Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Restating Abortion, Mueller, and RussiaGate

There is a growing list of states that are passing what most consider extreme laws relating to abortion.  The pro-abortion states are allowing abortions up to and (some) following the delivery of a baby.  The anti-abortion states are prohibiting abortions, with varying and few exceptions, from a very early point in the pregnancy when a fetal heartbeat can be detected.  As I have stated before in my blog, this is a very emotional debate and given the sincere opinions held on either side, it can become highly irrational on occasion.  To address again a topic that is increasingly divisive and timely, I resubmit for your consideration

For those who continue in denial about whatever Mueller was investigating…get over yourselves.  Read again .  You had your best shot.  You had your anti-Trump sweetheart in the person of Mueller who was blessed with extreme adoration from all Democrats, 95 percent of the media, and the majority of non-partisan bystanders.  He whiffed.  He zoomed.  He came up with nothing.  Nada.  He was shut out, shut down, closed up, and blanked.  He had unlimited resources and an all-star team of Trump-hating lawyer mechanics.  If there was something to the Russia Collusion thing, he would have found it.  In fact, they spent well over a year knowing there was no collusion and trying to come with some way to invent it…and failed.  Volume I of his Report makes it abundantly clear that they found nothing.  NOTHING.  Volume II of his Report reads like a sour grapes fantasy of a bizarre “just because we couldn’t find it doesn’t mean it ain’t there” kind of logic.  This was your shot; your best shot.  It was clear, unobstructed, and wide open.  You came up empty.  Let it go.  You want to hate on Trump; debate him on the policies.  Stop clinging to this infantile Ahabesque pursuit of the Trumpian white whale. 

Today, Speaker Pelosi is running around the media murmuring and stuttering about the biggest cover-up in history.  There was NOTHING to cover up.  Mueller got everything he wanted for his investigation from the White House except a Presidential interview.  And on that count, the President responded, in writing, to all of the Mueller team’s questions.  Most of Mueller’s indictments were on foreigners who will never stand before a judge; and Mueller knew this.  They were simply scalps on the wall.  The others were liars and wannabe power brokers who were simply hoodwinked into legal technicalities over a crime that never occurred; certainly nothing to do with Trump/Russia collusion.  The horse is a pulp; stop beating it.  You…look…pathetic.  You want international collusion in American elections?  Look at Fusion GPS, the Steele Dossier, the Democratic National Committee, and the Hillary for President Campaign.  You want a sitting Administration actively attempting to influence the election of their successor?   Look at Obama’s.  Remember…Who was in charge when this election occurred?

Actual work needs to be done in Congress.  Our nation has some serious problems that need to be addressed.  This Democratic Obsession is bringing House business to a standstill.  It poisoned the Infrastructure talks between the President, Pelosi, and Schumer.  Immigration Reform and Border Security are critical subjects that need to be addressed.  The President has put forth a detailed proposal for some changes.  Nothing is happening while the crisis worsens.  The recent Trade Agreement that was hammered out with Canada and Mexico is awaiting House consideration.  Pelosi will not even allow the bill to come to the floor for discussion.  Congressional support for this agreement would greatly increase the leverage that the US has in the ongoing China trade talks.  Once again…these trade talks are critical and time is of the essence.  Even National Security is taking a hit from this Democratic diversion.   Administration defense officials could not even update Congressional personnel without the meeting being poisoned by investigative questions and interruptions.  This meeting was dealing primarily with Iran and the ongoing tensions the US is having with that rogue nation in the Middle East.  The Democrats in the House are fiddling while the American legislative process burns.  The solution to this problem is the ballot box. 

A fair question to ask: What is the difference between the current Democratic House incessant investigations into the Trump Administration and the past Republican House incessant investigations into the Obama Administration?  All things being equal; there is no difference.  But all things are not equal.  There was no Special Counsel with carte blanche and unlimited resources spending two years investigating every nook and cranny of Obama’s Administration.  But that is exactly what we have had with the Mueller investigation.  And that is enough. 

Update: A valuable addition from a lifelong Democrat

Don’t miss the next post!
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As for the actual international collusion that Mueller chose not to investigate; let us consider what Obama’s small band of overzealous bureaucrats have engaged in.  As the onion is slowly peeled and the carefully guarded secrets begin to unravel, the what happened is becoming more obvious as each day passes.  Soon the focus will turn to the how it happened and the why it happened.  And of course, it will be exceedingly delicious to finally discover who made it happen.  A good read on these developments is found from Sharyl Attkisson.  This lady knows a thing or two about the abuse of power in the DOJ, having been a victim of it herself.

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