Wednesday, September 4, 2013

You Cannot Lose What You Do Not Have.

You Cannot Lose What You Do Not Have.  Following the ongoing discussion about whether or not Congress should support President Obama in a military strike on Syria, it appears to me that it comes down to one central point: Be he right or be he wrong, he is our president and we must therefore support him; to do otherwise will damage the credibility of our leader and our nation.  Say what?

Is there anyone out there, other than Eric Holder/Valerie Jarrett, who actually believes that our president has any credibility?  No Republican takes him seriously.  No Democrat takes him seriously, even though they will not publicly acknowledge this.  The nations of the world laugh at him…and not behind his back.  Putin treats him with such disdain that it is embarrassing.  The leaders of Middle Eastern Arab countries do not respect him, fear him, or even understand what he is trying to do.  Israel gave up on him long ago and, like the rest of us, is simply biding its time (hoping they have enough time) until he is gone and there is a new sheriff to deal with; someone perhaps a bit more competent.  After four plus years of weasel diplomacy, there is no respect for America or our president left out there; so what exactly do we have to lose?

Mr. Senator or Mr. Representative…if you have a fundamental belief that a military strike against Syria will in some form or fashion serve the national interest of our nation in a positive way, then by all means support this resolution.  But by all that is holy, do not do so simply because our president let his ass overload his mouth, painted himself and this nation in a corner, and is now seeking cover to wiggle his way out.  Do not let a string of bad decisions lead us into making another, much worse decision that holds the potential to take us into great harm and jeopardy.  Is it a bad thing for our country to be perceived by the world as split apart because our Congress will not support our president?  Yes, of course it is.  The only thing worse would be for our country to intervene where it has no security interest and put at risk the lives of our soldiers and other innocents, all because our leader is foolish enough to play fast and loose with his rhetoric, is too incompetent to play like an adult on the world stage, and too arrogant to admit when he has screwed up royally.

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