Friday, August 30, 2013

Stay The Hell Out Of Syria.

Stay The Hell Out Of Syria.  I have always said that when times are good, we get by just fine with poor and/or weak leaders; this country is strong enough to heal itself.  However, when times are tough, we need the type of leaders that can inspire, motivate, and make decisions; President Obama is not that type of leader.

Over the last few decades, through Republican and Democrat presidents, we have squandered the blood of our youth on Middle East causes that were sold to us as worthy and noble.    For one who has never fought in uniform or lost children to that cause, it may be cheap for me to make this call…but ENOUGH!  Stop the madness.  If America thinks a particular faction is the right one to rule a nation, then give them money, give them weapons, give them political cover, but do not give them our future.  The USA is not the epicenter of the globe any longer and we are certainly not in charge of policing for hall passes.

Our President has clearly demonstrated his incompetence to serve in the office to which he was elected; do we really want that proof to be extended to war time?  His penchant for using domestic affairs as grist for a term paper and foreign affairs as a means for apology will not serve us well if things in Syria do not go as planned…and they will not.  Is the use of chemical weapons despicable and immoral?  Yes, of course it is.  So is severing limbs from a living body with a musket ball.  So is the use of an IED to maim and destroy the human body.  So are the rape, torture, and slow death of invading hordes filled with ethnic hate and venom.  Whether it is waged with ball bats or chemical weapons, war is hell.  To attempt to quantify the degree of hell by examining the type of weapons used for the resultant destruction could easily be viewed as idiotic.

There are things in this world that America cannot control.  There are opportunities for America to influence foreign affairs in a manner that is calculated to work out in our best interest.  When our leaders choose not to influence or to influence in a counter-productive fashion, the final card in our hand should not be to bludgeon, burn, preach, bloviate, and leave our lifeblood on foreign soil. 

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