Friday, April 5, 2013

Perhaps They Are Afraid of What They Might Hear?  Even after all of the foolishness that we have seen out of this government (all three branches!) over the last decade or so, there are still occasions where I am amazed at the brazen cluelessness or shamelessness that Congress exhibits.  Specifically addressing the Schumer/Rubio drama on immigration reform, I pose the very simple question: Why in hell would they NOT want to hold hearings on this potential life-changing legislation?
If we have learned nothing over the past several years, it should be that sometimes no legislation is the best legislation and, at a minimum, careful thought and deliberation should take place before ever signing legislation into law.  The poster child for this principle is Obamacare; which famously had to be passed before we could discover what was in it.  Well, it has passed and we are discovering (much to our chagrin).  To a lesser degree, we are seeing the same drama play out in the arena of gun control; specifically, people with no earthly idea of what they are talking about entertaining the thoughts of passing monumental legislation that will hugely impact our society.  Isn’t  it time for legislation to be passed by the orderly process of the House or Senate and not by the political product of a “Gang of Eight…or Ten….or Six….or Twelve….”
Much as I addressed the two choices facing the Republican Party in my last post, this situation presenst Rubio with a very revealing decision.  As had been speculated on by minds far greater than mine, Rubio may have reached the point where appearing to want immigration reform legislation and failing in the process is superior to actually passing immigration that is not completely satisfactory.  Whatever the decision Mr. Rubio makes and how this influences his stock as a future presidential candidate is not my point.  My point is that our Congress has clearily, unequivocally, and in the most transparent fashion imaginable, demonstrated their inability to write legislation with any kind of forethought or anticipation of how it will collaterally impact our country.  The whole purpose of hearings is to address this particular area.  For heaven’s sake, HOLD THE HEARINGS!  Have the debate, line up the Dem witnesses and line up the Repub witnesses, go through the circus atmosphere of bloviating from elected officials with elevated opinions of their self-importance.  But the overarching point is this: TALK about what you are doing and how it might IMPACT the people of this nation. 
How long have we waited for serious immigration reform?  Is it not wise to take a few more weeks, listen to the people who actually deal with immigration issues on a daily basis, and try to get this thing right BEFORE passing it into law?  WHY ARE WE EVEN HAVING THIS DISCUSSION!

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