Thursday, July 25, 2013

Just Do Your Job.

Just Do Your Job.  A short “shout out” edition of CenterlineRight; going out to all those wonderful public officials who forgot exactly why they are called public officials.

To Baucas and Hatch:  This is so incredibly ridiculous that it tests our belief.  It has apparently become so difficult and dangerous to offer fundamentally good ideas for legislation that these two have offered “50 years of secrecy” to Senators who submit proposals for tax reform.  Where do I begin….In most universes, one would want their efforts to actually perform the job to which they were elected to be a matter of public record.  Only in the bizarro world of the U.S. Senate do they wish to perform their necessary work in secret, afraid that voters might find out that they are actually trying to do something that really makes sense.

To Eric Holder:  So many issues for America’s leading law enforcement agent to pursue and so little time; and yet, he still manages to somehow ignore the fires and continue the fiddling.  Now, in all of his infinite wisdom, he has determined that Texas should not exercise its fundamental right to conduct its own electoral business (within constitutional parameters) and they should first submit any changes to that process to him for review before implementation.  Judging from his record as Attorney General and how he has managed the legal affairs of various federal departments and agencies, is this a good idea.   NOT!!!!!

To President Obama: Having graduated from throwing his political appointees under the bus to throwing entire cities (Detroit anyone??) under the bus, the President has once again demonstrated that he has forgotten not only that he is not running for re-election (sorry, two terms of incompetence is at least one too many) but also that he has now been president for four and a half years.  Lecturing us once again about class warfare, he raises the specter of phony scandals (really...phony?), Republican intransigence (Dem control in the White House and Senate anyone?), and once again beating the long-dead cow of “the economy”.   Own it, Barrack; the only economic activity going on these days is the artificial pumping being performed by you and Congress and the props being manufactured wholesale by Ben and the Fed.  Like the Spanish train, we are going way too fast with our priming when we consider the condition of the rails on which we are running. 

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