Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What Is Driving Racism?

What Is Driving Racism?  To honestly seek an answer to this question, we must first ask another, or subsequent, question: Who profits from racism?  The answer to the first question has now gotten immensely more difficult to ascertain because the answer to the second is limitless.

Let us start the list.  Our President counted on, and courted, racism to get elected and continues to do so to maintain authority.  Capitol Hill is populated with elected and appointed officials who stoke the fires of racism to maintain vitality in their supporters and thereby remain in office.  The “Hip Hop” culture nourishes racism in order to make tremendous profit from commercial successes.  The media fans the flames of racism in order to attract viewers and sell air time for commercials.  Sharpton, Jackson and other such characters live eat, and breathe racism so they can….well…so they can continue to live, eat, and breathe.   The faculty of our country’s secondary educational institutions continues to focus on racism in order to appease their innermost liberal tendencies; to keep that “warm and fuzzy” feeling glowing inside.    Bigots of all colors continue to espouse hate and venom because they feel threatened by diversity and change; they like things just the way they are.    

The plain and simple fact is that there are premiums to be gained by keeping racism strong and healthy in our society.  All people, black and white and brown and yellow, are born with a tendency to join with people like themselves.  It is life that teaches us that all men are created equal and there are good and bad among all groups.  It is life that demonstrates the character of a person lies within and not without.  It is life that will give us all the opportunity to live, love, and enjoy a diversity of people in our lives rather than live in a secluded and lonely world.  It is the people who are gleaning the premiums, the ones who use racism as a tool or device, the ones who sell themselves as martyrs for the cause when the cause is nothing but themselves…these are the people who keep the seething, hateful anger and resentment of racism alive and well in our society. 

Until we as a people stand up and stop delivering the premiums, these people will continue to be successful.  The answer lays within each us.

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