Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Bird in the Hand; The ??? in the Bush

OK America, there is an election coming up.  It will not be until November of 2020; but whether you realize it or not…it has already begun.  There are basically three questions that all voters will need to consider.  First, do you want the Republicans to maintain control of the Senate?  The Senate is the body of Congress that, along with the President, will determine the identity of the federal judiciary.  Secondly, do you want the Democrats to maintain control of the House?  We as Americans have developed a preference for divided government; but with the politically-poisonous environment we now have in WDC, a divided Congress simply leads us to legislative gridlock.  Some might prefer that; but I submit that changes need to be made and that requires legislation be passed.  A unified Congress at least gives us the option to vote up or down on the policies of the party in control.  That is a preferable choice to the gridlock we have watched the last two presidents deal with.  Third, do you want President Trump for another four years?  There is a literal lifetime between now and when you will cast your vote and things…important things…will likely change during that time period.  But the fundamental issues regarding the aforementioned three questions are pretty well cast in stone.  Look at the facts for yourself.  Read the following news reports and note that they come from both sides of the political aisle…liberal and conservative sources.

Do you like what you’ve got now?

By any measure you would like to choose, the U.S. economy is performing in an outstanding fashion.  It is no accident.  Trump campaigned on tax reform, fair trade deals, and less regulation.  That is what he has delivered and that is what he is continuing to pursue.   This is what it has resulted in.

Working people are finally seeing more real dollars in their paychecks.  Jobs are opportunities.  A paycheck instills pride and ambition.  The ability to financially support oneself and dependents establishes a strong foundation for the growth and development of families.

Ambitious people who want to find better employment now have greater opportunities than ever to seek those jobs; all people from all walks of life.   Working people can now aspire to fulfill their dreams and ideals…to actively seek better-paying and more fulfilling vocations.

Notwithstanding all the dire consequences trumpeted by the liberal media, the booming economy is marching forward without the dire consequences of hyper inflation.  Economic growth is truly effective when it outperforms the rate of inflation.  This is real growth.  This is gain that leads to a stronger society and a better quality of life. 

American tax rates are the envy of the world these days.  Now if we can just get Congress to handle those tax proceeds in a more responsible manner.  It is not the time to fall back to higher tax rates that will fund new spending that will, in turn, simply add depth to the already-cavernous federal deficit and debt.  It is time to establish priorities, eliminate redundancies in government, and address the needs of the people that are uniquely governmental in nature.  Leave the rest to our society.  We must begin to shrink the burgeoning beast that is our government.

Do you like what the Democratic Party is promising?

Call them what you will, the new policies being proposed by the  powerful left wing of the Democratic Party are neither free-market or capitalist oriented.  They betray the founding principles upon which this nation was formed.  They remove incentives to work hard, to be held accountable for one’s actions, and to accumulate wealth through generational efforts. 

If this is what you want, you really need to understand how it is paid for.  There is NO FREE LUNCH in this world.  There can be a legitimate debate about how our government should function…what programs it should handle and which might be left to the people.  What cannot be denied is that government has a cost and the more government you have…the higher the cost.

Every…single…Democratic Presidential candidate is being pulled leftward.  Do not be fooled by Joe Biden or anyone else; there is not a moderate in the bunch.  It is a fool’s errand to think that a presidential aspirant can run on one set of principles to obtain their party’s nomination and then do a one-eighty degree turn to a new set of policies for the general election.  Trust your instincts.  Listen to the candidates.  What you see is what you will get.

Don’t miss the next post!
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Now here are some current issues with shared blame between Democrats and Republicans that need addressing; but which party can handle them best?

This man was hired by Obama and retained by Trump.  Why and how are people like this allowed to serve in government?   Why are they even allowed to walk free among us?  Can there be any doubt whatsoever that money and raw power rules our country?

Both national parties love themselves some corporate welfare and the Ex/Im Bank delivers it in spades.  This program should be dead and buried.

No matter what they may say during campaigns, neither political party has the intestinal fortitude to actually be honest about the federal deficit and begin to address it seriously.  It is a curse that is being manifested on future generations. 

The decision in November of 2020 will be yours.  Think hard about your choices.

President Trump clearly needs to improve his Presidential image, and performance, in some regards.  His threats, his tweets, and his bombastic rhetoric do not move the WDC political needle in a positive direction.  But given the absolute improvements that we have seen over the last two years in domestic and foreign policies, I believe it is a clear choice to give Donald Trump an opportunity…at least at this point in time…to grow into a better image while continuing to implement effective policies.  Without a doubt, he has had to function during his first two years in office with the anti-Trump cabal that has literally tied one of his political arms behind his back.  Now that he is freed up, perhaps…and hopefully…we will see a more amiable, reasonable, effective, and mature President Trump in days to come. 

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