfortunately, the ruin that he and his minions will leave on this nation will be on all of us, and our children, and our children’s children.

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