Friday, August 2, 2013

The Stench Is Spreading.

The Stench Is Spreading.  Every week seems to bring another wrinkle or two to the “phony” scandals that are plaguing the Obama administration.  It now seems quite likely that not only will this administration go down in history as one of the most incompetent, but will also be known as one of the most corrupt.  Its penchant for finding new and novel ways to abuse the authorities vested in it clearly demonstrates that this Administration shows no shame in its pursuit of its agenda.

Two recent developments can now be added to their “hall of shame”.  First, it is now being revealed to the public that CIA personnel who had intimate knowledge of exactly what happened in the Benghazi travesty are being intimidated into silence.  That intimidation is taking place in the form of polygraphs to insure no leakage of information, forced signings of non-disclosure agreements, and threats to their career tenure.  The only plausible explanation for this type of behavior by the Administration would be to do so in the course of protecting national security information.  However, if that were in fact the case, the Administration would have been up front and center long ago making such a claim; that never happened.   What is being hidden?

In an additional peek under the covers of this Administration, it is being reported that the infamous Ms. Lerner of IRS fame has now been leaking confidential information to her friends at the FEC, where she used to hang her shingle.  Of particular interest is the fact that she not only releases this information in an improper fashion, but she does so on a selective basis targeting conservative groups in the process.  I find it also very interesting (the next domino to fall?) that some of these improper targeting of conservative groups by the IRS also involved referrals to Mr. Holder and his crack team at DOJ.  Of particular note is the fact that the effort to “deal” with some of these referred organizations by the FEC plowed through not one, not two, but three actual reports.  That is the kind of determined effort we need by the Administration to deal with our abysmal economy; not with the abuse of government authority.  This “playhouse mentality” of Obama and members of his administration should alarm every citizen of this great nation, regardless of party affiliation.  Will no democrat stand up and be counted?  At what point does the silence condemn them as co-conspirators?

Here is the really scary part of this whole deal: This Administration has another 3+ years to pull these stunts.  They have demonstrated absolute disdain for Congressional oversight, delaying and sometimes ignoring requests for information.  This disdain appears to run equally against members of their own party as well as the opposing party.  They show absolutely no shame when they are called on their escapades by the press; even considering that it happens so rarely.  In fact, one can fairly speculate that the urgency of their corruptive activities is escalating as they see their time in office diminishing.  Given the obvious intelligence and cunning of many in this Administration, coupled with their obvious lack of ethics and shame, it is truly frightening to see how filthy the executive branch of this government will be the day they leave office.

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